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Coach Mike Woodson Megathread

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6 minutes ago, DC2345 said:

That's why I'm really confused. The Pearl stuff was coming from Dolson's side of things and there were some people from Pearls side as well. Things got louder earlier on Wednesday and then the leak happened Wednesday night. Since then things have gotten quiet. That's why I'm not entirely sure this is a done deal but I do think that some people got told to shut the **** up. 

What I can’t grasp is by coming out in support of Woodson you’re saying “we trust he’s the man for the job.”


That puts your neck on the line with him. Even more so.

Why??? Why do that??

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4 minutes ago, DC2345 said:

That's why I'm really confused. The Pearl stuff was coming from Dolson's side of things and there were some people from Pearls side as well. Things got louder earlier on Wednesday and then the leak happened Wednesday night. Since then things have gotten quiet. That's why I'm not entirely sure this is a done deal but I do think that some people got told to shut the **** up. 

Looking at the situation as a whole it makes sense for both sides to be quiet/being told to be quiet, but then trilly going adds even more intrigue. 

While I understand if Woodson gets another year, without having resources anymore and knowing what’s truly going on, I feel the writing is on the wall that it’s not going to work out and changes are wanting to be made. However, there’s just a lot of issues on all sides making this such a weird fiasco. 

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3 minutes ago, kyhoosier29 said:

Wonder if maybe Liam was just told that CMW was retiring at year end regardless of what’s been leaked. And maybe that’s why he wanted out. 🙏😂 

Doubtful, but you never know. If they do in fact change, I hope they do it swiftly. I’m usually one who is calm and collected, but this could get very ugly the longer it goes.

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46 minutes ago, IU Scott said:

I am surprised that about the only person I'm the media who is backing Woodson is DD. He was ripping the media for trying ask questions about Liam because no coach will tell reporters what actually happened. He was making fun of Liam and the pictures of him in his candy stripes and the call me signal.

He wants IU to get away from soft players and bring actual tough guys in and be men I stead of little kids.


Do you really think DD gives 2 shits about IU. DD will say the sky is blue if everyone else says its not, tomorrow everyone will say the shy is blue and DD will say its not. He is the master of talking out of both sides of his mouth. If everyone is praising Woodson he is ripping him a part, if everyone is ripping Woodson DD is ball licking him.

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4 minutes ago, DC2345 said:

That's why I'm really confused. The Pearl stuff was coming from Dolson's side of things and there were some people from Pearls side as well. Things got louder earlier on Wednesday and then the leak happened Wednesday night. Since then things have gotten quiet. That's why I'm not entirely sure this is a done deal but I do think that some people got told to shut the **** up. 

I was gonna say this a while ago when a lot of fans went to Twitter to talk about Pearl to IU but I would be happy if no more info came out there. If any of this were true, I would prefer Auburn be in the dark as much as possible so Dolson can lock in a deal and prevent Auburn from countering with whatever he wants. 

Who knows, maybe Dolson is doing what he did with the football coaching search and has a great pick lined up but tosses a couple names out there to throw off the scent of what he’s really going for. Not sure we get Coach Cig if other programs knew he was available for talks.

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1 minute ago, BADGERVOL said:

What I can’t grasp is by coming out in support of Woodson you’re saying “we trust he’s the man for the job.”


That puts your neck on the line with him. Even more so.

Why??? Why do that??

I'm sure some students will try to smuggle in "Please Retire, Coach Woodson!" signs to the game Sunday.

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1 minute ago, IUfaninIllinois said:

I understand and truly respect where you’re coming from but how he is acting and ruining this team absolutely deserves the extreme but just my personal opinion and completely understand anyone who thinks otherwise.

I’m sorry but anyone who gives as little effort as they do for a job while collecting that level of pay deserves any pressure they get. Period.

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14 minutes ago, IU Scott said:

I know you have to keep in contact but to me it sad that you still have to coddle recruits after they sign with your school.

I find it sad some adults are lazy at their job. 

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1 hour ago, RoadToZion said:

Outside of message boards and social media. There’s a massive divide right now internally. Woodson has to step down. We could be looking at 10 wins next year if there’s not a change.

That to me is obvious. The BOT and alumni association isn’t on the same page as the athletic department. 2 camps this week putting nuggets out to the usual suspects. It’s painful to watch. The other problem is there are to many leaks in the closed meetings. To many yes men. Too much nepotism and buddy’s running around. Toxic environment all around. Same problem different decade. Unreal.

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Just now, KoB2011 said:

I'm not sure how I feel about booing Woodson during senior day festives, but I do know respect is a two way street and he certainly hasn't earned it with the lack of transparency and arrogance he's been using. 

I don't like it but outside of nobody showing up I do believe it's the only way to send a message to the athletic department. That and some interesting chants that I think should be directed Buckner and company. 

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1 hour ago, Artesian_86 said:

....this IS the overlying issue! He so wants to be the guy that bridged the gap between the old and the new as well as being a former Coach Knight stud bring relevance back to IU again. I know deep down inside this is what his dream is to do, but it is not going to happen, that ship has sailed...... 

It's been said over and over again, but this is truly a "dead man walking" situation if this ship isn't righted.


How can you be a gap if you haven’t laid a foundation to work hard on.

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10 minutes ago, IU Scott said:

These players are entitled and soft. I would love for IU to start recruiting tough minded players who are just about winning.

Agreed. I mentioned in another thread that while I think every kid on the roster is a good kid, they aren't tough minded, save for Gallo, Walker, and Cupps. Compare the toughness (not talent) of our roster against Wisky's, PU's, Rutgers, KU, Auburn, and on and on, and ours stinks in comparison.

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Just now, DC2345 said:

I don't like it but outside of nobody showing up I do believe it's the only way to send a message to the athletic department. That and some interesting chants that I think should be directed Buckner and company. 

I would love for someone to sit right behind Buckner at a Pacers game with some creative signs. 

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1 hour ago, RoadToZion said:

Outside of message boards and social media. There’s a massive divide right now internally. Woodson has to step down. We could be looking at 10 wins next year if there’s not a change.

I dunno....10 wins with kids that were the best player on their intermural team the year before seems like a damn good coaching job to me. 🤷‍♂️

Also, aparently there is a thing called "Sprint Football" (no players over 185lbs) in the NCAA....is there a 6ft n under league we could get in next year?  Just tell Sparks to slouch. 

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1 hour ago, DC2345 said:

Trilly has been asked multiple times to explain what happened on Wednesday and he continues to ignore it after he said he would tell everyone. Typically if Trilly knows something he's not afraid to say it. 

I’m kind of tired of Trilly. He’s been wrong on IU a lot. He/they are starting to use people for paid content. 

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1 minute ago, Victobmyboy said:

I’m kind of tired of Trilly. He’s been wrong on IU a lot. He/they are starting to use people for paid content. 

Trilly is more than one person fyi. And he never said woody was gone. He’s just said IF he were gone a lot of times.

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Just now, Andrew said:

Trilly is more than one person fyi. And he never said woody was gone. He’s just said IF he were gone a lot of times.

Notice I said he/they? Trilly wasn’t just wrong on this one he/she/they are baiting. Trilly is starting to get clickbaitish. More so lately since the discord started. 

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21 minutes ago, BADGERVOL said:

What I can’t grasp is by coming out in support of Woodson you’re saying “we trust he’s the man for the job.”


That puts your neck on the line with him. Even more so.

Why??? Why do that??

I don’t know how much clarity this will bring but I’ll give it a shot. I’m at a point in my career where my position of leadership has its limitations. I’m responsible for every transaction of every product that my company sends out. I’m basically the last person to sign off on any and every shipment that leaves our facility. I work for a large global manufacturer. That being said, I still have to answer to stock holders and a few others that control or sway my decisions. Although I may have the ability to make some changes from within to improve my company’s bottom line, I still need approval from those who hold large shares before making any decisions that could positively impact our situation. While it’s a completely different situation, I can understand Dolson being cuffed right here. He may want better for the university, but he may not be able to act on his own accord, which is often the case. 

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51 minutes ago, btownqb said:

Then win games!!!!!!! They have the power to silence everything.  

If we'd be bringing in the type of recruiting class we should have, if '25 looked promising, if CMW would just ONCE take ANY sort of responsibility and not sound absurdly candied when he did... I'd be on here defending him. 

Nope. He and Buckner get no more blind trust. 

I'm not for advocating Woodson be the coach next year. The product on the floor and the lack of recruiting speaks for itself.

I feel quite the opposite.  But, some of the stories coming out on social media are  rivaling the 'Crean clogged toilet' level of absurdity.  

And, I think (my opinion) that people who know NOTHING about how the decisions are really being made are grasping onto the Buckner/Woodson thing, embellishing a lot of the details, if not even going to tu he level of making some of the stuff up, just so they can be 'heard' on social media.

Edited by 5fouls
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2 minutes ago, 5fouls said:

I'm not for advocating Woodson be the coach next year. The product on the floor and the lack of recruiting speaks for itself.

I feel quite the opposite.  But, some of the stories coming out on social media are  rivaling the 'Crean clogged toilet' level of absurdity.  

And, I think (my opinion) that people who know NOTHING about how the decisions are really being made are grasping onto the Buckner/Woodson thing, embellishing a lot of the details, if not even going to tu he level of making some of the stuff up, just so they can be 'heard' on social media.

Undoubtedly, but at the same time, is that surprising, at this juncture? 

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