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Potential replacement coaches

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1 hour ago, BADGERVOL said:

Well golly I’m gonna chime in. I’m a full time youth minister. Head coach of XC and Track at a pretty big D1 HS here in WI for 16 years. I had over a couple dozen come to know the Lord and to this day are actively serving Christ literally around the world. I had MANY families who were far from Christian and learned I loved them, cared for their kids, but heck I was a MINISTER, not like everyone didn’t know my faith was THE most important thing to me. 

BUT in 16 years as a coach the school never got a call about me and my faith being crammed down anyone’s throats, or me trying to “get kids to come to my youth mtgs” or trying to do anything “religious” at practice.

Yet over two dozen became Christians who before weren’t... 🤔 

Did I preach at practice? No. Did I lead a team Bible Study that was voluntary? No. Did I pray with kids or around kids? No. Then how?

Answer: Matthew 10:16 and 1 Peter 3:15-16

You can coach and be faithful to Christ and not draw attention to yourself.


Thanks for sharing this.  You should be proud of the youngsters as well as yourself.  Kids need a platform to faith, most don’t get it.  Thanks again for sharing this, God Bless!

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4 minutes ago, hoosier_exotics said:

TJD cuts a deal with the administration.  He comes back only if CAM is here.  CAM gets his full roster next season, makes a deep run and we right this sinking ship...  totally joking, or am I??!!  🤔 Deja vu '02


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8 minutes ago, hoosier_exotics said:

TJD cuts a deal with the administration.  He comes back only if CAM is here.  CAM gets his full roster next season, makes a deep run and we right this sinking ship...  totally joking, or am I??!!  🤔 Deja vu '02

Sounds like Jimmy Chitwood, coach goes I go, coach stays I'll play

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23 hours ago, unexpectedflash said:

Thanks for sharing this link. TBH I’ve basically ignored him in the past because I’ve seen him as the slick, sleazy type.  So, I’m not knowledgeable about how his teams play.  

It’s good to get a good read on his D.  I’m not a coach but it actually sounds well devised.  He also likes length all over.   

With Forde putting his article out there, it kind of gets into the consciousness of fans because he’s in the loop on college sports.  

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18 hours ago, IU Scott said:

Don't see a problem with that quote

When asked about how he has galvanized his team, Drew made an interesting comment, saying that, “We might not win games and I might be a horrible coach, but if any of these guys leave Baylor without knowing Allah, that will be the real loss.”


Do you see the problem now, @IU Scott

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On 2/27/2021 at 7:00 PM, BobSaccamanno said:

I’m warming up to Drew.  He can obviously recruit.  I want to watch them down the stretch to get a handle on how his teams play. But he’s proven himself in P5 basketball.  

But the larger point is that there are plenty of very good possibilities for IU.  It’s really about the administration and what they are willing to do.  Dolson knows where the bodies are buried in terms of what we can fix to make the job more attractive.  He should have a plan to show a name coach how IU is changing and will be built to win going forward in terms of (a) generating money via marketing plans for players which will be a boon for recruiting, (b) compliance to help the team and not following a hyper regulatory environment, (c) facilities to be enhanced, (d) assistant salaries, (e) recruiting budgets, (f) flexibility on roster management (Crean’s recruits foisted on him by Glass, meaning we couldn’t take McKinley Wright; that move alone might cost Archie his job).  etc. 

Then you decide that money will not be the obstacle preventing you from getting a guy.  Think like you’re Kentucky.  Kansas and UNC do what it takes to right the ship. IU hasn’t been that school   But....

There are people who mock IU fans for thinking they might get a name coach.  Just ignore anyone who speaks definitively. They have no bleeping idea what the Board might do differently that they haven’t done before.  Anybody who speaks definitively is the one who should be mocked. 

The assumption might be IU hasn’t learned any lessons and might just do the Archie thing again. But there is much more scrutiny and public pressure for the slapstick level idiocies of the administration’s actions in the past. Basketball ineptitude might be seen as an aggravation now that they want to fix to avoid the distraction. Who knows, maybe Dolson will be a better steward who can pitch better than Fred.  Show the Board how IU hoops is a crown jewel that will bring in $$$$ via donations from giddy alumni as well as increased interest in student applications.  IU has doctors, MBA’s, lawyers etc all around the country and a lot of them can drop $5k or $10k to IU if they felt like it.  Out of state high school kids might notice IU more and then see that IU is really good for business or music or whatever their interests are.

Now if the administration is determined to be an obstacle then sure we might hire the next flavor of the month from the mid majors.  But this time the rage from the alumni will be palpable. 

There are plenty of good coaches out there. It only takes one to pop for IU. 

Thad Matta averaged 28 wins over a ten year period and went to final fours and elite eights like it was nothing. 

Scott Drew is from Indiana and has been recruiting well and winning at Baylor. 

Chris Beard comes off Bob Knight’s tree and knows Pat Knight as well, who knows Dolson. 

Brad Stevens.  Probably a long shot but NBA coaches have a shelf life for the most part. It just gets stale.  He is from Indiana so it’s natural. 

Eric Musselman. Great resume.  Coached in the NBA under some top guys.  Coaching lifer.  Killed it at Nevada. 

John Beilein. Getting older and have to get past the Cleveland incident. 

Ignore anyone who claims to know for a fact that none of those will happen. It is just noise.  Dolson might even believe something but the Board can direct him elsewhere and that hasn’t happened yet. So there is no definitive answer to anything yet.  


Please email these points to Dolson, or give permission to someone to do so if you don't want to yourself.

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1 minute ago, KoB2011 said:

When asked about how he has galvanized his team, Drew made an interesting comment, saying that, “We might not win games and I might be a horrible coach, but if any of these guys leave Baylor without knowing Allah, that will be the real loss.”


Do you see the problem now, @IU Scott

I do get your point. A lot of Christians talk out of both sides of their mouths, not saying Scott is. But many do. 

I don’t think a coach should be evangelizing during practice and what not, but I certainly don’t think he/she shouldn’t be allowed to answer questions about what they think on anything, and I don’t think they should be prevented from talking about their faith or beliefs even with players and their families off the clock so to speak.

What’s tough is “what’s off the clock?” That was my trick as a coach. I found places to draw lines that I felt were fair to all involved. Apparently those lines worked. My overall opinion is that more Christians coaches could have the same impact they’re having by being more nuanced about their methods.

Theres a balance in there somewhere between freedoms of speech and religion with doing your job and staying on task with what you’re being paid to do. IMO

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16 hours ago, hoosier_exotics said:

TJD cuts a deal with the administration.  He comes back only if CAM is here.  CAM gets his full roster next season, makes a deep run and we right this sinking ship...  totally joking, or am I??!!  🤔 Deja vu '02

That's the plan I'm going with factoring in everything. At least at this point. Very, very important week for IU.

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He idea of Drew is warming up with me. If what someone said is true, about him making some changes defensively in the past few years, those changes could be showing themselves in the product we see now. 

I believe the hot bed for talent in our state and surrounding area is much better than in Texas. If he can recruit well here...he can succeed at a higher level than at Baylor. I believe “upside” is there with him even from where he’s at. 

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Just now, BADGERVOL said:

He idea of Drew is warming up with me. If what someone said is true, about him making some changes defensively in the past few years, those changes could be showing themselves in the product we see now. 

I believe the hot bed for talent in our state and surrounding area is much better than in Texas. If he can recruit well here...he can succeed at a higher level than at Baylor. I believe “upside” is there with him even from where he’s at. 

I think Texas has a lot of basketball talent and I think they have ad many tip 100 players than any other state.

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2 minutes ago, BADGERVOL said:

I do get your point. A lot of Christians talk out of both sides of their mouths, not saying Scott is. But many do. 

I don’t think a coach should be evangelizing during practice and what not, but I certainly don’t think he/she shouldn’t be allowed to answer questions about what they think on anything, and I don’t think they should be prevented from talking about their faith or beliefs even with players and their families off the clock so to speak.

What’s tough is “what’s off the clock?” That was my trick as a coach. I found places to draw lines that I felt were fair to all involved. Apparently those lines worked. My overall opinion is that more Christians coaches could have the same impact they’re having by being more nuanced about their methods.

Theres a balance in there somewhere between freedoms of speech and religion with doing your job and staying on task with what you’re being paid to do. IMO

It's a very tricky balance, especially for those in leadership position. I tend to think when in doubt on if you're crossing that line you should step back. 

With regard to what Scott Drew said, and this doesn't make me not want him as a candidate FWIW, I have a real problem with him essentially saying the ultimate goal of him coaching is the evangelize his players. 

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1 minute ago, KoB2011 said:

It's a very tricky balance, especially for those in leadership position. I tend to think when in doubt on if you're crossing that line you should step back. 

With regard to what Scott Drew said, and this doesn't make me not want him as a candidate FWIW, I have a real problem with him essentially saying the ultimate goal of him coaching is the evangelize his players. 

He saying that because as a Christian that is what your supposed to do

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6 minutes ago, KoB2011 said:

It's a very tricky balance, especially for those in leadership position.

3 discussions I absolutely will not have with subordinates...Race, religion, politics...

And I've had to break up more than 1 spat between employees when they get in those discussions...

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5 minutes ago, IU Scott said:

He saying that because as a Christian that is what your supposed to do

Yes, I'm well aware. And he is a coach at Baylor so you can argue that's what he is supposed to do, but if he came to IU then a quote like that should never be uttered or thought. 

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Just now, IUFLA said:

3 discussions I absolutely will not have with subordinates...Race, religion, politics...

And I've had to break up more than 1 spat between employees when they get in those discussions...

Well done! It is absolutely not someone in a place of leaderships position to get involved in those things. 

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Just now, KoB2011 said:

Yes, I'm well aware. And he is a coach at Baylor so you can argue that's what he is supposed to do, but if he came to IU then a quote like that should never be uttered or thought. 

Why? It doesn't appear it is hurting his on the court performance

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3 minutes ago, cybergates said:

Baptist school with a stated mission of bringing people to Christ vs. state school with no such mission

Like I said I think one of the reasons he would turn us down is about his faith and because Baylor is a faith based University

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3 minutes ago, Artesian_86 said:

Realistically....Have there been ANY grumblings, talks or discussions between Dolson and trustees/donors? Dolson’s email and phone has got to be burning up. We all know many IU fans have sent the personal emails to to him. 

Dolson's Spam folder is bulging ;) 

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5 minutes ago, Artesian_86 said:

Realistically....Have there been ANY grumblings, talks or discussions between Dolson and trustees/donors? Dolson’s email and phone has got to be burning up. We all know many IU fans have sent the personal emails to to him. 

There is no way of anyone knowing the answer to that.  It seems like fans are emailing Dolson and the BOT.  Also there have been more articles written and people on podcast are calling for Archie to be let go.

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