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40 minutes ago, 3Ballin said:

If you REEAAALLLLY want to cherry pick a time frame, Tom Pritchard was one of the greatest leapers IU has ever seen because of that one dunk vs. Minnesota.  But in reality it was just one "HOLY CRAP!!" moment not something that had any evidence of being sustained over a long period of time.

Smith getting hot from 3 agaisnt MSU was another blip in time "whoa!" moment that nobody expected or even had any evidence could happen again.

With Hunter, his long term shooting stats say ehhh 😒, but there is evidence that 😃 is a real possiblity.  I dont think he is going to our microwave off the bench.  I think hes guna have to have floor time and play thru some Homer Simpson moments.  I know fouling guys on a 3 is a killer, but at least he got close enough to them for the ref to think he touched them.  That isnt always the case with some of our guys.  Hell, nobody in the history of IU baskeball fouled more 3 pt shooters than VO, but it was because he was being agressive and while we were screaming "NOOOOO" everytime he did it, we loved him for it.  

I mean...Pritchard did cause Quinn Buckner to have a stroke mid sentence...


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8 hours ago, bluegrassIU said:

A win is a win!

Sorry @NCHoosier32 , I just had to.  😁

hey!  no problem here!  would much rather win ugly than have a moral victory in a loss.  there's always hope.  this game didn't give me any more confidence that we'll win many, but we live for the next game!  let's hope the right teams beat up on each other and that i'm wrong about upsets that we can pull!

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i think we need to expect the highs and lows of this team.  we are what we are.  not terrible.  not great.  still think the absolute most i can see this group winning in this conference is 6-8.  i'm hoping the right teams beat up on each other and that puts us as high as possible in the conference finish.  i agree with BGleas that our defense is good enough to keep us in most games if nothing else.  i like that a lot.  i thought and hoped Arch would bring that.  i actually disagree with everyone about we need to keep shooting the 3s.  i mean sure, you can't shoot absolutely none, but i contend that 22 in a game where you hit 4 is just too many.  it was apparent that we weren't hitting.  take higher % shots.  like BGleas said, the ball movement is better.  we don't look selfish like the last couple years.  we look good when we move it and get good closer shots.  i think people get a little too high on Race and Trey sometimes, but i like them both a lot.  great game by Race, Trey not so much.  if Franklin is out, it's gonna be tough.  if it sets him back it's gonna be really tough.  still shocked that Lander never sees the floor in the 2nd half, but dang, he doesn't look ready.  i can't take Hunter.  as much as i think this team needs offense and can stand to have a weaker defender on the floor to help, that was ridiculous.  fouled the 3 point shooter twice and committed a foul late in the game with the clock stopped to give them a 1 and 1.  could have cost 8 huge points and he scored 6 on 2-6 shooting.  no thanks.  hey, MD beat Wisc at Wisc.  let's do it!

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One thing that is often overlooked is that our defense on free throws continues to be outstanding.  Not sure if it's our positioning, intimidation, or the air conditioning.  But, opponents can't seem to shoot free throws against us.   Maryland only 8-15 from the line.  Gonna have to step it up though against Wisky on Thursday.  

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After sleeping on it...

I think Jerome Hunter is getting more minutes because of some of the toughness he's displayed the past few games. I mentioned it against PSU, but Jerome got in there and mixed it up. His defensive woes, in my estimation, are more a product of his physical limitations (lateral quickness, strength)  than effort. I think CAM sees that and is letting him play through some of the mistakes, rather than yanking him at the first one (or second one taking into account the fouling of a 3 pt shooter twice in a short time). 

And I think @Hoosierhoopster argument needs to be taken more in context. People want to call it "cherry picking" but it's not...it's trending. The hang up he and I had was more to do with the word "inconsistent" than anything. Toward the end of last year, Jerome was indeed trending up...And right now, he's 2nd on the team in 3 point percentage at 35%. I think Jerome will improve his shooting with increased time and confidence, but he has to continue to show that fight. Some of the defensive issues we'll just have to live with.

I think Leal and Geronimo got more time because we were having problems with Maryland's back court length. Rob can guard bigger guys because he uses his body and enormous strength to keep them off balance. But Trey and Al were having issues with their guards (all of whom are 6'5 or better). Anthony especially came in a gave good minutes. His fronting/tip away on the switch when one of their big kids tried to post him up was great. I would like to see him start taking/making open looks, but that will come. Khristian is only 6'2 so he was going to have issues with them as well...Plus, you can tell he's trying to over compensate for the speed of the game, Slow down, kiddo...it'll come to you. The other thing I liked was how engaged he was on the bench...I don't think he's down/discouraged at all...He's a good kid that wants to win...Of course he wants to contribute, but his day will come...

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I noticed a couple of times, Galloway turn down some shots. We made the extra pass to him and he turn the shot down. I didn’t like that, one lead to a shot clock violation. 
we really need TJD to play the whole game like he did the second half. We need Al,Rob, the freshmen to start hitting shots. I don’t care if there 3 s or 2 s. Just start scoring. 
I am really scared that a team like Wisconsin well zone tells us to make some shots. We won’t be able to drive on them as we could these last couple games and we will be drummed! 


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I’m encouraged that this team has shown how good they can be. There just hasn’t been a complete 40 minutes yet of their best basketball. Armaan being out is tough but it’ll be nice to see Archie play more guys and give opportunities for bench players to step up as well as play through more mistakes. 

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3 hours ago, 5fouls said:

If we're going to cherry pick our own time frame, I could say Justin Smith is a great 3 point shooter because of what he did against MSU that one game.   Long term stats say Hunter shoots the ball in the low 30's from 3.

It’s not cherry picking Fouls. @IUFLA and @3Ballin’s posts covered it well. And I think I explained what I was saying multiple times. Shooters need floor time and the coach’s green light to shoot. As Hunter was given floor time and a larger role over the last 10 or so games last year, he shot over 40 percent. It was only starting in February that he was given any real role on the floor. It’s not a aying “nice things” about him when CAM says he’s a unique shooter and answers a reporter’s question by saying he is one of the 3 best shooters on the team. Good grief, it’s because he is.

So last night he plays around 20 minutes and goes 2-5 and now his overall average, to the extent it’s so important to include his early games last year when he was obviously RE-learning the game after a lost season, is about 35 percent.
He can shoot. Given the role allowing him to shoot and floor time for rhythm and timing and he’ll hit shots. I don’t know what his ultimate percentage would / will be, maybe 37-38 percent, who knows, but he is one of the best shooters on the team and the team needs guys who can help spread the floor. On his D, I like his aggressiveness. He’s going to make some bone-headed plays, and yes his D has been bad at times, but it’s not as bad as some say and games like PSU get overlooked because he was quietly effective.

Why do I feel like I’m having a PG discussion? Lol, what a lot of flack I catch for recognizing a good shooter, and liking that he’s given more run and then hits a couple of big shots. Jesus. 

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40 minutes ago, OLDIUFAN said:

I noticed a couple of times, Galloway turn down some shots. We made the extra pass to him and he turn the shot down. I didn’t like that, one lead to a shot clock violation. 
we really need TJD to play the whole game like he did the second half. We need Al,Rob, the freshmen to start hitting shots. I don’t care if there 3 s or 2 s. Just start scoring. 
I am really scared that a team like Wisconsin well zone tells us to make some shots. We won’t be able to drive on them as we could these last couple games and we will be drummed! 


thing is he was 1-6 from the field including 0-4 from 3.  i like when he moves the ball, drives, and sets teammates up, etc.

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I think, as long as Armaan is out, Jerome will continue to get some extended minutes.  Despite his percentage, when he does shoot a 3 pointer, it usually seems like there is a chance it could go in.  With most of the other guys, outside of Armaan, when a 3 pointer is hoisted, I'm cringing and praying for the rebound.


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57 minutes ago, IUFLA said:

After sleeping on it...

I think Jerome Hunter is getting more minutes because of some of the toughness he's displayed the past few games. I mentioned it against PSU, but Jerome got in there and mixed it up. His defensive woes, in my estimation, are more a product of his physical limitations (lateral quickness, strength)  than effort. I think CAM sees that and is letting him play through some of the mistakes, rather than yanking him at the first one (or second one taking into account the fouling of a 3 pt shooter twice in a short time). 

And I think @Hoosierhoopster argument needs to be taken more in context. People want to call it "cherry picking" but it's not...it's trending. The hang up he and I had was more to do with the word "inconsistent" than anything. Toward the end of last year, Jerome was indeed trending up...And right now, he's 2nd on the team in 3 point percentage at 35%. I think Jerome will improve his shooting with increased time and confidence, but he has to continue to show that fight. Some of the defensive issues we'll just have to live with.

I think Leal and Geronimo got more time because we were having problems with Maryland's back court length. Rob can guard bigger guys because he uses his body and enormous strength to keep them off balance. But Trey and Al were having issues with their guards (all of whom are 6'5 or better). Anthony especially came in a gave good minutes. His fronting/tip away on the switch when one of their big kids tried to post him up was great. I would like to see him start taking/making open looks, but that will come. Khristian is only 6'2 so he was going to have issues with them as well...Plus, you can tell he's trying to over compensate for the speed of the game, Slow down, kiddo...it'll come to you. The other thing I liked was how engaged he was on the bench...I don't think he's down/discouraged at all...He's a good kid that wants to win...Of course he wants to contribute, but his day will come...

Hey!  I don't disagree with as much this time for sure.  I know he is listed at 6'2'', but I think that is very generous for KL.  I don't have proof though.  He is also very slight in stature and definitely as you say has the quickness and skills, but needs to adjust to the speed and level of play.  I just thought he'd be closer.  Really hope people are wrong in worrying that he'll transfer.  He is a big ray of hope for the next 2 years in my book!  Still gonna say it's hard to understand not getting him 3-4 minutes a half...It was good to see Leal and Geronimo.  I still don't think they can play many minutes during important stretches, but that's okay.  Sorry, no proof there either.  As far as Hunter, I do disagree.  To site some stats, fouled the shooter on a 3 twice and committed a dead ball foul late in the game to give them 1 and 1 with the clock stopped.  That could cost 8 points and he went 2-6 with 6 points.  Tough for me to support.  I don't have a problem with "cherry picking" or leaking out though.  As long as CAM is okay with it and it's not hurting on the boards, we could use the scoring!

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12 minutes ago, Hoosierhoopster said:

It’s not cherry picking Fouls. @IUFLA and @3Ballin’s posts covered it well. And I think I explained what I was saying multiple times. Shooters need floor time and the coach’s green light to shoot. As Hunter was given floor time and a larger role over the last 10 or so games last year, he shot over 40 percent. It was only starting in February that he was given any real role on the floor. It’s not a aying “nice things” about him when CAM says he’s a unique shooter and answers a reporter’s question by saying he is one of the 3 best shooters on the team. Good grief, it’s because he is.

So last night he plays around 20 minutes and goes 2-5 and now his overall average, to the extent it’s so important to include his early games last year when he was obviously RE-learning the game after a lost season, is about 35 percent.
He can shoot. Given the role allowing him to shoot and floor time for rhythm and timing and he’ll hit shots. I don’t know what his ultimate percentage would / will be, maybe 37-38 percent, who knows, but he is one of the best shooters on the team and the team needs guys who can help spread the floor. On his D, I like his aggressiveness. He’s going to make some bone-headed plays, and yes his D has been bad at times, but it’s not as bad as some say and games like PSU get overlooked because he was quietly effective.

Why do I feel like I’m having a PG discussion? Lol, what a lot of flack I catch for recognizing a good shooter, and liking that he’s given more run and then hits a couple of big shots. Jesus. 

I think you and IUFLA are willing to die on the Hunter hill and not many other on here are.  Its ok if we don't agree with your.  When you're right it will be that much sweeter and we will gladly eat crow.  But he is no longer trending upward.  He trended at the end of the season and then for some reason re-set.  He obviously isn't getting it done in practice (probably defense) since he isn't starting, or seeing the floor alot (Although last night he got 20 minutes)

You see something that the rest of us just don't.  We see an average 3 point shooter, who makes bad defensive mistakes, questionable situational offensive decisions and isn't showing the 40% shooting consistency that he had the last 10 games of 2019.  

And its ok.  Be the Hunter cheerleader you think he needs.  Just respect that others don't see the same version of him that you do.

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1 minute ago, 5fouls said:

I think, as long as Armaan is out, Jerome will continue to get some extended minutes.  Despite his percentage, when he does shoot a 3 pointer, it usually seems like there is a chance it could go in.  With most of the other guys, outside of Armaan, when a 3 pointer is hoisted, I'm cringing and praying for the rebound.


you're being generous.  Every time i see a shot go by us i assume its going to clank off the rim

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18 minutes ago, Hoosierhoopster said:

It’s not cherry picking Fouls. @IUFLA and @3Ballin’s posts covered it well. And I think I explained what I was saying multiple times. Shooters need floor time and the coach’s green light to shoot. As Hunter was given floor time and a larger role over the last 10 or so games last year, he shot over 40 percent. It was only starting in February that he was given any real role on the floor. It’s not a aying “nice things” about him when CAM says he’s a unique shooter and answers a reporter’s question by saying he is one of the 3 best shooters on the team. Good grief, it’s because he is.

So last night he plays around 20 minutes and goes 2-5 and now his overall average, to the extent it’s so important to include his early games last year when he was obviously RE-learning the game after a lost season, is about 35 percent.
He can shoot. Given the role allowing him to shoot and floor time for rhythm and timing and he’ll hit shots. I don’t know what his ultimate percentage would / will be, maybe 37-38 percent, who knows, but he is one of the best shooters on the team and the team needs guys who can help spread the floor. On his D, I like his aggressiveness. He’s going to make some bone-headed plays, and yes his D has been bad at times, but it’s not as bad as some say and games like PSU get overlooked because he was quietly effective.

Why do I feel like I’m having a PG discussion? Lol, what a lot of flack I catch for recognizing a good shooter, and liking that he’s given more run and then hits a couple of big shots. Jesus. 

Thanks for the additional clarification.  And, yes, it has crossed my mind that there is a little bit of PG in the way you defend Jerome.

And, while I have many special qualities, I am not Jesus.  But, you are welcome to worship me.   

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14 minutes ago, IowaHoosierFan said:

you're being generous.  Every time i see a shot go by us i assume its going to clank off the rim

i definitely see a middle ground.  i don't think he is playing well enough to play a ton of minutes, but we obviously need to score any way that we can.  while i don't think he's a scoring machine, he is a better option than most.  i am not in the camp that being one of our weaker defenders is that big of a deal, but the 3 ridiculous fouls he had last night are tough to take.  RMK would have head-butted him at that point.

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15 minutes ago, IowaHoosierFan said:

You see something that the rest of us just don't.  We see an average 3 point shooter

And on this team, that makes him a viable offensive option. You take him and Armaan away and this team shoots a whopping 27% (36-131) from 3 point land...

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7 minutes ago, NCHoosier32 said:

Hey!  I don't disagree with as much this time for sure.  I know he is listed at 6'2'', but I think that is very generous for KL.  I don't have proof though.  He is also very slight in stature and definitely as you say has the quickness and skills, but needs to adjust to the speed and level of play.  I just thought he'd be closer.  Really hope people are wrong in worrying that he'll transfer.  He is a big ray of hope for the next 2 years in my book!  Still gonna say it's hard to understand not getting him 3-4 minutes a half...It was good to see Leal and Geronimo.  I still don't think they can play many minutes during important stretches, but that's okay.  Sorry, no proof there either.  As far as Hunter, I do disagree.  To site some stats, fouled the shooter on a 3 twice and committed a dead ball foul late in the game to give them 1 and 1 with the clock stopped.  That could cost 8 points and he went 2-6 with 6 points.  Tough for me to support.  I don't have a problem with "cherry picking" or leaking out though.  As long as CAM is okay with it and it's not hurting on the boards, we could use the scoring!

I can't imagine he'll transfer....not after this year at least. While you get glimpses of potential, I don't see a player who is ready for college basketball right now. I'm not sure he'd be playing more than 10-15 minutes at any power 5 school. He was small for a junior yet alone a kid who was going to skip a year. I get the impression that he's more patient than our fanbase about his development.

I think we just need to accept the fact he's not going to be a major contributor this year and CAM will get him minutes when possible. I'm only going off of body language but KL appears to be accepting his role. He's animated/engaged on the bench and you can also tell he knows when he did something wrong (commits a dumb foul, gets lost on defense, makes a bad pass). It's not like coach is taking him out for no good reason. I'd rather have kid recognize and learn from his mistakes rather then act like a victim when mistakes happen. He'll adapt and he'll get his shot. He's a great kid with a lot of potential. 

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10 minutes ago, tdhoosier said:

I can't imagine he'll transfer....not after this year at least. While you get glimpses of potential, I don't see a player who is ready for college basketball right now. I'm not sure he'd be playing more than 10-15 minutes at any power 5 school. He was small for a junior yet alone a kid who was going to skip a year. I get the impression that he's more patient than our fanbase about his development.

I think we just need to accept the fact he's not going to be a major contributor this year and CAM will get him minutes when possible. I'm only going off of body language but KL appears to be accepting his role. He's animated/engaged on the bench and you can also tell he knows when he did something wrong (commits a dumb foul, gets lost on defense, makes a bad pass). It's not like coach is taking him out for no good reason. I'd rather have kid recognize and learn from his mistakes rather then act like a victim when mistakes happen. He'll adapt and he'll get his shot. He's a great kid with a lot of potential. 

I have to assume that Archie let him know, before he early enrolled, that this was likely. I also have to assume he doesn't look great in practice, because it seems to me that he should be getting more time. 

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2 minutes ago, HoosierDom said:

I have to assume that Archie let him know, before he early enrolled, that this was likely. I also have to assume he doesn't look great in practice, because it seems to me that he should be getting more time. 

I've seen other write this and need a clarification. I do not see why he should be getting more time based strictly off his play in games. If he didn't have 5 stars next to his name would we even be talking about this? Should he be given more time based on our perceived idea of his potential, or based off of his play? 

Maybe I've missed some stuff, but it seems like right now he's a liability. The mistakes are glaring. I'm no Coach Tony and don't dissect game tape, so when multiple mistakes are obvious to the layman (layfan?), something is not right. What am I missing other than mini glimpses of athleticism? 

Not trying to be a d***, I'm seriously asking what others are seeing.....because I'm an admitted layfan. haha. 

Also, want to clarify that I'm a big KL fan and think he has a bright future. Please don't misread my criticism as 'trashing'.

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43 minutes ago, NCHoosier32 said:

i definitely see a middle ground.  i don't think he is playing well enough to play a ton of minutes, but we obviously need to score any way that we can.  while i don't think he's a scoring machine, he is a better option than most.  i am not in the camp that being one of our weaker defenders is that big of a deal, but the 3 ridiculous fouls he had last night are tough to take.  RMK would have head-butted him at that point.

I was not just talking about him.  When i see anyone shoot on our team i expect it to clank off the rim. I am an equal opportunity pessimist

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17 minutes ago, tdhoosier said:

I've seen other write this and need a clarification. I do not see why he should be getting more time based strictly off his play in games. If he didn't have 5 stars next to his name would we even be talking about this? Should he be given more time based on our perceived idea of his potential, or based off of his play? 

Maybe I've missed some stuff, but it seems like right now he's a liability. The mistakes are glaring. I'm no Coach Tony and don't dissect game tape, so when multiple mistakes are obvious to the layman (layfan?), something is not right. What am I missing other than mini glimpses of athleticism? 

Not trying to be a d***, I'm seriously asking what others are seeing.....because I'm an admitted layfan. haha. 

Also, want to clarify that I'm a big KL fan and think he has a bright future. Please don't misread my criticism as 'trashing'.

Certainly I'm not going to ignore his stars, and that alone is enough. But, from his 2 minutes a game, he seems to be the fastest guy in the gym, he makes sharp passes with purpose (see his in the air catch/pass last night that lead to an open 3) and he seems to be a capable shooter, though time will tell.

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52 minutes ago, tdhoosier said:

I can't imagine he'll transfer....not after this year at least. While you get glimpses of potential, I don't see a player who is ready for college basketball right now. I'm not sure he'd be playing more than 10-15 minutes at any power 5 school. He was small for a junior yet alone a kid who was going to skip a year. I get the impression that he's more patient than our fanbase about his development.

I think we just need to accept the fact he's not going to be a major contributor this year and CAM will get him minutes when possible. I'm only going off of body language but KL appears to be accepting his role. He's animated/engaged on the bench and you can also tell he knows when he did something wrong (commits a dumb foul, gets lost on defense, makes a bad pass). It's not like coach is taking him out for no good reason. I'd rather have kid recognize and learn from his mistakes rather then act like a victim when mistakes happen. He'll adapt and he'll get his shot. He's a great kid with a lot of potential. 


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