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Big Ten cancelling fall football...

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I just saw an article from swimswam which says that the B1G is denying that the season has been cancelled. Apparently, there is another meeting between the presidents at 6 PM Monday evening (as in right now) so this could become official at that point. In the article it stated some think the B1G started the rumor to see the reaction. I guess we'll find out soon if this article is correct or not.


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Kirk Herbstreit just came out and said the Big 10 is planning on delay not cancel.....now of course everyone can decide on their own what delay actually means but at least they are waiting as long as possible. I don't see any reason to do this today when the same thing could be done on 8/24 or.....9/24 for that matter. 10 games. We have until first week of December to get this thing right because Indy title game has contingencies built in that it can be played as late as 12/19.

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I know that several HC came out to vociferously argue that a season should occur. 

Part of me hopes that this is the tipping point for the Power 5 to break from the NCAA and do their own thing. 

Part of me hopes that university presidents like McRobbie aren’t shortsighted enough to realize that the amount of money lost by not playing would have long lasting implications for the health of their endowments. 

Part of me is concerned that the collective mental health of our country is impacted by the refusal to return to normalcy.

Coaches want a season. For the most part, kids want to play. Fans want football. The administrators can wash their hands by taking the position that the players have come out in force declaring that they want to have a season. Listen to the kids who are at the forefront, putting their health at risk. Don’t cave, thus destroying the dreams of countless athletes in non-revenue producing sports.

Play the damn season 

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5 hours ago, IowaHoosierFan said:

Unforntately once classes are in full swing, you''re going to see basketball players test positive.  They won't be able to stay away from parties, gathering or just eating in the cafeteria. Once one test positive it will spread.  Kids are kids.  They want to be social and touch and are pretty much disgusting.  We are going to see a huge upswing in cases in the next month or 2 as kids go back to all levels of school.  Maybe it doesn't matter and a 3% chance of death is acceptable for most people, but we don't even know the long term effects of this virus on human bodies.

I can't imagine a year without college football or basketball.  It would be so boring but i also don't want to see this thing get out of hand and hundreds of thousands or millions of people start dying because we want to rush back to normal

This is just my opinion, what do i know, i live in a cornfield in Iowa

My feeling...kids are that way regardless If they are in school, playing basketball, or just sitting around their own home towns. If anything the restrictive, isolated bubble the schools would place the kids in where they are monitored,  tested, forced to wear masks and socially distance while being quarantined away from others that maybe aren’t is a lower risk to them then just letting them go about with no precautions. I’d much rather be in an environment that is doing everything possible to protect me and those around me then just floating along like everyone else. I’d argue they are safer in the bubble...and much more likely to be able to catch a positive case much sooner and receive treatment quicker then if they were on their own. Some of these kids come from a very dangerous environment and school and sports is the safest place they can be honestly. I think kids should be able to opt out and keep eligibility but those that want to be there should be allowed to go forward.

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1 hour ago, Steubenhoosier said:

I know that several HC came out to vociferously argue that a season should occur. 

Part of me hopes that this is the tipping point for the Power 5 to break from the NCAA and do their own thing. 

Part of me hopes that university presidents like McRobbie aren’t shortsighted enough to realize that the amount of money lost by not playing would have long lasting implications for the health of their endowments. 

Part of me is concerned that the collective mental health of our country is impacted by the refusal to return to normalcy.

Coaches want a season. For the most part, kids want to play. Fans want football. The administrators can wash their hands by taking the position that the players have come out in force declaring that they want to have a season. Listen to the kids who are at the forefront, putting their health at risk. Don’t cave, thus destroying the dreams of countless athletes in non-revenue producing sports.

Play the damn season 

As a basketball fan first having the power 5 leave the NCAA would ruin college basketball and more  importantly the tournament.

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Like I said last night if everyone at the beginning did what they were asked to do we would not be in this situation.  Everybody complained about shutting things down and wearing mask to protect the people but to many people acted selfishly and now here 4 months later in the same problem. 

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4 hours ago, FKIM01 said:

For once, a Washington Post article that contains a lot I can agree with.

Ironic that it's in billionaire Jeff Bezos' paper when a lot of Amazon employees are reciting some similar complaints to what college athletes have.

I agree with some, but much of the spending is to keep up with the ability to recruit and produce the best athletes possible.  Keep Facilities up to date and cutting edge and offer amenities to put you over the top on top performers.  You don't see this stuff at Northern Iowa or Marshall.  They might have nice facilities but they are not making hundreds of millions a year on their sports programs.  Its the old adage you have to spend money to make money.  But i do agree that universities should be able to weather a lost football season or two.

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Gotta love the respect from ESPN.

Monday's messaging was dreadful for the Big Ten, which prides itself on unity and avoiding public squabbling. This is a league where Ohio State and Michigan agree to share revenue equally with Indiana, Northwestern and Purdue. 


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2 hours ago, 5fouls said:

Gotta love the respect from ESPN.

Monday's messaging was dreadful for the Big Ten, which prides itself on unity and avoiding public squabbling. This is a league where Ohio State and Michigan agree to share revenue equally with Indiana, Northwestern and Purdue. 


Profit sharing in the B1G ?  So kind of OSU and UM to agree to it.  Heard that happened after IU agreed to share BB profits with the rest of the league.  J/K.  Been in effect for years.  Rutgers and Maryland joined the league because of B1G profit sharing.  But each had to wait a few years.... before getting their share.

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14 hours ago, dgambill said:

My feeling...kids are that way regardless If they are in school, playing basketball, or just sitting around their own home towns. If anything the restrictive, isolated bubble the schools would place the kids in where they are monitored,  tested, forced to wear masks and socially distance while being quarantined away from others that maybe aren’t is a lower risk to them then just letting them go about with no precautions. I’d much rather be in an environment that is doing everything possible to protect me and those around me then just floating along like everyone else. I’d argue they are safer in the bubble...and much more likely to be able to catch a positive case much sooner and receive treatment quicker then if they were on their own. Some of these kids come from a very dangerous environment and school and sports is the safest place they can be honestly. I think kids should be able to opt out and keep eligibility but those that want to be there should be allowed to go forward.

So its safer to play sports than not?  Are these kids going to be completely isolated from the rest of the student body for the entirety of the season?  Are the coach and staff?  Where are these kids going to get food?  That would be the only way they are going to be safer. What are they going to do with positive test?  Shut down for 2 weeks and isolate the whole team, coaches and staff?

I am sorry, i want sports as much as anyone, but to say its safer for them to play sports than not doesn't really resonate with me. Not unless they can do what the NBA is doing.  Otherwise, as soon as they get into general student populations, someone is going to test positive and once that happens, its over.

Just my opinion though

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2 minutes ago, BobSaccamanno said:

The theory is that they are safer being in a structured environment with significant protocols in place, instead of being completely on the loose.

i agree but have you seen kids and how they act on campus.  Its all great if they can isolate them, otherwise, there isn't anything structured once they leave practice or game day.  They are kids.  Kids are stupid and think they know everything.  They are going to go to parties.  Have relations with girls and guys.  They are going to go out to eat.  To bars.  To parties.  To see family and friends.  They won't change how they act just because they're playing football.  And there are alot of people and athletes who don't think they need to wear masks or social distance.  

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1 hour ago, IowaHoosierFan said:

i agree but have you seen kids and how they act on campus.  Its all great if they can isolate them, otherwise, there isn't anything structured once they leave practice or game day.  They are kids.  Kids are stupid and think they know everything.  They are going to go to parties.  Have relations with girls and guys.  They are going to go out to eat.  To bars.  To parties.  To see family and friends.  They won't change how they act just because they're playing football.  And there are alot of people and athletes who don't think they need to wear masks or social distance.  

Just look how some of the baseball players are doing when they have been on the road

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1 hour ago, BobSaccamanno said:

The theory is that they are safer being in a structured environment with significant protocols in place, instead of being completely on the loose.

So what I'm gleaning from this post and others in this thread is that to reduce the spread of Covid is it better to have strict enforcement of rules and policies for the betterment of society? We don't think people are capable of doing the right thing for everyone on their own so we have to put them in an environment that forces it. Is that correct or am I misinterpreting something? 

I don't disagree with that at all, but I just hope that's a consistent point of view across all things and not just this one area because we want sports and are bored sitting at home. 

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3 minutes ago, RoadToZion said:

This decision will cause multiple businsses to close down for good. All because of a fear based decision. Sad, sad day. 

It is about long term labilities that the big ten is worried about.  It has come out more and more what this virus can affect in your body.  If these kids played and got the virus and it caused a lot of long term health problems then those schools will be paying those medical bills for those kids lives.

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Having a Spring football season is a pipe dream.   And so is having a basketball season now.  If the presidents are fearful now they still will be come January.  Bad decision if you ask me.  Oh well guess I don't have to worry about paying for BTN for the year.  Just put a lot of people out of work.

Go Hoosiers!!!


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Just now, Indy1987 said:

Having a Spring football season is a pipe dream.   And so is having a basketball season now.  If the presidents are fearful now they still will be come January.  Bad decision if you ask me.  Oh well guess I don't have to worry about paying for BTN for the year.  Just put a lot of people out of work.

Go Hoosiers!!!


If other leagues have fall football (and the ACC seems hell bent on doing so), the Big Ten will have to think long and hard about cancelling basketball as well.

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