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Big Ten: Conference-Only Schedule


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13 minutes ago, Sark said:

The IU AD literally pays IU for each athletic scholarship used by a student athlete, which includes tuition, room and board. Trimming the amount of non revenue scholarships wouldn’t impact “regular” student costs, just as trimming the current 13 men’s basketball and 85 football grants wouldn’t impact those costs, either.

Good for IU and their accounting practices.  I’m talking about college sports as a whole and the inefficiencies created by Title IX and not an Excel ledger.  There are opportunity costs being absorbed.  The money comes from IU.  Your comment underscores my point.  Without money going to a rich kid from the suburbs of Chicago who was given a golf coach from the age of 5 on,  Dolson would have extra money at his disposal that he could give to the school as I said.  The schools are paying considerable money for kids that are absorbing resources that could be used more effectively.  Furthermore, in many cases the non-revenue sports are played by kids from wealthier backgrounds. Swimming, golf, lacrosse, tennis etc are sports often played by kids whose parents can pop for club memberships and coaches.  Somebody told me that Stanford literally has scholarships for sailing.  I’m sure a straight A kid from Compton or Tipton with a single mom working two jobs trying to make a better life for her kids is on the short list for that sailing scholarship.  There’s a fundamental unfairness to the process.  

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3 hours ago, Seeking6 said:

Really don't know. I'm assuming because most are 501c3 designated (pay no taxes) they can't. 


2 hours ago, Sark said:

I wouldn’t hold my breath on that one. Some athletic departments are going to get ravaged financially. 

Did a little research and found that 501c3 organizations can apply for PPP funds, if they employ less than 500 people living in the US. I looked at W. Kentucky who was on our schedule, and they report over 770 faculty and 2200 and change admin and other employees. Doubt if any of the smaller schools would meet this requirement. 

Then again, the IRS has changed quite a few rules this year to acknowledge the financial burdens caused by covid-19. Would they make an exception in this case? 

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1 hour ago, BobSaccamanno said:

Good for IU and their accounting practices.  I’m talking about college sports as a whole and the inefficiencies created by Title IX and not an Excel ledger.  There are opportunity costs being absorbed.  The money comes from IU.  Your comment underscores my point.  Without money going to a rich kid from the suburbs of Chicago who was given a golf coach from the age of 5 on,  Dolson would have extra money at his disposal that he could give to the school as I said.  The schools are paying considerable money for kids that are absorbing resources that could be used more effectively.  Furthermore, in many cases the non-revenue sports are played by kids from wealthier backgrounds. Swimming, golf, lacrosse, tennis etc are sports often played by kids whose parents can pop for club memberships and coaches.  Somebody told me that Stanford literally has scholarships for sailing.  I’m sure a straight A kid from Compton or Tipton with a single mom working two jobs trying to make a better life for her kids is on the short list for that sailing scholarship.  There’s a fundamental unfairness to the process.  

Hey Abe.... er, I mean Bob.  So confusing.  However does IU's student bill of rights. play into this issue ?

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I did go off on a rant about Stanford sailing scholarships, which is a boondoggle for the upper crust of society, but my real issue is unhinged university budgets, which have uncontrollably ballooned.  I think tuition is something like 6X of what it was 30 years ago.  Mismanagement by unqualified trustees and bloated personnel numbers are a scourge.  The existing student loan program has been a losing proposition for students and easy money for schools with no strings attached or obligations at their end.  The cost increases are on an unsustainable curve and starve the beast policies need to be implemented.

As for non-revenue sports, to be clear, I am all for them existing but not at the exorbitant cost of scholarships in view of their negative cash flow.  They don’t justify their existence, in financial/scholarship terms.  These athletes can compete against other schools and obtain the benefits of competition, etc., which are noble concepts, but in the club sport type of system.  The schools can give them transportation and per diems on the road. But let’s not pretend that the school gets much of anything out of it, which is a totally fabricated fantasy, when you consider the opportunity cost of furthering the school at large.  The proverbial, if a bear poops in a woods bit, applies here.  In the suburbs of Chicago, go to a cocktail party and there will be parents talking about getting their daughter a personal coach to develop in Lacrosse so she can sign up for a free scholarship because there isn’t much competition.  The Lori Loughlins of the world capitalize on this system, except they can actually get their daughters trained. But that scholly is going to a kid from Greenwich, Connecticut or Wilmette, Illinois, and most likely not a kid from Clay County.  

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28 minutes ago, milehiiu said:

Hard to feel bad about a University with a 27.7 billion dollar endowment.

Stanford releases annual financial results for investment return, endowment | Stanford News

I don’t feel bad for the school.  It’s one of the handful of best schools in the USA.  If you want to get in the tech sector, be an entrepreneur, be involved in financing early stage technology, it’s at the top.  I was one of the folks who said I understood Leal’s interest in Stanford and I didn’t discount it as a legitimate possibility.   I would give kudos to anyone who goes there.  That doesn’t mean I have to like it when they give some of their precious few spots to sailing aficionados over people who would never get that opportunity.   It would be a long shot for a kid from Terhune to ever get that spot. It’s a way to give a solid to the upper crust.  

As for the bill of rights, I see that as a separate issue.

Now that I have completed my rant on Title IX, there’s no movement to modify it, and there will obviously not be any change.  But with the apparent imminent loss of revenue for athletic budgets due to football restrictions, you can see what an anchor around the neck of athletic budgets these sports are.  They can be played without being such a drain on a budget.  

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8 minutes ago, Sark said:

That scholarship is rarely, if ever, a full ride. In fact, it is can be so minimal as to almost not move the meter. As for LL, she wasn’t trying to get scholarship money and her efforts weren’t geared toward that in any way, so not sure why you’d use either her of the lacrosse example, as one is co pletely inapplicable and the other is close.

So what if it’s a non-sequitur?  They haven’t been banned from the site.  I am not here to critique every little clause in other people’s posts.  My style is to write quickly in a stream of consciousness.  

Most people here are not looking for your critiques and corrections after every post.  You have had some major doozies yourself.  Maybe there are some who would be pleased if you marked up every post with red pen so they can improve as message board posters in time.  I’m not one of those people.  

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29 minutes ago, BobSaccamanno said:

So what if it’s a non-sequitur?  They haven’t been banned from the site.  I am not here to critique every little clause in other people’s posts.  My style is to write quickly in a stream of consciousness.  

Most people here are not looking for your critiques and corrections after every post.  You have had some major doozies yourself.  Maybe there are some who would be pleased if you marked up every post with red pen so they can improve as message board posters in time.  I’m not one of those people.  

So is our favorite poster back arguing with everyone's post again.  I have him on ignore but I can guess who you are responding to.

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One day after the B1G announced a conference only schedule.  The Pac 12 has followed suit.  Thereby wiping out the traditional game between Colorado and Colorado State.  Which was scheduled to be played in CSU's new stadium.  And the first time since 1996 to be played in Fort Collins.... with previous games being played in Denver.

Sure glad, if the B1G does play FB.... that our game against our rival will not get wiped out.

Stay safe Hoosier Sports Nation.

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On 7/10/2020 at 1:41 PM, Sark said:

You’re talking purely about need-based grants which, while high minded, aren’t the purpose of athletic scholarships (at least football and basketball, which are “full” GIAs, compared with most other sports, which are partial). Athletic scholarships are derived primarily through donations, just as needs based grants are (though they come through different funding mechanisms within the University). Squeezing one end of the athletic ballon won’t produce a benefit for the academic / needs based other end.

I'm not sure what you're trying to argue. You're saying that volleyball scholarships come from donations that are specifically given to serve as volleyball scholarships? I don't actually know, but I would assume the money comes from general athletic donations that are, in the vast, vast majority of cases, generated by basketball and football. 

I'm not sure who made the point earlier, but why should a water polo team benefit from football money more than an English department? Why does the fact that they're both sports matter? I'm all for turning sports that can't support themselves in to club sports. Or drop them altogether. Sports are not a primary mission of a university. 

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23 hours ago, milehiiu said:

One day after the B1G announced a conference only schedule.  The Pac 12 has followed suit.  Thereby wiping out the traditional game between Colorado and Colorado State.  Which was scheduled to be played in CSU's new stadium.  And the first time since 1996 to be played in Fort Collins.... with previous games being played in Denver.

Sure glad, if the B1G does play FB.... that our game against our rival will not get wiped out.

Stay safe Hoosier Sports Nation.

More importantly....no USC/Notre Dame game.

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5 hours ago, Indykev said:

I don't think we will see a single snap of football in the fall. And we probably wont see Basketball until maybe Jan. They will hold out as long as they can for some miracle vaccine they hope is coming but by track record is not.

I hope your wrong, unfortunately I believe your Might be right. They could sell limited amount of tickets, then use television to show games on tape delay maybe. I don’t know heartbreaking times! 
I am so ready to watch some IU games!!! 

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5 hours ago, Bob said:

I hope your wrong, unfortunately I believe your Might be right. They could sell limited amount of tickets, then use television to show games on tape delay maybe. I don’t know heartbreaking times! 
I am so ready to watch some IU games!!! 

After my post last night i looked up the progress on a vaccine. 3 are entering phase 3 trials this month with 30,000 people in each. Once they get this far they know they have something and they start producing it. Oxford is the only one saying by the end of the year. the other 2 are saying the first of the year. Still there wont be enough doses until the end of next year to reach everyone. So i'm sticking with no college football, hell half the people making the decisions at these schools hate sports.

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