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Cal and Cuban talk IU-UK restarting series

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1 hour ago, dgambill said:

So we shouldn’t play in Maui or crossroads or Madison sq garden promo game with UConn?? Students don’t even use all their tickets? You don’t think we could have as big or bigger student section in Indy if we so choose to put a section under the basket and bus them up?? So many options and honestly if the AD probably thought he could get away with putting in more vip seating and it would cost student seats they would do it in a minute to make more money.

i don’t want all our games on neutral sites plus season ticket holders deserves good entertainment but if there is one game worth having at a neutral site it would be UK.

I don't mind if it is a tournament like Maui but just a game like last year in New York I am not a fan

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I will add that the 1 and ONLY 1 REASON, Cal wants a neutral site is it gives his team the advantage.  He knows that IU at the Hall is a home court advantage like no other school and if he can get the game away from the HALL, he feels his team will be favored.  I can't disagree with this thinking as their is no better home court advantage than the HALL or at least top 3 in the NATION.  I believe that for KY to lose to IU means a lot and so much that Coach Cal is trying to better his teams odds at all cost.  There is no way that Cal will return to the HALL and all hope for a series reuniting will rest on an agreement to a neutral site.  I would rather agree to these terms than to lose what I call THE BEST CB RIVALRY in our HISTORY.  Sorry PU turds, you are not on top here and this is equivalent to ND vs Michigan in CFB.  No better RIVALRY in college sports than IU/KY and ND/MIchigan!

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12 minutes ago, IU Scott said:

I don't mind if it is a tournament like Maui but just a game like last year in New York I am not a fan

Fair enough. I can understand if it’s for the season ticket holders who deserve more than anyone an elite matchup...but the students... I’ve got pretty mixed feelings on that one.

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8 hours ago, IUCrazy2 said:

Why would we want to give the income generated around that game to Ohio?

So schools playing in tournaments outside their home state don't make any money?  Guess IU shouldn't go to Maui either.

It's a bigger question than local income from a game.  I've made it clear that I'd prefer the four location proposed by IU's administration.  An annual game across the border would be a distant second.  Far behind that would be the annual Indianapolis showcase that Cal wants.  Cal didn't propose that because he thought it would help IU.

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8 hours ago, dgambill said:

Can anyone explain how playing in Indy is a showcase to our Indiana kids?? If you think UK gets the most out of the game then you just don’t understand IUs position in college basketball right now. Other than the gate $$ how does location matter? Everything is global/national with TV. You think local Indy kids would suddenly want to play for UK more if they play a game every other year in Indy as opposed to playing in Bloomington? It’s also assuming we lose to them in Indy as well because wouldn’t beating them when they are in Indy be better? I just don’t get it. If a kid likes UKs style and way of running things and they are good enough...they will go there...see Brooks. If they don’t...and they like IU...they will stay home. If I’m wrong I’ll admit it but imo this comes down to people thinking we stand more of a chance to win in Assembly with 17000 fans on our side as opposed to a split arena. This letting Kentucky recruit Indiana is just dumb...they have and always will recruit wherever they want a kid. To think we are going to somehow stop UK from recruiting our back yard just because we won’t play them...makes no sense and I say that with all due respect. If anything playing them and beating them and showing we have a better program is the solution to that...and that is done by playing them.

I've addressed this before...so I guess I'll address it once more...

No one ever said UK playing a game in Indianapolis is the only reason Indiana kids would choose UK.  At the same time, it would surely be hard to argue that UK playing annually in Indiana wouldn't raise their profile at all with Indiana high school players.  On the flip side, I doubt anyone at IU thinks there's much advantage to IU playing in Kentucky since there simply aren't many IU-level targets in Kentucky high school basketball.  Again, let's think critically...why would Cal "offer" to play all games in Indianapolis?

I'm against anything that helps Cal recruit Indiana without something that helps IU.  Playing in Indianapolis most assuredly helps UK more than it helps IU since IU is already in Indiana and already plays a game in Indianapolis.  A UK game in Bloomington is a monster draw for IU recruits and if Cal wants a game that helps him recruit, IU should get a game that similarly raises IU's stature.  The way I see it, UK gets a bigger recruiting boost from the Indy game and IU gets a bigger boost from a Bloomington game.  Obviously, UK gets a boost playing IU in Rupp and IU gets a profile boost playing in Louisville, albeit, I believe much less valuable than UK's Indianapolis game.  I think if both programs are honest about which venue gives them the biggest recruiting boost, both programs would point to a venue in Indiana.

I understand that we're talking incrementals and not absolutes here.  Both programs have a fairly high profile nationally, with UK admittedly having a bigger profile at the moment so no one is saying that the series resuming in a given location is fully responsible for the recruiting success or failure of either program.  No one has said that UK can't recruit in Indiana without a game in Indianapolis.  Conversely, no one being serious should attempt to suggest that UK playing an annual game in Indianapolis has no benefit for UK in recruiting Indiana kids.  Conversely, I can't think of another opponent coming to Bloomington for a game being a bigger attraction for potential IU recruits than UK.

It's time to stop pretending that Cal was being a swell guy by offering to play all of the games in Indianapolis.  Cal doesn't do anything that doesn't help Cal.  That much should be obvious by now.

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6 hours ago, FKIM01 said:

So schools playing in tournaments outside their home state don't make any money?  Guess IU shouldn't go to Maui either.

It's a bigger question than local income from a game.  I've made it clear that I'd prefer the four location proposed by IU's administration.  An annual game across the border would be a distant second.  Far behind that would be the annual Indianapolis showcase that Cal wants.  Cal didn't propose that because he thought it would help IU.

I would prefer the 4 location deal as well.  I would just refuse to entertain having the game in Ohio.  To me there is a big difference between being invited to go play in a tournament in Hawaii against teams from all over the country on one hand and giving up the opportunity, as a state school, to have a game in Indianapolis that helps local restaurants, bars, hotels, and stores and instead send the game to Ohio over pride.

Look, I get the whole screw Cal thing.  I have been on that bus since they walked away from the game.  However, I am not letting that pride send the game to freaking Ohio.  If the choice is Ohio or no game, I choose no game.  We can have another team play in Indianapolis that would garner TV viewers just as much as playing Kentucky would and the way the TV contracts work, we are splitting everything with the Big Ten anyway.  Nobody from Indiana wins anything if the game is in Cincinnati at least with a game in Indianapolis, the local economy gets a jolt on game day.

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4 hours ago, FKIM01 said:

I've addressed this before...so I guess I'll address it once more...

No one ever said UK playing a game in Indianapolis is the only reason Indiana kids would choose UK.  At the same time, it would surely be hard to argue that UK playing annually in Indiana wouldn't raise their profile at all with Indiana high school players.  On the flip side, I doubt anyone at IU thinks there's much advantage to IU playing in Kentucky since there simply aren't many IU-level targets in Kentucky high school basketball.  Again, let's think critically...why would Cal "offer" to play all games in Indianapolis?

I'm against anything that helps Cal recruit Indiana without something that helps IU.  Playing in Indianapolis most assuredly helps UK more than it helps IU since IU is already in Indiana and already plays a game in Indianapolis.  A UK game in Bloomington is a monster draw for IU recruits and if Cal wants a game that helps him recruit, IU should get a game that similarly raises IU's stature.  The way I see it, UK gets a bigger recruiting boost from the Indy game and IU gets a bigger boost from a Bloomington game.  Obviously, UK gets a boost playing IU in Rupp and IU gets a profile boost playing in Louisville, albeit, I believe much less valuable than UK's Indianapolis game.  I think if both programs are honest about which venue gives them the biggest recruiting boost, both programs would point to a venue in Indiana.

I understand that we're talking incrementals and not absolutes here.  Both programs have a fairly high profile nationally, with UK admittedly having a bigger profile at the moment so no one is saying that the series resuming in a given location is fully responsible for the recruiting success or failure of either program.  No one has said that UK can't recruit in Indiana without a game in Indianapolis.  Conversely, no one being serious should attempt to suggest that UK playing an annual game in Indianapolis has no benefit for UK in recruiting Indiana kids.  Conversely, I can't think of another opponent coming to Bloomington for a game being a bigger attraction for potential IU recruits than UK.

It's time to stop pretending that Cal was being a swell guy by offering to play all of the games in Indianapolis.  Cal doesn't do anything that doesn't help Cal.  That much should be obvious by now.

One other thing, we are all assuming that we are going to lose that game more often than not, right?  The reason Calipari wanted the game off campus isn't recruiting IMO, it is because he knew that he was going to lose in Bloomington more often than not.  That team that Watford beat was the best team he has ever had at Kentucky and they lost to an upstart IU squad.  He knew that was in his future fo the majority of the games he was going to be playing against IU, so if that was part of the deal, he bailed.

The advantage Calipari was looking for isn't a recruiting advantage, it was the advantage of never having less than 1/2 the arena filled with his fans.  He could have that at a split stadium.  They offered to have the game at Rupp and at Indy initially.  He is scared of Assembly Hall.  Period.  And it isn't because of fans rushing the court, it is because it is an environment that he knows he can take his best teams to and lose.

We don't want to go back to all Indianapolis because we remember how poorly that was going for us.  Well, what if we start winning in that environment?  If Miller starts to finally get things moving, I say bring the pussy cats to Indianapolis and give them a Hoosier beatdown on the regular.  No recruiting advantage to getting your butt kicked in Indy on the regular.

So to me, the recruiting advantage for UK argument only exists if we are expecting to lose that game more often than not.

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2 hours ago, GaloisGroupe said:

I live in Cincinnati 😉. This was a selfish proposition!

There are a fair number of IU fans in the area. And we are starting to recruit the area.


Completely understand wanting the game close.

I grew up in Ft. Wayne, they would probably kill to get an IU game at the Coliseum up there.

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37 minutes ago, milehiiu said:

Last time Indiana played in the Coliseum.... things did not turn out well for the Hoosiers :

History At The Coliseum! 


UGH!  Got mid-court chair floor seats and made the trek North to Fort Wayne for a planned GREAT overnight experience revolving around an IU victory on the road.  Had an awesome lunch at the Oyster Bar in DT FW and then drinks at the Granite City Brewery.  Capped off our pre-game experience with an incredible dinner at the Cork & Cleaver.  Had planned to step out to the bars for a post-game celebration but, as things turned out, we just turned in after the game.  One of those "other than that Mrs. Lincoln, how did you like the play" sort of experiences.

Made worse by the thrashing we took at home the following year when fully expecting an ass-kicking revenge game!

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44 minutes ago, IUCrazy2 said:

Yeah, that stunk, but I think it would be nice to erase that from the memory banks by stomping the Mastodons up there.

Fort Wayne is blessed to have the War Memorial Coliseum.  A great facility. Refurbished not that long ago.  It would be fun for IUBB to return.  Also, hard for me to remember exactly. However there was a time when IUBB toured the state of Indiana, prior to the regular season. And I think, but am not sure, one of the stops was in Fort Wayne.

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5 hours ago, IUCrazy2 said:

One other thing, we are all assuming that we are going to lose that game more often than not, right?  The reason Calipari wanted the game off campus isn't recruiting IMO, it is because he knew that he was going to lose in Bloomington more often than not.  That team that Watford beat was the best team he has ever had at Kentucky and they lost to an upstart IU squad.  He knew that was in his future fo the majority of the games he was going to be playing against IU, so if that was part of the deal, he bailed.

The advantage Calipari was looking for isn't a recruiting advantage, it was the advantage of never having less than 1/2 the arena filled with his fans.  He could have that at a split stadium.  They offered to have the game at Rupp and at Indy initially.  He is scared of Assembly Hall.  Period.  And it isn't because of fans rushing the court, it is because it is an environment that he knows he can take his best teams to and lose.

We don't want to go back to all Indianapolis because we remember how poorly that was going for us.  Well, what if we start winning in that environment?  If Miller starts to finally get things moving, I say bring the pussy cats to Indianapolis and give them a Hoosier beatdown on the regular.  No recruiting advantage to getting your butt kicked in Indy on the regular.

So to me, the recruiting advantage for UK argument only exists if we are expecting to lose that game more often than not.

I wasn't necessarily thinking that direction.  Crean's last three games against UK had IU ahead 2-1 and had UK not hit like 38-40 at the line, it might have been 3-0.  I see that series as competitive if it ever resumes.   Cal's pitch to Indiana recruits is another showcase game close to home where your family & friends can come watch.  If UK wins most of the games, so much the better.  If IU started dominating UK, I could see Cal coming up with another excuse to walk away.  Right now, Cal thinks he has a negotiating advantage and so he can set preferential terms.  I'm ready to see IU's stature raised to the level where Cal can no longer ignore the game and feels compelled to negotiate a deal equally beneficial to both schools.  As of yet, he's not done that so screw him...I want to see IU get back to national prominence without him.

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32 minutes ago, FKIM01 said:

I wasn't necessarily thinking that direction.  Crean's last three games against UK had IU ahead 2-1 and had UK not hit like 38-40 at the line, it might have been 3-0.  I see that series as competitive if it ever resumes.   Cal's pitch to Indiana recruits is another showcase game close to home where your family & friends can come watch.  If UK wins most of the games, so much the better.  If IU started dominating UK, I could see Cal coming up with another excuse to walk away.  Right now, Cal thinks he has a negotiating advantage and so he can set preferential terms.  I'm ready to see IU's stature raised to the level where Cal can no longer ignore the game and feels compelled to negotiate a deal equally beneficial to both schools.  As of yet, he's not done that so screw him...I want to see IU get back to national prominence without him.

Me too on getting back to prominence, I think that is a possibility in 2 to 3 years though, so maybe we wait until then.  A "win" on our part could be saying that Kentucky has bupkus when it comes to neutral arenas so we will only play the game in Indiana.  That way, on the off chance we don't win, at least the state can collect their filthy Kentucky money (lol).

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1 hour ago, milehiiu said:

Fort Wayne is blessed to have the War Memorial Coliseum.  A great facility. Refurbished not that long ago.  It would be fun for IUBB to return.  Also, hard for me to remember exactly. However there was a time when IUBB toured the state of Indiana, prior to the regular season. And I think, but am not sure, one of the stops was in Fort Wayne.

You are correct Mile. I went to a few scrimmages in Ft. Wayne.

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1 hour ago, milehiiu said:

Fort Wayne is blessed to have the War Memorial Coliseum.  A great facility. Refurbished not that long ago.  It would be fun for IUBB to return.  Also, hard for me to remember exactly. However there was a time when IUBB toured the state of Indiana, prior to the regular season. And I think, but am not sure, one of the stops was in Fort Wayne.

I remember when the incoming recruits used to go on a tour during the summer playing games around the state. This sounds like the whole team used to do that? I don't remember that ever happening since the late 80's when I was old enough to get interested in basketball.

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1 minute ago, go_iu_bb said:

I remember when the incoming recruits used to go on a tour during the summer playing games around the state. This sounds like the whole team used to do that? I don't remember that ever happening since the late 80's when I was old enough to get interested in basketball.

They had team scrimmages in the Fort.  The last one I attended was '88 or '89.

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