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IU/Duke Game thread


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11 minutes ago, Billingsley99 said:

He drives me crazy but would we take him on our team?  

As for me.... in a heart beat.  We sure as heck could use his three point shooting, and competitive heart in Candy Stripes.  Yet, another player you love to hate when he is on the other team, but one you would embrace if he were on yours.    Honestly, after watching him this year, and after hearing his interview after the game.... I think he is growing up.

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8 minutes ago, milehiiu said:

As for me.... in a heart beat.  We sure as heck could use his three point shooting, and competitive heart in Candy Stripes.  Yet, another player you love to hate when he is on the other team, but one you would embrace if he were on yours.    Honestly, after watching him this year, and after hearing his interview after the game.... I think he is growing up.

I am with you.  A whole lot of our fans had no problem with Michael Lewis drilling Jacob Jaaks in the face with in bound pass.  Love players with an edge

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21 minutes ago, milehiiu said:

As for me.... in a heart beat.  We sure as heck could use his three point shooting, and competitive heart in Candy Stripes.  Yet, another player you love to hate when he is on the other team, but one you would embrace if he were on yours.    Honestly, after watching him this year, and after hearing his interview after the game.... I think he is growing up.

This I agree no question would I even though he does questionable things and that's just how he plays and there's nothing wrong with having some competitive fire but you have to be able to control it and after last year he has learned that lesson. 

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1 hour ago, Mac said:

It seems like a chant used by schools which are never rated very high and have no class. It's beneath Indiana University.  The Indiana University that I remember, anyway.

Every school does it when they play/beat a highly rated team and they're unranked. It's college kids having fun, there's no school that's above that. I wish we hadn't done it in the first half, but this is right up there with court storming. 

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21 hours ago, KoB2011 said:

Every school does it when they play/beat a highly rated team and they're unranked. It's college kids having fun, there's no school that's above that. I wish we hadn't done it in the first half, but this is right up there with court storming. 

Well, on the plus side, I've never heard of an IU crowd chanting "Purdue sucks" during games against schools that aren't Purdue. So we've got that going for us.

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I'm going to hop on my soap box and throw in my 2 cents.  This seems like the best thread for it at the moment.

Can we please move past the Crean stuff?  No, he didn't end up working out as a coach here, but he was always a great representative of the university, and by all accounts a good person.  He just didn't get it done on the court.  He didn't cave to the massive pressure he was under, and he kept us clean off the court at a time when a lot of programs can't say that.  We all agree his coaching wasn't good enough to get the job done here, but it isn't like he was the world's worst coach, and I don't see the need to rake him over the coals after every game.

If Crean was coaching, we would have lost by 20.  If Crean was coaching, we wouldn't have fed the post.  If Crean was coaching, yada, yada, yada.  Is that really our measuring stick?  A coach we fired because his coaching wasn't up to our expectations?  In order to help beat our chest about our new hire, we throw our old coach under the bus?

We all want to get back to being a top 5 program, so it stands to reason that Archie likely needs to be a top 5-10 coach in all of college basketball to get that done.  Let's leave the petty Crean jabs behind.  I couldn't care less if Archie does something better than Crean did.  Congrats, he did something better than a coach we just fired.  I'm not saying we have to start comparing Miller to Coach K or Self right out of the gate, but eventually that's what we're all hoping he'll become.

I've been 50/50 on what Miller has done so far.  I think we would all agree that if we would have hired one of the 5-10 best coaches in college ball from the last 10 years (Coach K, Self, Donovan, Stevens, Izzo, Calipari, Pitino, Wright), we would have predicted better than 4-3 at this point with a 31 point loss to Indiana State, a 16 point loss to Seton Hall, and a 10 point loss to Duke.  That isn't to say we haven't showed signs of progressing, but would we really have been happy if any of those top tier coaches came in and had those results?

Miller's book at IU is only in Chapter 1, so it is far from being written.  I still think he's got a chance to be really good, but this is chapter 1 of Moby Dick 2.  It doesn't start with "I am Bob."  It starts with "I am Ahab mother *&(@#&$ and I'm back from the dead."  Either way, you don't put the book down after chapter 1.  It could turn into an epic, or it could be a failure.  Too early to tell either way, but you go in with really high hopes.

We have a couple tough but winnable games coming up.  Let's keep improving and come out and kick some a$$ like we expect a top coach to do.  Let's get it done Miller. Show us all why you're better than every coach out there, not just Tom Crean.  Show everybody that this is Indiana mother *&(@#&$ and we're back from the dead.

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57 minutes ago, Leathernecks said:

I'm going to hop on my soap box and throw in my 2 cents.  This seems like the best thread for it at the moment.

Can we please move past the Crean stuff?  No, he didn't end up working out as a coach here, but he was always a great representative of the university, and by all accounts a good person.  He just didn't get it done on the court.  He didn't cave to the massive pressure he was under, and he kept us clean off the court at a time when a lot of programs can't say that.  We all agree his coaching wasn't good enough to get the job done here, but it isn't like he was the world's worst coach, and I don't see the need to rake him over the coals after every game.

If Crean was coaching, we would have lost by 20.  If Crean was coaching, we wouldn't have fed the post.  If Crean was coaching, yada, yada, yada.  Is that really our measuring stick?  A coach we fired because his coaching wasn't up to our expectations?  In order to help beat our chest about our new hire, we throw our old coach under the bus?

We all want to get back to being a top 5 program, so it stands to reason that Archie likely needs to be a top 5-10 coach in all of college basketball to get that done.  Let's leave the petty Crean jabs behind.  I couldn't care less if Archie does something better than Crean did.  Congrats, he did something better than a coach we just fired.  I'm not saying we have to start comparing Miller to Coach K or Self right out of the gate, but eventually that's what we're all hoping he'll become.

I've been 50/50 on what Miller has done so far.  I think we would all agree that if we would have hired one of the 5-10 best coaches in college ball from the last 10 years (Coach K, Self, Donovan, Stevens, Izzo, Calipari, Pitino, Wright), we would have predicted better than 4-3 at this point with a 31 point loss to Indiana State, a 16 point loss to Seton Hall, and a 10 point loss to Duke.  That isn't to say we haven't showed signs of progressing, but would we really have been happy if any of those top tier coaches came in and had those results?

Miller's book at IU is only in Chapter 1, so it is far from being written.  I still think he's got a chance to be really good, but this is chapter 1 of Moby Dick 2.  It doesn't start with "I am Bob."  It starts with "I am Ahab mother *&(@#&$ and I'm back from the dead."  Either way, you don't put the book down after chapter 1.  It could turn into an epic, or it could be a failure.  Too early to tell either way, but you go in with really high hopes.

We have a couple tough but winnable games coming up.  Let's keep improving and come out and kick some a$$ like we expect a top coach to do.  Let's get it done Miller. Show us all why you're better than every coach out there, not just Tom Crean.  Show everybody that this is Indiana mother *&(@#&$ and we're back from the dead.


 I Agree,  I have no desire to bash CTC.  We did have some success during his tenure.  But he was found to have a ceiling lower than than that which IUBB fans would accept and thus he had to go.  I wish him nothing but the best.  I think he is a class individual and has earned our respect.  Having said that, I'm more optimistic than you on the chapters being written in the new CAM Novel.  Certainly more than 50/50.

1.  The intro reveals a fired coach perceived as having underachieving talent and inexplicable losses ESPECIALLY in his last season.  Alienating the fan base not just in W's and L's but also in style of play.  Mentally weak and unengaged, no grit, no discipline, inexplicable substitution patterns, poor defense, and declining ability to recruit from within the state.

2.  Chap 1.  Enter CAM to save the day.  First, able to retain all but 1 of the remaining players, retains all of CTC's commits, and puts together a very good recruiting class in just 6mo including the possibility of retaining one of the most sought after IN home grown recruits in years.  Someone unavailable to the prior coach.

3.  Chap 2.  Now the resurrection of the remaining team and the new additions begin.  But it entails essentially rebuilding from scratch with a completely new defense and offense.  Not one of the players with any experience in the new environment.  The change requires literally months and years to establish.  Unrealistic expectations of an easy and quick solution to the fans woes.  Then the tragic opening against ISU and now the sky is falling again.  Off with their heads--especially those lingering underachieving seniors they cried.  Glass got us another lemon in CAM!  He's nowhere near the coach we thought we hired!

4.  Chap 3.  But wait!  We actually begin to show life an improvement on both sides of the ball.  As fans we can actually recognize defense being played by those who couldn't before.  A coach actually appears to discipline player with pine time when not playing to expectations.  We begin to see intensity, grit, and mental toughness.  The dreaded Turnovers decrease.  We actually witness a decent half of basketball agains a very good Seton Hall team.  Good play against Zone defenses rarely seen in the last decade.  

5.  Chap 4.  Redemption!  In only the 7th game since beginning with the ISU loss, IU battles the best team and best athletes in the country to a draw in 37 of the 40 min of the Duke game.  Halleluja!  Ghosts of Christmas past come to mind:  IU/UNLV, IU/KY, IU/Duke, IU/Syracuse.  Unbelievable achievement by any standard.  No way we have athletes of their prowess not to mention this newby coach compared to the great Coach  K.  BUT IT HAPPENED!  Not by accident but thru hard work by the players and coaching staff.  The game plan was excellent.  The players played within themselves and the system being taught.  They played with great intensity, grit, and intelligence.  The game plan was inarguably superb.  The X's and O's were there to be seen.  Alas, the final 3 min was not to the fan bases liking.  But what a ride we've had in just 7 games!  There's already talk of Coach of the year.  

6.  Chap 5.  Still to be written.

I don't know about you, but this is a book I can't put down.  I can't wait to see the remaining chapters!  I think it's going to by one helluva read!


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On 11/30/2017 at 8:51 PM, Ryno6284 said:

God, I will never forget that play!  I wish I could find it on youtube.

Years before Jacob Jaaks, Knight called for the same play against Dr. Tom Davis' Hawkeyes. Davis had Brad Lohaus, a tree of a guy, aggressively guarding the inbounds.  Can't remember which Hoosier gave Lohaus the facial, but man, do I remember that red face...xD

...and it seemed like Lohaus gave the inbounder just a bit more room after that play.


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