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40 minutes ago, HoosierFaithful said:

Local government often barely has the resources to do what they’re currently attempting. Throwing all of this vaccine rollout on top while at the same time their budgets (and in some cases staff sizes) are shrinking by 20-30% was always a recipe for disaster unless they got significant federal help. Funding to state and local governments has been a key sticking point in relief negotiation in congress. 

It’s maddening that they just don’t get this. Health departments are always struggling with not having enough funds. 

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11 minutes ago, Lostin76 said:

Yeah, it’s not like we didn’t know that the vaccines were coming. It’s a lot to ask of states and strapped health departments. 

No wonder Amazon has talked about taking over vaccinating all of their folks...

Our health center has over 40K employees between the three sites. We got a MyChart notification to sign up and then signed up, no muss, no fuss. Could not have been easier or more seamless.

The experience of four of us trying to get one senior citizen signed up today was bonkers. I saw posts on Twitter of people that said their new routine was waking up at 6am to stare at their screens for four hours trying to get an appointment. 

I may sound like a dork but I love MyChart. haha. I learned last year that it was my doctors' preferred way of communicating so now I use it all the time. I never call and get put on hold for like 20 minutes to get transferred to somebody that needs to transfer me again. It's a direct line to the doctor, PA, nurse, etc. I can also schedule appointments, pay bills, etc. It was totally worth the 5 minute learning curve to get familiar with the system. 


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41 minutes ago, tdhoosier said:

I may sound like a dork but I love MyChart. haha. I learned last year that it was my doctors' preferred way of communicating so now I use it all the time. I never call and get put on hold for like 20 minutes to get transferred to somebody that needs to transfer me again. It's a direct line to the doctor, PA, nurse, etc. I can also schedule appointments, pay bills, etc. It was totally worth the 5 minute learning curve to get familiar with the system. 


It’s changed the way I get health care for sure. So easy to message your doc, the clinic nurse, etc. And love being able to see results so quickly. It’s required to have an account for all employees of our health system. I was skeptical at first, but yeah it just works. Definitely helped when it came time to vaccinate for COVID too. 

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Every time Donald McNeil Jr. is interviewed on The Daily I summarize what he said on here:

- about 1/3 of the country has been infected. The recent slowdown that was referenced on the previous page may be attributed to that, and the fact that we didn't have another holiday in January. 

- That said, all these variants popping up may be popping a hole in that balloon.

- The UK variant is here and in 20 states. The concern is that the variant will soon be the dominant variant by March because it's so contagious; this could offset that downward trend. This is also creating an even greater urgency to get the vaccine distributed; the goal now is to get the vaccine distributed faster than the UK variant spreads.

- Boris Johnson said that UK variant is more deadly the other day, but McNeil thought that was premature and more research needs to be done. If it is more deadly, it'd be fractionally. Right now, research just shows that it's much more contagious.

- It's not too late to slow the The Brazilian and South African variant. We've banned incoming travel from these countries, but unfortunately these viruses don't adhere to the residency of your passport. As we found out with China, it wasn't preventing the Chinese from coming here as much as it was Americans bring ing it back with them.  Are further travel restrictions going to be put in place? Who knows but hopefully we learned our lesson.

- So far the vaccines are showing to be effective against the new variants; maybe not as effective as the current variant but good enough to have a still-high efficacy rate. Regardless, scientists have already began testing on vaccine boosters...just in case. These are boosters to give an already vaccinated individual greater immunity to potential variants. This is all precautionary.

-  He refused to guess when things would go back to normal because there are simply too many factors, including: how quickly can we get distribute the vaccine, how much of the country will even take the vaccine, what happens if the virus mutates again, etc.? My summary (because I like analogies): the train to Normal-ville is going down the track; it could speed up and/or a series of obstacles could delay it's arrival. 

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9 minutes ago, tdhoosier said:

- about 1/3 of the country has been infected. The recent slowdown that was referenced on the previous page may be attributed to that, and the fact that we didn't have another holiday in January. 

I do think the percentage that has been infected is a significant contributor to the slowdown.  I think for much of the country, the holiday fears were overblown.  The upper Midwest peaked even before Thanksgiving.  And, if you really study the reporting of numbers, there wasn't really a holiday peak in most states.  The big blips in the curves were the result of inconsistent reporting on the holidays themselves as well as the day(s) immediately before and immediately after.  Otherwise, the numbers for most states in the country were fairly flat from mid-December to mid-January, albeit on a higher plateau than previously seen.  .   

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16 minutes ago, Hoosierhoopster said:

posting in nba thread but Sekou Smith, once a writer for the Star on the Pacers and long-time NBA analyst, passed away at 48 from Covid.

Saw that this morning.  Awful news.  

Edited by 5fouls
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23 hours ago, FritzIam4IU said:

Sorry to hear this. Hang in there and hope you have a full speedy recovery. Any word on when they will be able to perform your surgery now?

I'll haven't been posting simply because I'm so miserable. This is really kicking my fanny. Nauseous all the time, vacillate between hot and cold, congestion, coughing, off and on fever (more off than on) and I ache all over.

I'm almost certain got it in one of my 3 trips to the hospital in prep for my surgery. My wife is positive too, but her symptoms are milder so far.

21 days from now I can start looking at a date to reschedule. Right now though, I wish this friggin thing would just go away...

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8 minutes ago, IUFLA said:

I'll haven't been posting simply because I'm so miserable. This is really kicking my fanny. Nauseous all the time, vacillate between hot and cold, congestion, coughing, off and on fever (more off than on) and I ache all over.

I'm almost certain got it in one of my 3 trips to the hospital in prep for my surgery. My wife is positive too, but her symptoms are milder so far.

21 days from now I can start looking at a date to reschedule. Right now though, I wish this friggin thing would just go away...

Damn!  Prayers and positive thoughts for you and your better half.  You hang in there and get well soon.

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28 minutes ago, IUFLA said:

I'll haven't been posting simply because I'm so miserable. This is really kicking my fanny. Nauseous all the time, vacillate between hot and cold, congestion, coughing, off and on fever (more off than on) and I ache all over.

I'm almost certain got it in one of my 3 trips to the hospital in prep for my surgery. My wife is positive too, but her symptoms are milder so far.

21 days from now I can start looking at a date to reschedule. Right now though, I wish this friggin thing would just go away...

Sucks to hear that. Hang in there. Hope you and your wife are feeling better soon. I had to go to the hospital here for a test last Friday and I was very concerned about picking up COVID there.

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3 hours ago, IUFLA said:

I'll haven't been posting simply because I'm so miserable. This is really kicking my fanny. Nauseous all the time, vacillate between hot and cold, congestion, coughing, off and on fever (more off than on) and I ache all over.

I'm almost certain got it in one of my 3 trips to the hospital in prep for my surgery. My wife is positive too, but her symptoms are milder so far.

21 days from now I can start looking at a date to reschedule. Right now though, I wish this friggin thing would just go away...

I'm not saying I had this but last January I experienced everything you describe.  I called in 6 times to work and took a week off. Praying for you. 

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18 hours ago, tdhoosier said:

- It's not too late to slow the The Brazilian and South African variant. We've banned incoming travel from these countries, but unfortunately these viruses don't adhere to the residency of your passport. As we found out with China, it wasn't preventing the Chinese from coming here as much as it was Americans bring ing it back with them.  Are further travel restrictions going to be put in place? Who knows but hopefully we learned our lesson.


Regarding the Brazilian variant......😬


While the variant from the U.K. took about three months to dominate the outbreak in England, P.1 took only about a month to dominate the outbreak in Manaus. In addition, Manaus had already been hit extremely hard by the virus in April. One study estimated that the population should have reached herd immunity and the virus shouldn't be able to spread easily in the community. So why would the city see an even bigger surge 10 months later? Could P.1 be evading the antibodies made against the previous version of the virus, making reinfections easier? Could it just be significantly more contagious? Could both be true?

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12 hours ago, IUFLA said:

I'll haven't been posting simply because I'm so miserable. This is really kicking my fanny. Nauseous all the time, vacillate between hot and cold, congestion, coughing, off and on fever (more off than on) and I ache all over.

I'm almost certain got it in one of my 3 trips to the hospital in prep for my surgery. My wife is positive too, but her symptoms are milder so far.

21 days from now I can start looking at a date to reschedule. Right now though, I wish this friggin thing would just go away...

Hang in there. Hopefully it won't be long until you are feeling better and then you will have all day hang out on HSN!

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Just came to the realization yesterday that because we still don't know if vaccinated people can transmit the virus, my wife (who will get get her second shot this weekend) will still have to quarantine from work if she has an exposure - even when she's fully vaccinated. My questions that I can't seem to find: what is the quarantining period for those exposed individuals? Still 10 days? Can they present a negative test? Will a test even pick up if they are carrying the virus? 

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2 hours ago, tdhoosier said:

Regarding the Brazilian variant......😬


While the variant from the U.K. took about three months to dominate the outbreak in England, P.1 took only about a month to dominate the outbreak in Manaus. In addition, Manaus had already been hit extremely hard by the virus in April. One study estimated that the population should have reached herd immunity and the virus shouldn't be able to spread easily in the community. So why would the city see an even bigger surge 10 months later? Could P.1 be evading the antibodies made against the previous version of the virus, making reinfections easier? Could it just be significantly more contagious? Could both be true?

Good questions. Also, are people who had the virus previously, getting re-infected with the variant? 

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It looks like the American Journal of Medicine is recommending treatment with HCQ. 


"when started earlier in the hospital course, for progressively longer durations and in outpatients, antimalarials may reduce the progression of disease, prevent hospitalization, and are associated with reduced mortality"

Why is this not standard treatment given what we now know?

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I got my 2nd shot yesterday.  Nothing too bad for side effects.  Feel a little lethargic, and a little bit of chills, but nothing much.  Part of my issue might be that my dog woke me up during the night a few times.  Hopefully I can sleep better tonight and feel better tomorrow.

We did have a couple teachers who had side effects bad enough they took today off.  I guess one of them was in pretty bad shape last night and went to the ER.

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9 minutes ago, 5fouls said:

They can compile all that data, but not list the states in alphabetical order?

On the right side, there is a drop down tab so you can change the order.  The one the link goes to is sorted by relevance, but you can change it to alphabetically.  It also changes the address when you click a new way to sort, so it is @Lostin76's fault for posting the link that went there.  Perhaps this time it is appropriate to shoot the messenger? 🔫

Alphabetical link

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