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1 hour ago, Lostin76 said:

Dang, didn't expect that many in IN. We just passed 650 cases here in NYC this morning. Expecting over 1,000 before Friday. But, I think that's being conservative.

On the plus side, leave it to NYC to figure this stuff out. Our local wine shop has an app that no one used before, but now they have a sign on the door directing people to order/pay on app. I downloaded the app and 5 minutes later they opened the door and put our wine/booze on the ground for us pick up. It was all very orderly and someone else already there walked us through the procedure. We walked our dog the one and half blocks and then walked home with a month's worth of prosecco for the wife. I already have rye, gin, and sweet vermouth.

It looks like NYC will have a shelter in place order in the next few days. Shouldn't affect us too much as we are already hunkering down. We could leave the city and stay at our place on Maryland Eastern Shore, but Brooklyn is our home. All the people and businesses around us are important to us. Our bodegas an grocery stores are staying open and just asking people to limit the number of people going in at one time. There's a sense that we know that the city will be hit really hard, but also a sense that we are all in this together, even if it means keeping our distance from each other.

Last night, I smoked a big fat joint and instead of listening to music I watched the 2002 IU/Duke tourney game that @dbmhoosier posted in another thread. I give that dude lots of attitude for his negative posting, but he gave me Moye stuffing Boozer and a lot of Jared Jeffries being a badass. So, I thank him for that!

Stay safe everyone.

Not sure Gov. Cuomo is going for DeBlasio's shelter in place.  Cuomo says he wants all responses to the virus to be state wide and not piecemeal.  Just saw him on tv talking about this idea.

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43 minutes ago, jv1972iu said:

Not sure Gov. Cuomo is going for DeBlasio's shelter in place.  Cuomo says he wants all responses to the virus to be state wide and not piecemeal.  Just saw him on tv talking about this idea.

Am seeing that now. I trust Cuomo over DeBlasio. DeBlasio is not exactly projecting strength or inspiring confidence.

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6 minutes ago, Lostin76 said:

Am seeing that now. I trust Cuomo over DeBlasio. DeBlasio is not exactly projecting strength or inspiring confidence.

Cuomo strikes me as just the opposite to your comment regarding DeBlasio.  I'm very impressed with Cuomo.

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10 hours ago, milehiiu said:

They're still running traffic in there, just at a reduced rate...

There are thousands of airports out there that don't have a tower, albeit none even close to being as busy as MDW, but you can still run traffic in and out...when I worked down on the Florida panhandle, DTS (Destin airport) was the busiest non-controlled (no tower) airport in the US...one in, one out worked fine...unless the weather was crappy...

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Since this is public now I feel comfortable commenting on. I didn't know her personally but know people who did. Very active in band, music scene, bars, dart leagues,etc....just a normal person who undoubtedly came into contact with 100's of people before officially being diagnosed. Feel bad that she had to say goodbye to her husband via ipad. These are the potential exponential growth stories we should be concerned about.


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3 minutes ago, ColtsIUDomer said:

I'm supposed to be on a flight to Vegas RIGHT NOW for our annual March Madness drink fest...cancelled it last Thursday when everything tilted. 

 Bummed. Now working from home with my dogs starring at me.   At least i have that option, much respect for those that can not. 

Have a few friends that were supposed to leave as well. Used to make that trip myself. Tough times for sure and we hate it as sports fans when our annual get togethers get postponed or delayed. 

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13 hours ago, 5fouls said:

Yep.  Would not be surprised to see Florida cases spike as the local population is exposed to those travelling.  The young travelers will have little or very mild symptoms, while the older, local population pays the price. 

My understanding from multiple people in the department of health is that this is a huge concern.  I also believe many are believing this has been here for a significant amount of time longer than they thought.  Dr. Amy Acton from Ohio has publicly stated that one of their confirmed cast here in past week started with symptoms in early February.  I know several individuals who have had eerily similar symptoms as far back a late December.  Weird times for sure.  Stay home, stay clean, and most importantly take care of each other.

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8 minutes ago, 5fouls said:

Cases in the State of New York are exploding.  Almost 2,500 now.


We have 923 cases in NYC as of earlier this morning. They had predicted 1,000 by end of week, but we'll top that by the end of the day.


1 hour ago, Seeking6 said:

Since this is public now I feel comfortable commenting on. I didn't know her personally but know people who did. Very active in band, music scene, bars, dart leagues,etc....just a normal person who undoubtedly came into contact with 100's of people before officially being diagnosed. Feel bad that she had to say goodbye to her husband via ipad. These are the potential exponential growth stories we should be concerned about.


Ugh, there are going to be so many of these types of stories. My Dad was saing he only comes into close contact with 6-8 people each day on his job. He was silent when I asked him how many people those 6-8 people came into close contact with each day. And then how many people those people came into contact with. And so on...

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Hard to hear these stories. 

My wife said that yesterday's The Daily podcast was heartbreaking. They interviewed an Italian doctor and he was explaining how they choose who received treatment and who doesn't. They always choose the younger and healthy. He said it's incredibly sad because the older people they can't treat are forced to stay and families obviously can't visit them - and these people are dying alone. I don't know if I can bring myself to listen to it this morning. Especially because I woke up extra anxious. I'm a small business owner and had the incredible urge to clean out my receivables as best as I can because I don't know if anybody in payables departments will be around in 2 weeks. Hopefully an over-reaction, but just another thing to be concerned with. 

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2 minutes ago, tdhoosier said:

Hard to hear these stories. 

My wife said that yesterday's The Daily podcast was heartbreaking. They interviewed an Italian doctor and he was explaining how they choose who received treatment and who doesn't. They always choose the younger and healthy. He said it's incredibly sad because the older people they can't treat are forced to stay and families obviously can't visit them - and these people are dying alone. I don't know if I can bring myself to listen to it this morning. Especially because I woke up extra anxious. I'm a small business owner and had the incredible urge to clean out my receivables as best as I can because I don't know if anybody in payables departments will be around in 2 weeks. Hopefully an over-reaction, but just another thing to be concerned with. 

I listened to it and it was brutal to hear how they were having to just let people die. I don't envy small business owners right now, no matter where you are. Best of luck to you in the coming months.

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My wife and I each own our own business. My revenues are tied to the market so they will be down but minimally. My wife is a dentist. She will have some cash flow issues. Being closed (and/or working at a much reduced capacity) along with a likely slowing of insurance claims being paid to her means a decrease in revenue while fixed expenses and employees still need to be paid. Will be interesting to see what kind of help the very small business gets from the government. 

Truly heartbreaking to hear the stories from Italy. Basically having Drs and Hospitals acting as death panels determining who gets treated and who doesn't. Blessed to live in the USA and not having to worry about that for our parents/ citizens.

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1 hour ago, Reacher said:

My wife and I each own our own business. My revenues are tied to the market so they will be down but minimally. My wife is a dentist. She will have some cash flow issues. Being closed (and/or working at a much reduced capacity) along with a likely slowing of insurance claims being paid to her means a decrease in revenue while fixed expenses and employees still need to be paid. Will be interesting to see what kind of help the very small business gets from the government. 

Truly heartbreaking to hear the stories from Italy. Basically having Drs and Hospitals acting as death panels determining who gets treated and who doesn't. Blessed to live in the USA and not having to worry about that for our parents/ citizens.

Got an email today, from my dentist, who I have gone to here in Colorado, for at least 40 years.  He went to high school at Andrean.  And graduated from IU's dental school. His family were friends of one of my uncles. That's how I got to know him.  Anyway...... The e-mail said they were curtailing all regularly scheduled  services. But to call if there is an emergency.  They will be in office daily for emergencies only.

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19 minutes ago, Billingsley99 said:

Just received an email for the Superintendent of our schools and found out that 1 of the teachers at Ayden's elementary , one that he has lots of contact with has tested positive and is in ICU at Columbus Regional Hospital. This is the 1st case for Decatur County. 

Praying, friend. 

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