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California's 'Fair Pay to Play Act'


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36 minutes ago, rico said:

You left out one possibility...the legislation could end up forcing the NCAA to dis-ban.  College athletics were around before them.

You are forgetting Cali schools are Members with in the NCAA. The NCAA could say have it your way, you are no longer member schools. Form your own league and go at it.

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1 hour ago, IU Scott said:

I was responding to you who said boosters would not open up a company just to be able to get players to sponsor them.  I was just showing you can start up a business with really minimal cost.  They would start these businesses legally so they could egually pay the players

I never said anything about a booster not opening a company.  Must've been someone else.

But again that kinda of thing is already going on today if you ask me.  So I'm not worried about increased cheating.  

Go Hoosiers!!!

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13 minutes ago, Indykev said:

You are forgetting Cali schools are Members with in the NCAA. The NCAA could say have it your way, you are no longer member schools. Form your own league and go at it.

I think you missed that discussion.  California is just the start.  I think most agree once it passes there other states will follow.  A couple lawmakers in South Carolina just announced they are working on a bill. 

Go Hoosiers!!!

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52 minutes ago, Indykev said:

You are forgetting Cali schools are Members with in the NCAA. The NCAA could say have it your way, you are no longer member schools. Form your own league and go at it.

not to mention the california legislature has no authority to "dis-ban" (sic) the ncaa

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36 minutes ago, NotIThatLives said:

Question?  Do you guys consider these politicians, activist politicians?  If this kills the NCAA, a lot of people are going to be pissed.  Great, screw the NCAA but don't take away our college sports.  How can we actually have both?  

I dunno if that's the right label but both votes in California have been unanimous.  

As far as the NCAA goes... I have mixed feelings.  Sure March madness and other tournaments are awesome but I have about had it with them not enforcing their own rules or passing down punishments when they are deserved.  Because of the almighty dollar the big schools will always get off easy.  So to me blowing it up and starting all over doesn't sound all that bad.

Go Hoosiers!!!

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5 hours ago, Indy1987 said:

I think you missed that discussion.  California is just the start.  I think most agree once it passes there other states will follow.  A couple lawmakers in South Carolina just announced they are working on a bill. 

Go Hoosiers!!!

And when other states start following suit it is only a matter of time before the federal gov't has their say so.

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14 hours ago, FW_Hoosier said:

Lol, you’re so far off in la la land you’re almost not even worth responding to.  Conflating ticket revenue with booster money and comparing Wisconsin football ticket revenue to IU’s sponsorship deal with Adidas is real BRAIN GENIUS stuff.  Keep enlightening the masses, Einstein.

How about read the post I was responding to there next time.....lol

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15 hours ago, greg haggard said:

Don't mean to horn into your discussion, but I think he's saying fans of Romeo Langford wouldn't buy an IU jersey if he went to Louisville, they'd buy a Louisville jersey instead.

Probably wouldn't affect the bottom line greatly, but it is a valid point.


And that is the amount of money NCAA athletes are worth.....

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16 hours ago, coachv said:

it is not the schools who will be doing the bidding, but private enterprise. can the schools secretly ask these entities to hire athletes? sure, but that would still run afoul of ncaa regulations.

What happens if the NCAA doesn't exist anymore?

If athletes can get paid, what exactly is the role of the NCAA?

And even if the NCAA does exist, they sure do a bang up job of enforcing regulations now... lol

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15 hours ago, rico said:

No, that is a fact.  The institutions make millions off these kids.

Then don't play?

Crazy right?

If those big, bad universities are taking so much advantage of poor zion and romeo.....don't play.

Because there are thousands of kids that would LOVE to be "taken advantage of" by playing college sports for a free education.

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44 minutes ago, JugRox said:

Then don't play?

Crazy right?

If those big, bad universities are taking so much advantage of poor zion and romeo.....don't play.

Because there are thousands of kids that would LOVE to be "taken advantage of" by playing college sports for a free education.

So the solution is don’t work towards the career that you are able to do for millions of dollars?  Pretty fair stance 

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Just now, Brass Cannon said:

So the solution is don’t work towards the career that you are able to do for millions of dollars?  Pretty fair stance 

There are other choices for these kids if they don't want to play college basketball. They can go over seas or go to the G-league and they can also just sit out a year and work out for the draft with a trainer.

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18 minutes ago, Brass Cannon said:

So the solution is don’t work towards the career that you are able to do for millions of dollars?  Pretty fair stance 


Zion and Romeo should have NEVER set foot on a college campus.

Play in Europe, play in the development league, play in the BIG 3, hell.....take a year off.....

But forcing college sports to be be minor league basketball and football isn't fair to %99 percent of college athletes.


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If you read comments from some of the politicians pushing the bill in California this is not all about the big money athletes and sports.   A lot of it has to do with the small sport athletes that can't earn money.  Like the swim team member that can't coach swimming during the offsseason and get paid.  It's about all the lesser athletes that will have no pro careers that are not able to make a few bucks while in school.   The window for making money is very small for these kids.   Also consider female athletes.  What pro sports options do they have after college?  Not near as many as men so again their window for earning off their sport is small. 

The NCAA should have fixed this years ago and made allowances for certain ways for athletes to earn.  But they did nothing and now they are going to pay a huge price.  

Go Hoosiers!!!


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1 hour ago, JugRox said:


Zion and Romeo should have NEVER set foot on a college campus.

Play in Europe, play in the development league, play in the BIG 3, hell.....take a year off.....

But forcing college sports to be be minor league basketball and football isn't fair to %99 percent of college athletes.


And they won’t be professional athletes. Kids will simply be able to make money from their likeness.  Like everybody else is allowed to  

And that doesn’t make them professionals. Tons of kids who will never get paid to play will benefit from this. 

But you seem more concerned with sticking it to those uppity kids than actually thinking this through 

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15 hours ago, NotIThatLives said:

Question?  Do you guys consider these politicians, activist politicians?  If this kills the NCAA, a lot of people are going to be pissed.  Great, screw the NCAA but don't take away our college sports.  How can we actually have both?  

I read that this law originally didn't have enough votes to pass, but then they were presented with the arguments and many changed their stance. A unanimous vote is pretty hard to to argue activism - even in California. I think you have to look at this objectively and not as fan because fans are selfish A-holes. We're presented with this time and time again whether it's fans booing Andrew Luck, fan bases attacking recruits on social media because they didn't choose their school, fans cheering injuries of opponents, etc. I'm sorry but we fans never tend to see the big picture, we want to be entertained and win at all costs. We are selfish.

Don't mean to be controversial and i'm definitely not attacking any of my fellow HSN members personally, but who cares what you 'feel' or what you 'want' - it's about what's right. The NCAA can't have it both ways - they're the ones who are messing up everything. They are the ones who positioned themselves to be the gateway between high school and pros. They are the ones who can't govern their own because the people who run the NCAA have vested interests in the big universities they attended.

If you disagree with me, that's fine, but the NCAA not allowing a person to make money off of their likeness is just not right - they essentially are trying to own a person's image, profit off of it and not allow them any monetary compensation. This isn't the USSR. A person in this day, age and country should be able to profit of of their namesake. A governing entity shouldn't tell you that you can't, or try to govern how you should. This is also not an argument of amateurism vs. professionalism because there is a fine line between getting directly paid to play a game vs. getting paid by an outside entity that uses your name/image to sell products. 

And for a second, let's look outside the bubble of Basketball and Football. There have been countless olympians and medalists who have missed out on financial opportunities because they were in college during the primes of their careers. This is money they can't get back. And in sports like swimming, track, gymnastics, etc, athletes aren't able to capitalize off of their achievements unless it's from endorsements. The NCAA isn't only screwing basketball and football stars, they are screwing every other athlete along the way. 

So, is that just the way it is and athlete's should 'deal with it'? Screw that attitude. We should be above that. 

Maybe I'm not the one to eloquently make this argument, but there is somebody who can and they did to the California state assembly.


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2 hours ago, JugRox said:

Then don't play?

Crazy right?

If those big, bad universities are taking so much advantage of poor zion and romeo.....don't play.

Because there are thousands of kids that would LOVE to be "taken advantage of" by playing college sports for a free education.

i agree. next time someone tells you schools make millions off of these kids, remember that the schools also invest millions in them. recruiting them, free tuition and books, free masters degree, free tutors, mentoring, the best housing, much better food than any other students get, the best training and equipment money can buy, a chance to travel and see the country, a stipend...am i leaving anything out? wish some school would have taken advantage of me like that.

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22 minutes ago, coachv said:

i agree. next time someone tells you schools make millions off of these kids, remember that the schools also invest millions in them. recruiting them, free tuition and books, free masters degree, free tutors, mentoring, the best housing, much better food than any other students get, the best training and equipment money can buy, a chance to travel and see the country, a stipend...am i leaving anything out? wish some school would have taken advantage of me like that.

You are describing only a small subset of the college athletes experience. And even then still glamorizing it to fit your narrative 

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