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I had a pissed off customer company VP from Germany call bitching and moaning today because I didn’t give him his demanded report of how to fix their problem, by today (he initially demanded by “Friday”). 
he wasn’t amused when I said, … “ you didn’t say which Friday”. 

fyi, they are experiencing the EXACT issues I told them they would, when they decided to use our standard equipment “off label” in a totally stooopid custom designed automation process. I told them not to eff around… now they are in the find out phase. 
I’ll help them out… Friday. 

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24 minutes ago, Joe_Hoopsier said:

I had a pissed off customer company VP from Germany call bitching and moaning today because I didn’t give him his demanded report of how to fix their problem, by today (he initially demanded by “Friday”). 
he wasn’t amused when I said, … “ you didn’t say which Friday”. 

fyi, they are experiencing the EXACT issues I told them they would, when they decided to use our standard equipment “off label” in a totally stooopid custom designed automation process. I told them not to eff around… now they are in the find out phase. 
I’ll help them out… Friday. 

‘The Ladder of Knowledge’ 

Guy I used to work with and I had a couple of code phrases that were less than complimentary and yet we could use them with the person in question. One was they were climbing the ladder of knowledge. Which in our definition was the further up someone climbed the less they knew about what was happening on the floor! The other was ‘that was heads up!’ Which in our definition meant they had their head up where the sun don’t shine!

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14 minutes ago, Drroogh said:

‘The Ladder of Knowledge’ 

Guy I used to work with and I had a couple of code phrases that were less than complimentary and yet we could use them with the person in question. One was they were climbing the ladder of knowledge. Which in our definition was the further up someone climbed the less they knew about what was happening on the floor! The other was ‘that was heads up!’ Which in our definition meant they had their head up where the sun don’t shine!

Peter principle 101 .   

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2 hours ago, Joe_Hoopsier said:

We intentionally make process to prevent production, just so STOOOPID people have jobs. 

About 15 years ago when I was still working in manufacturing, our corporate EHS guy was a self admitted not-so-former hippie. Went to Woodstock and everything. Dude could recite OSHA regulations backwards and forwards but it wasn’t uncommon to see him in his van at lunch blasting Grateful Dead and blazing up. 😂

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44 minutes ago, Zlinedavid said:

About 15 years ago when I was still working in manufacturing, our corporate EHS guy was a self admitted not-so-former hippie. Went to Woodstock and everything. Dude could recite OSHA regulations backwards and forwards but it wasn’t uncommon to see him in his van at lunch blasting Grateful Dead and blazing up. 😂

My people misspell osha. 

Long story (attempted to be) shorter.

3 months ago I had a customer in to run sample parts, they brought a "chemical" that they used in their home made initial R&D trials. .... Like 20cc's of it. We needed to dip a q tip 15-20 times. In, out no one knew anything.

Well I sold them a round 2 of testing... Outside of my view, my engineer ran up to "EHS command" a request, per our proticals.. Properly.. about them bringing in this chemical AGAIN (the little fvcker knew it would cause problems, it's just what he does) which he was a willing participant of the first time.... 

Anyway, his request for permission, caused a total effing melt down in EHS. They read 3 lines of the MSDS, which is a totally useless document and devastating in the hands of IGNORANT anti production EHS people who have no idea what it means. anyway.. and they see the word FATAL if inhaled.... 

Now an MSDS is a tool for HazMat response teams and fire departments dealing with 10,000 gallon , New Palistine Ohio issues, NOT 20cc of lighter fluid. I'm about to lose a 1/4 million $ sale for STOOOOOPID people. I throw a shit hemorage fit. Local EHS calls my "bluff".. Game on MF'r. (ohhh they totally effed up calling me out !!!) 

I get corporate EHS involved, they dig into the PEL and TWA OSHA level, who allow 400 PPM, 8 hrs exposure (TWA, 500 ppm PEL 4 hrs) per work day, every day for 80 yrs.... Corp looks it over... "this is in the same class that I start my Charcoal gril with every night...." .. YEP, I say, But local saw the word FATAL....... IF YOU DRINK 55 gallons in one night...


Corp will give him a raise, and I am free to have my customer come, totally unencumbered. Ain't like grand... and I lost 2 efing days of planning a mass bombing... (mostly kidding on that last part, it was going to be a very localized explosion!). Room 201... to be exact....   

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8 hours ago, Joe_Hoopsier said:

My people misspell osha. 

Long story (attempted to be) shorter.

3 months ago I had a customer in to run sample parts, they brought a "chemical" that they used in their home made initial R&D trials. .... Like 20cc's of it. We needed to dip a q tip 15-20 times. In, out no one knew anything.

Well I sold them a round 2 of testing... Outside of my view, my engineer ran up to "EHS command" a request, per our proticals.. Properly.. about them bringing in this chemical AGAIN (the little fvcker knew it would cause problems, it's just what he does) which he was a willing participant of the first time.... 

Anyway, his request for permission, caused a total effing melt down in EHS. They read 3 lines of the MSDS, which is a totally useless document and devastating in the hands of IGNORANT anti production EHS people who have no idea what it means. anyway.. and they see the word FATAL if inhaled.... 

Now an MSDS is a tool for HazMat response teams and fire departments dealing with 10,000 gallon , New Palistine Ohio issues, NOT 20cc of lighter fluid. I'm about to lose a 1/4 million $ sale for STOOOOOPID people. I throw a shit hemorage fit. Local EHS calls my "bluff".. Game on MF'r. (ohhh they totally effed up calling me out !!!) 

I get corporate EHS involved, they dig into the PEL and TWA OSHA level, who allow 400 PPM, 8 hrs exposure (TWA, 500 ppm PEL 4 hrs) per work day, every day for 80 yrs.... Corp looks it over... "this is in the same class that I start my Charcoal gril with every night...." .. YEP, I say, But local saw the word FATAL....... IF YOU DRINK 55 gallons in one night...


Corp will give him a raise, and I am free to have my customer come, totally unencumbered. Ain't like grand... and I lost 2 efing days of planning a mass bombing... (mostly kidding on that last part, it was going to be a very localized explosion!). Room 201... to be exact....   

Not just EHS but any bureaucracy function like Quality! Medical Device was the worst, anybody and I mean anybody could look at a work instruction or a process and say ’I think that’s wrong’ . We would then have to go through an extensive process of method and testing to PROVE the idiot was an Idiot! When dealing with idiots it can almost be impossible to prove they are. Kind of like a two year old saying endlessly Why!

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30 minutes ago, Drroogh said:

Not just EHS but any bureaucracy function like Quality! Medical Device was the worst, anybody and I mean anybody could look at a work instruction or a process and say ’I think that’s wrong’ . We would then have to go through an extensive process of method and testing to PROVE the idiot was an Idiot! When dealing with idiots it can almost be impossible to prove they are. Kind of like a two year old saying endlessly Why!

Guess what, I’m actually in Medical Devices and you are Spot on!!! 
Now that you have a test method to prove the idiot, repeat it 3 times, with 3 different idiots with a random sampling plan to make sure an idiot didn’t make the test method. 


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  • 2 weeks later...
On 4/28/2024 at 2:59 PM, Drroogh said:

People who don’t realize it’s called an accelerator! Can you possibly get away from a stop any slower!

We all know that the last person to see the light turn green is always in the first car in line.

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  • 1 month later...

Any and every company that changes their online payment process.  I pay virtually everything online for convenience.  Part of that convenience is knowing where on the web page to find the payment portal and how the payment process flows.  Somebody, somewhere, in the last 3 months, must have convinced every company for which I pay something on a monthly basis to change their online payment process. 

Today it was the electric bill.  I'm trying to get ready for work and end up spending 5 times the amount of time it usually takes me because I'm figuring out screens and such that I am unfamiliar with (and not nearly as intuitive as the previous version).

Then, to further slow me down from getting out the door, I felt compelled to rant about this on HSN.  Now, I'm going to be late for work.


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1 hour ago, 5fouls said:

Any and every company that changes their online payment process.  I pay virtually everything online for convenience.  Part of that convenience is knowing where on the web page to find the payment portal and how the payment process flows.  Somebody, somewhere, in the last 3 months, must have convinced every company for which I pay something on a monthly basis to change their online payment process. 

Today it was the electric bill.  I'm trying to get ready for work and end up spending 5 times the amount of time it usually takes me because I'm figuring out screens and such that I am unfamiliar with (and not nearly as intuitive as the previous version).

Then, to further slow me down from getting out the door, I felt compelled to rant about this on HSN.  Now, I'm going to be late for work.


Do you use apps?

I pretty much do everything online too, but more on my phone than anything...I'm a self admitted "app junkie." I have over 40 restaurant apps on my phone...When I go to lunch with my co-workers, one of the first considerations for where we go (from them, not me) is there a place I have a reward coming :) 

I've emailed companies that I use about their apps if I think they stink...I emailed Entergy (my power company) about 3 years ago telling them their app was terrible...Not too long after that, they had a redesign, and it's the best app I use...3 clicks and I'm done paying my bill...Now, I'm not saying one email drove them to action, but it doesn't hurt either...

I actually hate logging onto a site to do business...Much rather use their app...

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10 minutes ago, IUFLA said:

Do you use apps?

I pretty much do everything online too, but more on my phone than anything...I'm a self admitted "app junkie." I have over 40 restaurant apps on my phone...When I go to lunch with my co-workers, one of the first considerations for where we go (from them, not me) is there a place I have a reward coming :) 

I've emailed companies that I use about their apps if I think they stink...I emailed Entergy (my power company) about 3 years ago telling them their app was terrible...Not too long after that, they had a redesign, and it's the best app I use...3 clicks and I'm done paying my bill...Now, I'm not saying one email drove them to action, but it doesn't hurt either...

I actually hate logging onto a site to do business...Much rather use their app...

No.  I dont use Apps.  Still in the relative dark ages with my phone.  Use it to text and basic internet browsing, but still use my laptop for the heavy lifting.  Will probably never change.

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12 minutes ago, 5fouls said:

No.  I dont use Apps.  Still in the relative dark ages with my phone.  Use it to text and basic internet browsing, but still use my laptop for the heavy lifting.  Will probably never change.

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I don't use apps either. And the ones that I've seen are nothing more than a URL link to the home page (or login pg) on their website. (pretty lame for an "app") I have shortcuts on my PC that get me there in one click.

I much prefer using my large monitor to view bills, pay bills, read this forum, etc.

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