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Just now, KoB2011 said:

Outsdie of a few folks, everyone who criticizes Woodson also praises him when appropriate. Check out the Ohio State postgame - he got a lot of praise.

If you think it's unfair to rake him over the coals, I think it's unfair that you are unwilling to ever admit he is anything less than perfect. You think he is unquestionable in his basketball acumen and his leadership, so much so that you'll completely throw the players and the program under the bus to defend him.

I love IU a hell of a lot more than I love Mike Woodson and if I'm going to pick a side about what each is capable of my alma mater is going to win every time. 

Hey, you folks can question his lineups and strategy all you want...

But I think it's unfair that people to go out of their way to find things to pick at... It's BS...the Tominaga think is petty to the nth degree... 


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11 minutes ago, IUFLA said:

Hey, you folks can question his lineups and strategy all you want...

But I think it's unfair that people to go out of their way to find things to pick at... It's BS...the Tominaga think is petty to the nth degree... 


Have you seen how you post about any program besides IU? If you posted things that were balanced on occasion what you're saying might come through a little differently.

So let me ask you this, what are your top 3 complaints about Mike Woodson as head coach? 

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38 minutes ago, IUFLA said:

Hey, you folks can question his lineups and strategy all you want...

But I think it's unfair that people to go out of their way to find things to pick at... It's BS...the Tominaga think is petty to the nth degree... 


I don’t care that he “disrespected” Tominaga. I care that in response to a question about the three point defense, Woodson said “the little guard” made some deep threes. This makes it sound like some little used kid came off the bench and hit tough shots. Not that their best player did what he does and IU had no response, after having a week to game plan. 

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22 minutes ago, IUFLA said:

.. It's BS...the Tominaga think is petty to the nth degree... 


Let's be clear.  Someone posted the quote Woodson made. I made a single comment saying it was disrespectful.  That happens to be my opinion. The most basic rule of sport is to respect your opponent.  He referred to a kid that had a great game as 'The Little Guard' in the post-game press conference.  Is that how he referred to him in front of the team during practice?  Pre-game walkthrough?  Is Xavier Johnson going to give proper respect during the game to an opponent the coaches have been calling 'The Little Guard'?

Beyond that, I make one comment, based on my personal belief in how a coach should view his opponent, related to a quote that I didn't even post, and now I'm going out of my way to 'bash' Woodson?  If you closely read what I post on a regular basis, you will very rarely see me complain about substitution patterns, the team's offensive and defensive approach, or recruiting.  I may say something like it's hard to win making 19 turnovers or shooting 40% from the foul line.  But, I absolutely do not go out of my way to blame the coaching staff for things.

What I will do, and will continue to do, is make a comment like 'that was disrespectful' when I feel it is warranted.  I do things myself like that when I call Painter 'Porkchop' or make a comment about Purdue Coeds.  But, I'm not the face of Indiana University, in front of a microphone, referring to an opposing player in that manner.   Tominaga absolutely owned us in that game.  He has a name. 

What would your reaction had been if, in the Nebraska press conference, Tominaga referred to Woodson, as 'The Old Guy Coaching IU'.         


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4 minutes ago, 13th&Jackson said:

. Not that their best player did what he does and IU had no response, after having a week to game plan. 

Makes you wonder if it was even a point of emphasis during game prep.  If it had been, I think 'Tominaga' would have had a name.  

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1 hour ago, NotIThatLives said:

Shew, I was worried for a second.  

No problem. But I will say this, I have never been a Woodson fan from the minute the announcement was made he was the coach. I think he was a bottom of the barrel hire and I believe he will not lead us anywhere but to mediocrity. In my opinion he is Archie Miller 2.0.

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1 hour ago, KoB2011 said:

Have you seen how you post about any program besides IU? If you posted things that were balanced on occasion what you're saying might come through a little differently.

So let me ask you this, what are your top 3 complaints about Mike Woodson as head coach? 

Wait... This is an IU site, right? You mean I can't poke fun at Purdue, Kentucky, or Illinois? Whose rules? Yours?

Top 3 complaints... Hmmm

Well, he drinks red wine. I'm not a big wine drinker, so there's that...

And don't tell anybody, but I think he dyes his goatee... Not my thing either... 

Oh, and I've used this one before, but I'm not in love with his tie selection... 

I asked in another thread, who had the best team last year? Indiana or Purdue? Didn't see an answer from you... Thought maybe you missed it... So interested in your opinion 


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1 hour ago, 5fouls said:

Let's be clear.  Someone posted the quote Woodson made. I made a single comment saying it was disrespectful.  That happens to be my opinion. The most basic rule of sport is to respect your opponent.  He referred to a kid that had a great game as 'The Little Guard' in the post-game press conference.  Is that how he referred to him in front of the team during practice?  Pre-game walkthrough?  Is Xavier Johnson going to give proper respect during the game to an opponent the coaches have been calling 'The Little Guard'?

Beyond that, I make one comment, based on my personal belief in how a coach should view his opponent, related to a quote that I didn't even post, and now I'm going out of my way to 'bash' Woodson?  If you closely read what I post on a regular basis, you will very rarely see me complain about substitution patterns, the team's offensive and defensive approach, or recruiting.  I may say something like it's hard to win making 19 turnovers or shooting 40% from the foul line.  But, I absolutely do not go out of my way to blame the coaching staff for things.

What I will do, and will continue to do, is make a comment like 'that was disrespectful' when I feel it is warranted.  I do things myself like that when I call Painter 'Porkchop' or make a comment about Purdue Coeds.  But, I'm not the face of Indiana University, in front of a microphone, referring to an opposing player in that manner.   Tominaga absolutely owned us in that game.  He has a name. 

What would your reaction had been if, in the Nebraska press conference, Tominaga referred to Woodson, as 'The Old Guy Coaching IU'.         


I'd have probably laughed

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1 hour ago, 5fouls said:

The most basic rule of sport is to respect your opponent

Is that what all the flexing, screaming, and pointing is all about?  Respect?


"Respect" went out the window in sports a long time ago... I don't care for it when our kids do it, but I guess it's part of the game... So, I live with it... 

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20 minutes ago, IUFLA said:

Wait... This is an IU site, right? You mean I can't poke fun at Purdue, Kentucky, or Illinois? Whose rules? Yours?

Top 3 complaints... Hmmm

Well, he drinks red wine. I'm not a big wine drinker, so there's that...

And don't tell anybody, but I think he dyes his goatee... Not my thing either... 

Oh, and I've used this one before, but I'm not in love with his tie selection... 

I asked in another thread, who had the best team last year? Indiana or Purdue? Didn't see an answer from you... Thought maybe you missed it... So interested in your opinion 


Yes, it’s an IU website. I love trash talking and poking fun at rivals. Playful banter with @Stlboiler23 and @BruceDouglas is great fun. But there’s also a difference in that and serious basketball conversation; I enjoy both things.

And it’s fine if you don’t enjoy serious basketball discussion. It’s fine if you want to be a homer. Doesn’t make you any better a fan or poster either way. But let’s not confuse banter, homerism, and serious basketball discussion to all be the same.

To answer your question, no we weren’t better than Purdue. We had a roster tailor made to beat them and the staff and players did a great job identifying that. But in the 18 non H2H conference games they were 5 games better than us. They won the conference tournament and regular season with ease. They were, without any debate, the best team in the Big Ten last season. I am fairly certain you wouldn’t accept someone making the case Wisconsin had a better team than us in 2013, I know I wouldn’t.

Back to Woody and your “response”… if you can’t engage in a serious conversation about the pros AND cons then you should probably just let people who want to have that conversation have it. 


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20 minutes ago, KoB2011 said:

To answer your question, no we weren’t better than Purdue.

That pretty much ends this discussion... Games aren't played on paper... 

"Serious basketball discussion." If you won't even admit the obvious, that phrase is useless... 

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2 minutes ago, IUFLA said:

That pretty much ends this discussion... Games aren't played on paper... 

"Serious basketball discussion." If you won't even admit the obvious, that phrase is useless... 

we were better head to head, we weren’t better than them. Those aren’t the same things.

But nice of you to shit on our 2013 team in pursuit of defending Mike Woodson no matter what. 

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37 minutes ago, IUFLA said:

That pretty much ends this discussion... Games aren't played on paper... 

"Serious basketball discussion." If you won't even admit the obvious, that phrase is useless... 

who was the best team in the conference last season in your opinion?

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1 hour ago, IUFLA said:

That pretty much ends this discussion... Games aren't played on paper... 

"Serious basketball discussion." If you won't even admit the obvious, that phrase is useless... 

You guys had our number last year and the JHS mid-range still triggers me sometimes haha. But we were clearly the better team even with our early tournament exit. 

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2 hours ago, KoB2011 said:

Yes, it’s an IU website. I love trash talking and poking fun at rivals. Playful banter with @Stlboiler23 and @BruceDouglas is great fun. But there’s also a difference in that and serious basketball conversation; I enjoy both things.

And it’s fine if you don’t enjoy serious basketball discussion. It’s fine if you want to be a homer. Doesn’t make you any better a fan or poster either way. But let’s not confuse banter, homerism, and serious basketball discussion to all be the same.

To answer your question, no we weren’t better than Purdue. We had a roster tailor made to beat them and the staff and players did a great job identifying that. But in the 18 non H2H conference games they were 5 games better than us. They won the conference tournament and regular season with ease. They were, without any debate, the best team in the Big Ten last season. I am fairly certain you wouldn’t accept someone making the case Wisconsin had a better team than us in 2013, I know I wouldn’t.

Back to Woody and your “response”… if you can’t engage in a serious conversation about the pros AND cons then you should probably just let people who want to have that conversation have it. 


Not gonna lie I’m disappointed you didn’t go for the Fairleigh reference haha. 

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9 hours ago, kyhoosier29 said:

How old are you?

66...Anything else you want to know?

12 hours ago, KoB2011 said:

But in the 18 non H2H conference games they were 5 games better than us.

Yes, and Purdue had the weakest conference schedule while we had the toughest...They got to play the bottom 4 7 times...We got to play them 4 times...Schedules do make a difference...

But head to head, we were better...It's as simple as that...There's no other way to qualify who is better than on the court, don't you agree?

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18 minutes ago, IUFLA said:

66...Anything else you want to know?

Yes, and Purdue had the weakest conference schedule while we had the toughest...They got to play the bottom 4 7 times...We got to play them 4 times...Schedules do make a difference...

But head to head, we were better...It's as simple as that...There's no other way to qualify who is better than on the court, don't you agree?

No, I don’t agree 1 or 2 head to head games is the best way to determine who is the best team in a 31 game season.

Two good examples of why that doesn’t work: 2013 you’d have to conclude Wisconsin was better than us. That is absolutely not a correct statement despite them beating us twice.

Last season, Northwestern beat Purdue and swept us. So they’d be better than us both, but they also got swept by PSU who also swept us, so PSU must be the best of all the team. Except for Purdue best PSU 3 times including in the BTT title game. So I guess Purdue actually was the best. 

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2 minutes ago, BGleas said:

Last season the Orlando Magic won 3 out of 4 games against my Boston Celtics. 

You'd be hard pressed to find anyone people, probably including Magic fans, that think the Magic were better than the Celtics. 

I figured it was only a matter of time before the 4th party of the "Mean Girls" posse showed up...

You guys are beyond belief...One the court/field results don't matter? Is that what you're saying? That's absolutely laughable...

I'm not going to go back and forth with you on this...The people on this forum hate that, and I'm not going to perpetuate it...

I do think it's sad that a mod constantly takes one side and nothing is done about it...

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