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49 minutes ago, HoosierFaithful said:

Why does anyone on this board care about what anyone else thinks about their posts?  I think we've all shown we're mostly morons, so if someone disagrees with my post, I take it mostly as a badge of honor tbh.

Huh… is this directed at my question? I find that odd in many ways if so because plenty have cared about my posts but I wasn’t asking because I care if people do or don’t. 

I was asking because it appears many dismiss all of it and that is cool. I am more thinking if you dismiss all of it then kind of pointless to follow any of it until a commit and comment each time someone posts a Twitter that you don’t believe it, etc.  if you believe some of them then why do you?  What should be posted here?  

I’m I am truly trying to get a read and better understand.  

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10 minutes ago, Initial79 said:

Huh… is this directed at my question? I find that odd in many ways if so because plenty have cared about my posts but I wasn’t asking because I care if people do or don’t. 

I was asking because it appears many dismiss all of it and that is cool. I am more thinking if you dismiss all of it then kind of pointless to follow any of it until a commit and comment each time someone posts a Twitter that you don’t believe it, etc.  if you believe some of them then why do you?  What should be posted here?  

I’m I am truly trying to get a read and better understand.  

Pretty confident it was posted in a joking manner.  Best advice I can give you is say what you want within the rules of the forum and don't be so concerned about what others think.  It's silly to take any of the conversation too seriously until formal announcements are made.  i take it all as entertainment and once someone has a good track record of consistently being right, I pay a little more attention.  Appreciate what you add and encourage you to continue but don't get too caught up in the back and forth.  A lot of it isn't that serious.

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27 minutes ago, Steubenhoosier said:

thanks Scott...just got home about 1:30. Hoping she can rest this weekend.

Hopefully the surgery gives her better quality of life. Back or any neurological surgery isn’t fun. Wife had her second craniotomy in September. I knew she was better when she told me she didn’t need me hanging around bothering her. Told me to stay at my sisters but “ bring me cheesy eggs in the morning”.  

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13 minutes ago, BGleas said:

Going to do my best to be super clear here. I love our "insiders" that post here, BTB's and other forums. I think they're good people, great members of these communities, I enjoy what they share, and I hope they always continue to share and post. This isn't a knock on them whatsoever. 

With that said, I think 90-95% of the "insider" information is BS, and I'm including the twitter people, reporters, etc.. I believe our insiders have connections and I believe they hear things from those connections and they share it. Again, I have no issue with the "insiders" themselves, this isn't about them.

But, I've been on the inside at the NBA level. Maybe not apples-to-apples, but pretty darn close. The people that the "insiders" are connected to don't know much. They're sharing what they think they know to seem important. Anyone that actually knows what is really going on isn't running around sharing it.

Part of my job in the NBA was to monitor blog sites, media, etc. I would literally sit at my desk with co-workers LOL'ing at the stuff on those sites being passed around as "insider information" and talked about like it was real and accurate. It was almost always not even remotely close. 

I was in PR, so not in basketball operations, but as close as you can get without being in that department. I'd write the press releases when we made a trade, so again super early in the chain of people finding out about our transactions, and they were almost always out of the blue. I attended all of the draft workouts and sat in the teams war room, yet almost never knew who we were going to draft until the GM told us. The trades we announced were almost (keyword, because of course some times things do get out) never things that were being rumored in the media, blogs, etc.

I mean, Mike Woodson and the coaching staff aren't leaking information on each step of the recruitments like a lot of people seem to think. They're not leaking info on recruiting visits to Jeff Rabjohns like some seem to think.

The vast majority of info that comes out is the telephone game with one-sided info originated from people that really don't know anything. 


Mike Woodson doesn't tell internet people how every individual recruiting process is going?


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9 minutes ago, Victobmyboy said:

Hopefully the surgery gives her better quality of life. Back or any neurological surgery isn’t fun. Wife had her second craniotomy in September. I knew she was better when she told me she didn’t need me hanging around bothering her. Told me to stay at my sisters but “ bring me cheesy eggs in the morning”.  

Thanks for your thoughts!

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25 minutes ago, BGleas said:

Going to do my best to be super clear here. I love our "insiders" that post here, BTB's and other forums. I think they're good people, great members of these communities, I enjoy what they share, and I hope they always continue to share and post. This isn't a knock on them whatsoever. 

With that said, I think 90-95% of the "insider" information is BS, and I'm including the twitter people, reporters, etc.. I believe our insiders have connections and I believe they hear things from those connections and they share it. Again, I have no issue with the "insiders" themselves, this isn't about them.

But, I've been on the inside at the NBA level. Maybe not apples-to-apples, but pretty darn close. The people that the "insiders" are connected to don't know much. They're sharing what they think they know to seem important. Anyone that actually knows what is really going on isn't running around sharing it.

Part of my job in the NBA was to monitor blog sites, media, etc. I would literally sit at my desk with co-workers LOL'ing at the stuff on those sites being passed around as "insider information" and talked about like it was real and accurate. It was almost always not even remotely close. 

I was in PR, so not in basketball operations, but as close as you can get without being in that department. I'd write the press releases when we made a trade, so again super early in the chain of people finding out about our transactions, and they were almost always out of the blue. I attended all of the draft workouts and sat in the teams war room, yet almost never knew who we were going to draft until the GM told us. The trades we announced were almost (keyword, because of course some times things do get out) never things that were being rumored in the media, blogs, etc.

I mean, Mike Woodson and the coaching staff aren't leaking information on each step of the recruitments like a lot of people seem to think. They're not leaking info on recruiting visits to Jeff Rabjohns like some seem to think.

The vast majority of info that comes out is the telephone game with one-sided info originated from people that really don't know anything. 


So not to derail the thread too much but as an example. The thing that Shams tweeted about Dillion Brooks the other day right?

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1 hour ago, Initial79 said:

Genuine question for all that think every guy never knows anything. Does that apply to just Twitter guys, Instagram etc. or do you believe the Rabby’s or each respective team? What about so called insiders that post here? 

I am asking because I get it if you say you don’t believe any of them. But what makes someone legit in your book if you believe some? 

fyi… the Kansas 247 guy is the one who started Kansas belief that it is over 

I think when it comes to recruiting nobody really knows anything; it's more of a feeling. Very rarely do they actually have concrete knowledge.

Honestly, many times I don't think the actual recruit knows where he's going to go when he still has visits lined up. 

Somebody said it earlier: Most 'IU insiders' info is probably connected to somebody within our own program - not to the recruit himself. The info is based on how somebody in our program feels about said recruit. It's an educated guess.

I'm also am willing to bet the spread of information can be traced back to one or two well-connected people. One of these guys talks to somebody like Rabby who can't hold a secret and then all the sudden there's 40 'insiders' with 'info' that looks like it's coming from multiple sources, but in actuality it's just traced back to one guy's gut feeling. 

Why did all these 'insiders' think Ledlum was coming here? Probably because everybody is drinking from the same well. And somebody was supplying that well with piss. 

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2 minutes ago, Steubenhoosier said:

Thanks for your thoughts!

I'll second that.  I have a mother-in-law with a spine made of glass.  It's too late in life to do much for her, so the emphasis is comfort and quality of life.  Here's hoping you and your wife have many quality years in front of you.

Now, to get back on topic, the question you asked about earlier...


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Just now, FKIM01 said:

I'll second that.  I have a mother-in-law with a spine made of glass.  It's too late in life to do much for her, so the emphasis is comfort and quality of life.  Here's hoping you and your wife have many quality years in front of you.

Now, to get back on topic, the question you asked about earlier...


Thank you 🙏 

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5 minutes ago, FKIM01 said:

I'll second that.  I have a mother-in-law with a spine made of glass.  It's too late in life to do much for her, so the emphasis is comfort and quality of life.  Here's hoping you and your wife have many quality years in front of you.

Now, to get back on topic, the question you asked about earlier...


Clickbait. They cleared one before his visit too. Means they now have 2 spots. 

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12 minutes ago, tdhoosier said:

I think when it comes to recruiting nobody really knows anything; it's more of a feeling. Very rarely do they actually have concrete knowledge.

Honestly, many times I don't think the actual recruit knows where he's going to go when he still has visits lined up. 

Somebody said it earlier: Most 'IU insiders' info is probably connected to somebody within our own program - not to the recruit himself. The info is based on how somebody in our program feels about said recruit. It's an educated guess.

I'm also am willing to bet the spread of information can be traced back to one or two well-connected people. One of these guys talks to somebody like Rabby who can't hold a secret and then all the sudden there's 40 'insiders' with 'info' that looks like it's coming from multiple sources, but in actuality it's just traced back to one guy's gut feeling. 

Why did all these 'insiders' think Ledlum was coming here? Probably because everybody is drinking from the same well. And somebody was supplying that well with piss. 

Here how I see rumors starting. 

The custodian in the basketball office over hears to coaches talking. They said Ledlum is interested in coming here.

The custodian goes home and tells his son this news. The son goes to school the next day and tell all of his friends. Those friends go home and tell their dad's the news and one of their friends is a so called insider. In the end the rumor is that Ledlum is going to commit after the visit


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33 minutes ago, bluegrassIU said:

Mike Woodson doesn't tell internet people how every individual recruiting process is going?


I can tell you what Woody's one word answer would be, but it's against forum rules :)

Starts with an "S" though ;) 

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11 minutes ago, IU Scott said:

Here how I see rumors starting. 

The custodian in the basketball office over hears to coaches talking. They said Ledlum is interested in coming here.

The custodian goes home and tells his son this news. The son goes to school the next day and tell all of his friends. Those friends go home and tell their dad's the news and one of their friends is a so called insider. In the end the rumor is that Ledlum is going to commit after the visit


Are you blaming all of this on Martha!


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