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Tough time fir Dawg family

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I lost my 10 yr old Akita this morning...I thanked him for doing his job keeping my daughter safe while she grew.. he looked at her and wagged tail then was gone and passed in her arms. 9DE75A00-B2AA-49A5-B0DF-E89B608EBF66.thumb.jpeg.859d8baabba69a90d3b4df0e3869eaa7.jpegHe was a huge IU fan and watched all the games with me.. walked out on some... not many though...Yukio will be missed. Love you boy.F20C94EB-64B1-453E-9A6D-5341F1A555CC.thumb.jpeg.7d33086c1cdbdff0cee1a3e87309e2d7.jpeg

I just now after reflecting... while in a  DM why Yukio was such an IU fan... He was born in Bloomington, about 5 miles from Assembly Hall

Edited by Dawg Bawls
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4 minutes ago, Dawg Bawls said:

Thank you. Ive been up 3 days straight now giving him IV and meds... just couldnt save him. Had too many issues to fix, just his time but it makes it hard being a Corpsman and not able to save everyone and everything...ya know

Am really sorry to hear this and unfortunately know that pain well. We lost our 15 yo dachshund 18 months ago in similar circumstances. She had a stroke and we were doing everything to save her including feeding her with a dropper and using subQ fluids  twice a day.

Yukio knew how much you were trying to help him. Sorry for your family’s loss, my friend. It’s so painful to have to say goodbye to such a loved family member. 

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7 minutes ago, Lostin76 said:

Am really sorry to hear this and unfortunately know that pain well. We lost our 15 yo dachshund 18 months ago in similar circumstances. She had a stroke and we were doing everything to save her including feeding her with a dropper and using subQ fluids  twice a day.

Yukio knew how much you were trying to help him. Sorry for your family’s loss, my friend. It’s so painful to have to say goodbye to such a loved family member. 

Why do we do this to ourselves?...LOVE is why... if one cant fully love then one can not fully live.

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1 minute ago, Maud'Dib said:

I am glad you shared this with HSN and hope it helped to ease your pain, though likely only a fraction.  My pets are my family and I understand the huge void when losing them. 
It sounds like he was very lucky and loved boy.  Gone but never forgot.  

Spoiled rotten by everyone he met he was...We would go to Feeders for hus weekly bath and they had the towels and treat ready when came trough the door... He loved his baths 

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20 minutes ago, Maud'Dib said:

Brought tears to my eyes.  
Having lost too many, all I can say is it will take time.  But eventually, reliving memories of him will bring smiles instead of tears

Our 3rd Akita and swore we weren't getting another but we heard about him and went and looked, he came home with us that day. By the way, dont watch this movie...😉


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1 hour ago, Dawg Bawls said:

Our 3rd Akita and swore we weren't getting another but we heard about him and went and looked, he came home with us that day. By the way, dont watch this movie...😉


I watched this movie exactly once and refuse to watch it again.  It is incredibly sad and heartwarming.  Most dog movies make me cry.  This is one of them

Also, i am really sorry to hear about your loss of your puppers.  I lost one of mine last year.  Hurts entirely too much.

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1 minute ago, IowaHoosierFan said:

I watched this movie exactly once and refuse to watch it again.  It is incredibly sad and heartwarming.  Most dog movies make me cry.  This is one of them

Yeah it gets you in every spot...for all the right reason though. Whoever did it had to know the Akita for sure...cause they were spot on!

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This hit me for a couple of reasons.  Our family had to put down a beautiful cream chow a few years ago and she was like family.  We've got pictures of her just outside the sliding glass door sleeping with the cat on her back buried in her fur also sleeping.  It was a cold day, but like a lot of sled dog descendants, she loved the cold.  She had a gastrointestinal blockage (likely cancer) and we had to put her down.  The whole family struggled with that one.

Then, last Friday night, I was prepping for a gun show (got a small licensed shop I play with after my day job) and was talking to a friend who was working it with me next morning and he said "you knew about Randy, right?"  I said yeah...I met with him on the first and transferred his inventory so he could close down his shop.  Said he was selling his house and downsizing.  He said "there's more...he shot himself yesterday.  Looks like he's been planning it for awhile with selling out his shop and selling his house."  That hit me like a ton of bricks.  Randy was a high school classmate and a friend.  We both had small after-hours shops and worked several shows together right next to each other.  Never once considered each other competition and even joked about opening up a bigger shop together after we both retired.

Had no idea how much he was struggling.  He wasn't quite as happy-go-lucky as he ordinarily was but I attributed that to having to sell his business and his house.  He'd been off work for gall bladder surgery and was a little behind but from what he told me, selling both the house and the business put him back in good shape and he had started back to work last week.  Wish I'd known what he was thinking and wish I'd been able to have one more conversation with him.

...and I still miss my dog.  Life is short...hug your family and loved ones and take time to listen to those who are hurting.

Sorry for your loss, Dawg.

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You guys are helping in ways you dont know... while in and after military I didnt really get close to people as a combat medic, its hard to have friends cause ultimately those friends will be under your care... having a dog is the closest I come to having a friend and I failed him this morning... even though we really dont know each other I feel a kinship with you all, having all the health issue I have had recently and the well wishes I turned to this board for solace and you all have not failed me.


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7 hours ago, Dawg Bawls said:

I lost my 10 yr old Akita this morning...I thanked him for doing his job keeping my daughter safe while she grew.. he looked at her and wagged tail then was gone and passed in her arms. 9DE75A00-B2AA-49A5-B0DF-E89B608EBF66.thumb.jpeg.859d8baabba69a90d3b4df0e3869eaa7.jpegHe was a huge IU fan and watched all the games with me.. walked out on some... not many though...Yukio will be missed. Love you boy.F20C94EB-64B1-453E-9A6D-5341F1A555CC.thumb.jpeg.7d33086c1cdbdff0cee1a3e87309e2d7.jpeg

I just now after reflecting... while in a  DM why Yukio was such an IU fan... He was born in Bloomington, about 5 miles from Assembly Hall

Sooooo sorry to hear this! We are dog lovers too and have two Dachshunds. One is 3 and the other is 2 and are a huge part of our entire family. I think about the time when they may get old and missing them. My two year old granddaughters love them both and will most likely grow up with them too. Again, sorry for your loss.

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5 minutes ago, Artesian_86 said:

Sooooo sorry to hear this! We are dog lovers too and have two Dachshunds. One is 3 and the other is 2 and are a huge part of our entire family. I think about the time when they may get old and missing them. My two year old granddaughters love them both and will most likely grow up with them too. Again, sorry for your loss.

I cant even imagine being a child and growing up with them... the pain has to be immense, i know as an adult I understand and have delt with loss. But just loosing a toy can be devastating. My daughter has been in bed all day sense and I dont know what to do or say but give her space and time. Ive been cleaning house all day and didnt realize how much he ruled this place.

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18 minutes ago, SawatchHoosier said:

I'm sorry you lost your homie. My homie and I give you the best wishes and may those happy memories live you forever when you're down and things get tough. We're here for you bro.

Thank you for words and support, Its rough right now for me and wife, but Im trying to here for Lil Dawg. Shes not too good today.

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Sorry for your loss.  Just last week we had to say good bye to our 13 year old black lab.  My kids were devastated.  The greatest conflict on earth is the conflict between brain and heart when it’s time to let you companion go.  And, the greatest tragedy on earth is that dogs don’t live as long as people.

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