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NIL, the AD, and where does the line get drawn (Hoosier Hysterics)

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1 hour ago, Seeking6 said:

Welp that answers enough for me. They knew this in May but chose the dead of summer to announce for the most attention. Weak. 

I saw in another site posted a tweet saying those two might be in trouble for skimming money from the NIL collective. I guess this tweet said they did not put the NIL as a non profit with the IRS so there could be some corruption going on. Not saying it is true but if it is then that could be a reason that not want to jwm around the program.

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2 minutes ago, IU Scott said:

I saw in another site posted a tweet saying those two might be in trouble for skimming money from the NIL collective. I guess this tweet said they did not put the NIL as a non profit with the IRS so there could be some corruption going on. Not saying it is true but if it is then that could be a reason that not want to jwm around the program.

All I know about 501 c 3's is this. You better be sure you hire someone or have someone that keeps THE most meticulous records going. If not you lose your status very quickly.

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The Brian Evans podcast episode....

Brian was way more articulate and less "condemning" than the hysteric guys were. They attacked way more than Brian did.

And yes, they have every right to do that. But as the head coach, I get the reaction that these guys aren't getting anymore inside access.

They went beyond disappointment. They ripped Woody.

Again, they have every right. But then don't play the victim card. You can't take shots at people and not expect return fire.

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34 minutes ago, tdhoosier said:

I listened to it when it came out. And I remember some harsh stuff coming out - a lot of similar stuff that was said on this forum. They're not Woody's lap dogs, they can be critical. They can have whatever guest they want on...especially Brian Evans. I will try to go back and listen, but I probably agreed with 90% of the stuff they said at the time and still do... 

-Although I want him to be, I'm not sure he is the right man for the job.
-Complacency in the fanbase, lack of attendance and lack of donations is how coaches get fired. 
-If a coach doesn't like any of the 2 statements above then W-I-N. 

BUT I'm not arguing whether Woody had the right to cut ties with them....I pointedly said that above. 

...But to make him fly from California to reprimand him in person (not to mention after getting his daughters jobs and raising a lot of money for his players), creating a narrative in his mind that last season was successful, getting made for be called stubborn before calling himself stubborn and then just admonishing Dolson to his face in some show of power?

....it just doesn't look good. I'm always willing to hear the other side of the story too. I'm actually most curious to know what Dolson really thinks. 

They have the right to say whatever they want but there still can be repercussions from what they said.

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9 minutes ago, IU Scott said:

I saw in another site posted a tweet saying those two might be in trouble for skimming money from the NIL collective. I guess this tweet said they did not put the NIL as a non profit with the IRS so there could be some corruption going on. Not saying it is true but if it is then that could be a reason that not want to jwm around the program.

Here is is the tweet I was talking about 


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12 minutes ago, bluegrassIU said:

The Brian Evans podcast episode....

Brian was way more articulate and less "condemning" than the hysteric guys were. They attacked way more than Brian did.

And yes, they have every right to do that. But as the head coach, I get the reaction that these guys aren't getting anymore inside access.

They went beyond disappointment. They ripped Woody.

Again, they have every right. Bit then don't play the victim card. You can't take shots at people and not expect return fire.

Exactly. The podcaster community needs to decide what it is. Are they fan boys or are they media members?  If they want to be media members which is really what a lot of them are nowadays and want to dish out criticism then they can't be offended if the program or coach pushes back. If you dish it out, you got to be able to take it. Woody or any coach is not going to support entities that hurt their cause. Coach Tonsoni goes on AC with 3,000 to 5,000 listeners and says Woody should be canned. Then Woody says he is not a real IU fan. Tonsoni is so hurt that he is crying on the next podcast. These social media guys influence opinion because then you see other fans parroting their opinions. 

Edited by OGIUAndy
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6 minutes ago, IU Scott said:

They have the right to say whatever they want but there still can be repercussions from what they said.

again.....you quoted what I said. We are in agreement here. 

8 minutes ago, IU Scott said:

BUT I'm not arguing whether Woody had the right to cut ties with them....I pointedly said that above. 

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42 minutes ago, IU Scott said:

Here is is the tweet I was talking about 


Not a lawyer nor accountant but fly in similar circles here a lot.  There are several justifiable reasons this could be the case.  Fiscal sponsorship as one example.  Don’t listen to the podcast nor have any real knowledge here, just saying it isn’t cut and dry.

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50 minutes ago, OGIUAndy said:

 Tonsoni is so hurt that he is crying on the next podcast. These social media guys influence opinion because then you see other fans parroting their opinions. 

The description of these types as being "spurned high school girls" is sounding more and more spot on.

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56 minutes ago, HoosierFaithful said:

Not a lawyer nor accountant but fly in similar circles here a lot.  There are several justifiable reasons this could be the case.  Fiscal sponsorship as one example.  Don’t listen to the podcast nor have any real knowledge here, just saying it isn’t cut and dry.

NIL collectives are not required to be established as not-for-profit 501(c)3 organizations. The problem the Hysterics have is that they established a for-profit enterprise, say most/all donations go to athletes, likely take a salary to administer the collective, but refuse to release and financial documentation when asked by donors and others.

I don't think they're doing anything illegal but they lack transparency at best and mislead their donors at worst.

Either way, Woodson cut them off for good which will impact not only their access, but also whatever income they were taking from the collective and events. Their pissed about it and released this podcast in retaliation.

I don't know what percentage of the comments they attribute to Woodson are true, but I'd take their interpretation with a grain of salt given the obvious axe they have to grind.

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2 hours ago, IU Scott said:

I saw in another site posted a tweet saying those two might be in trouble for skimming money from the NIL collective. I guess this tweet said they did not put the NIL as a non profit with the IRS so there could be some corruption going on. Not saying it is true but if it is then that could be a reason that not want to jwm around the program.

I'm not surprised they are treating it as a "for profit" entity.  They are well within their rights.  That simply means that "donations" to them are not tax deductible and you can bet that they pay themselves some remuneration for their time spent on the venture.  I wouldn't call that "skimming".  It would be pretty naive to think that they did everything for free unless they are independently wealthy and bored.  If people are trusting enough to run donations through a for-profit collectable and then cry foul after the fact that they are not "transparent enough", well, the donors probably should have had that understanding in place before they started handing money to strangers based on "their word."

That aside, those two are idiots.  I didn't listen to their fire Woody podcast, but if they were dumb enough to think they could call for the coach to be fired and still have unfettered access to the program, well...as I said, they are idiots.

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No one comes out of this looking good. It was interesting to hear them drop the act for once. I’m glad they are being separated from the program. They used the program and CMW used them until they became a greater liability to him than a benefit. It is just their side if the story, but I don’t doubt it’s general accuracy. With a witness in Dolson, it would create too much of a defamation risk to go public if not true. That may be why it’s taken time to go public, to get all the legal advice. 

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8 minutes ago, 13th&Jackson said:

No one comes out of this looking good. It was interesting to hear them drop the act for once. I’m glad they are being separated from the program. They used the program and CMW used them until they became a greater liability to him than a benefit. It is just their side if the story, but I don’t doubt it’s general accuracy. With a witness in Dolson, it would create too much of a defamation risk to go public if not true. That may be why it’s taken time to go public, to get all the legal advice. 

My only thing is, I don't really care about this AT ALL and yet others are just using this situation to once again go on another tirade against Woody that went on for how many months? We get it. People want him gone. People don't like him. I don't care if Woody the Woodpecker is the coach as long as they win. We've had as good of an off season as we've had in a long time including  another guy projected to go in the first round. Now let's win some games and be done with these types of threads or we simply get rid of Woody and go on to the next guy. Whatever Woody says about being the coach until "he's done" is lip service to me. He's a cocky, arrogant dude. No matter what he'll need to win or he'll get fired just like anyone else. Seems like the same boo birds are out on the other site simply rehashing the same ole same ole about Woody. We get it. You hate him. I don't care who the coach is, I just want some wins and success. 

Edited by OGIUAndy
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6 minutes ago, OGIUAndy said:

My only thing is, I don't really care about this AT ALL and yet others are just using this situation to once again go on another tirade against Woody that went on for how many months? We get it. People want him gone. People don't like him. I don't care if Woody the Woodpecker is the coach as long as they win. We've had about a good of an off season as we've had in a long time, another guy projected to go in the first round, now let's win some games and be done with these types of threads or we simply get rid of Woody and go on to the next guy. Whatever Woody says about being the coach until he says he's done is lip service in my mind. He's a cocky, arrogant dude. No matter what he'll need to win or he'll get fired just like anyone else. 

Agree. And their crying about the fans who won’t get to experience the life changing moments of their events was nauseating. 

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2 hours ago, tdhoosier said:

Again, didn't say that. I'm saying the things he reportedly said and his actions are unhinged.

Well, again, it's one side of the story...And of course they were going to cast Woody in the worst light they could...I'm sure we've all had friends/relatives/co-workers who have clashed, and the individual stories tend to be vastly different...

But Pankowski broke out all the favorite Mike Woodson's criticisms, and even threw the cover off of some new one...

Mispronounces names

Speaks in 3rd person

Has an ego (and I don't begrudge him that in basketball circles one bit especially when talking to podcast nimrods)

And I have never once heard Mike Woodson publicly say anything about racism or death threats until Eric Pankowski decided to make a private conversation public today...Passive aggressiveness at its finest... 

The whole interaction concerning Dolson is BS at it's best...Pankowski says he thought it "was to humiliate Dolson." LOL Yeah, buddy...Right...I'm sure Dolson has a different take on the whole issue...and it's not that of a narcissistic idiot who thinks he knows what's best for the program...



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I have a feeling these podcasters and website operators thought Woodson was gone based on “info” they were sharing with each other and stuff Rabjohns was reporting.  So they naturally thought they could say whatever they wanted at that point.

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1 hour ago, IUJoe said:

I have a feeling these podcasters and website operators thought Woodson was gone based on “info” they were sharing with each other and stuff Rabjohns was reporting.  So they naturally thought they could say whatever they wanted at that point.

Woodson  answers to no one!!He will be there  as long as he wants!!Big donors and Woodson  are one!!

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8 hours ago, OGIUAndy said:

So you think you can host a show and rip the head coach or the program and then get full access to the program from that same head coach? Come on man. No coach is going to sit back and let a couple of podcasters do this and allow them special access. They were lucky to get the access they had and should have understood their position. They aren't reporters or beat writers, they are fanboys. Woody or the school have no obligation to them whatsoever.


And I don't think these guys are normally ripping the program like Assembly Call does/was, but once you do, you just screwed yourself. They had a good thing going for themselves and they mucked it up. You can say what you want about the school, the program, the coach, the players etc. but if you think there won't be repercussions...

They had a good thing going for NIL. But who really gives a shit. I hope it all dries up. I have no horse in this fight. Maybe the next coach will have thicker skin, not listen to pod casts, can take some of the blame and not lay it all on the players.

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9 hours ago, Seeking6 said:

I'd also like to know when they were told. If they were told last night that's one thing but if they were told at the end of the season and waited until the deadest time of the summer to wait and release this......that's a sign of something as well. 

This…they waited months to do this. Clowns. 

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10 hours ago, Indykev said:

They had a good thing going for NIL. But who really gives a shit. I hope it all dries up. I have no horse in this fight. Maybe the next coach will have thicker skin, not listen to pod casts, can take some of the blame and not lay it all on the players.

With Hoosiers Connect and Hoosiers for Good IU will be fine with NIL opportunities. Part of the HH whinefest yesterday was based on the fact the big donors that oversee those had influence and they didn't...and rightfully so. 

Your dislike of Woody is duly noted, but Woodson and Dolson were absolutely right to do what they did...


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