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NIL, the AD, and where does the line get drawn (Hoosier Hysterics)

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Here's my 2 cent opinion. You get access you have some responsibility. I'm not just talking about some of the cringeworthy stuff (Fears)....but if you have Evans come on your show and bang that isn't going to fly. Wouldn't fly with me if I was the Head Coach and I'm pretty sure Woodson wouldn't stand for it either.

I also think that IU wants a tighter circle for the NIL world. Again...no knowledge of anything.

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Thin skinned coach is what I see. You have events with the coaches fleecing donors for NIL money but someone said something you dont like so you cut off a resource for NIL money. Makes a lot of sense to me. Plus both were fan events. just stupid. But thats Woodson.

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I'd also like to know when they were told. If they were told last night that's one thing but if they were told at the end of the season and waited until the deadest time of the summer to wait and release this......that's a sign of something as well. 

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40 minutes ago, IUFLA said:

I listened to the meat part. It's kinda sad, but it's pretty personal between Woodson and those 2. 

2 sides to every story I guess...

Thank God they aren't letting those two clowns around the program.

Also turned the DD show on today and he was going off about Woodson. I thought something happened today because he was talking about race and how Woodson might be a little racist. He was saying he would question why a parent of a white player would send them to play at IU. I am in and out of my vehicle so I didn't get the context of his reasoning.

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6 minutes ago, IU Scott said:

Thank God they aren't letting those two clowns around the program.

Also turned the DD show on today and he was going off about Woodson. I thought something happened today because he was talking about race and how Woodson might be a little racist. He was saying he would question why a parent of a white player would send them to play at IU. I am in and out of my vehicle so I didn't get the context of his reasoning.

Life advice for anyone. If DD is saying one thing......bet the ranch on the polar opposite. 

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9 minutes ago, IU Scott said:

Thank God they aren't letting those two clowns around the program.

Also turned the DD show on today and he was going off about Woodson. I thought something happened today because he was talking about race and how Woodson might be a little racist. He was saying he would question why a parent of a white player would send them to play at IU. I am in and out of my vehicle so I didn't get the context of his reasoning.

They said Woodson claimed he had to deal with racism. Who is DD? That can’t be Dan Dakich. The guy that would talk about the awful things Mike Davis had to put up with primarily due to race when it was time to bash IU fans. 

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13 minutes ago, Seeking6 said:

I'd also like to know when they were told. If they were told last night that's one thing but if they were told at the end of the season and waited until the deadest time of the summer to wait and release this......that's a sign of something as well. 

It was sometime in May when Eric met with Woody and Dolson

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Some context...

You have to listen to the "Emergency Podcast" during the season (late February) when the HH guys were interviewing Brian Evans (it was after our 4th loss in a row). One of the HH guys said he didn't see it getting any better this year or next and the only way fans can voice their displeasure is to not donate to NIL, not go to games, etc.

Woody got pissed and called the one dude in and told him he was cutting off access and the golf outing, fan fest, and fantasy camp would not be supported by the program.

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1 hour ago, Indykev said:

Thin skinned coach is what I see. You have events with the coaches fleecing donors for NIL money but someone said something you dont like so you cut off a resource for NIL money. Makes a lot of sense to me. Plus both were fan events. just stupid. But thats Woodson.

So you think you can host a show and rip the head coach or the program and then get full access to the program from that same head coach? Come on man. No coach is going to sit back and let a couple of podcasters do this and allow them special access. They were lucky to get the access they had and should have understood their position. They aren't reporters or beat writers, they are fanboys. Woody or the school have no obligation to them whatsoever.


And I don't think these guys are normally ripping the program like Assembly Call does/was, but once you do, you just screwed yourself. They had a good thing going for themselves and they mucked it up. You can say what you want about the school, the program, the coach, the players etc. but if you think there won't be repercussions...

Edited by OGIUAndy
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I like the podcast. I completely understand why people are put off by it. That's fine. I think those 2 are clowns and that's also why I happen to find them entertaining. 

Sooner or later this was going to blow up no matter who was coach. It's hard to gain that good of access to a program and have the green light to be critical of it at the same time. It's a perfect example of the phrase 'have your cake and eat it too.'

That said, unless Eric was straight up lying about his meeting, I don't know how one could not be concerned about the things they reported Woody said. 

Calling last year a success?

Saying he's accomplished everything, at every level, in Basketball?

Pointing to Dolson and saying: 'I want you to hear this, I'm not going anywhere until I say I'm done'?

Edited by tdhoosier
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6 minutes ago, tdhoosier said:

I like the podcast. I completely understand why people are put off by it. That's fine. I think those 2 are clowns and that's also why I happen to find them entertaining. 

Sooner or later this was going to blow up no matter who was coach. It's hard to gain that good of access to a program and have the green light to be critical of it at the same time. It's a perfect example of the phrase 'have your cake and eat it too.'

That said, unless Eric was straight up lying about his meeting, I don't know how one could not be concerned about the things they reported Woody said. 

Calling last year a success?

Saying he's accomplished everything in Basketball?

Pointing to Dolson and saying: 'I want you to hear this, I'm not going anywhere until I say I'm done'?

I think it's pretty clear Woody is arrogant. So I'm sure he's not lying. But once you start acting like the media and not fanboys, you're going to start getting treated like the media. 

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6 minutes ago, OGIUAndy said:

I think it's pretty clear Woody is arrogant. So I'm sure he's not lying. But once you start acting like the media and not fanboys, you're going to start getting treated like the media. 

They've always been fanboys and still are. Painting them as media is a bit hilarious to me. They don't have media credentials. They raise money for IU sports (no media guy in their right mind is going to show that type of allegiance). 

They are podcasters....who do silly interviews and wear their heart on their sleeve. 

And podcasters have the right to be critical. Even fanboys are critical (look at us). Especially when the product on the court is crappy. 

IMO, Woody knew what he was getting into with those two. He probably just realized that he couldn't control them, so he cut ties. And that's fine, but the way he did it...just seemed a bit unhinged. 


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3 minutes ago, tdhoosier said:

They've always been fanboys and still are. Painting them as media is a bit hilarious to me. They don't have media credentials. They raise money for IU sports (no media guy in their right mind is going to show that type of allegiance). 

They are podcasters....who do silly interviews and wear their heart on their sleeve. 

And podcasters have the right to be critical. Even fanboys are critical (look at us). Especially when the product on the court is crappy. 

IMO, Woody knew what he was getting into with those two. He probably just realized that he couldn't control them, so he cut ties. And that's fine, but the way he did it...just seemed a bit unhinged. 


Did you listen to the Brian Evans "Emergency Podcast" I alluded to?

Woodson was absolutely right in cutting them off after that...

And there are 2 sides to every story... we've only heard one of them...

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17 minutes ago, IUFLA said:

Did you listen to the Brian Evans "Emergency Podcast" I alluded to?

Woodson was absolutely right in cutting them off after that...

And there are 2 sides to every story... we've only heard one of them...

Could you imagine... 

1- Brian Evans doing that if Knight were the coach? 

2- Coach Knight working with Hoosier Hysterics at all, and how quickly that relationship would have soured with that interview? 

All I got. 

Do not care about their (coaches, players, whoever else) personalities.. certainly don't care about one sided stories, don't care about fan fest-- don't really even know what that is? 

Win games. Truly a make or break year. 

Our fanbase treated Crean and Tom Allen like shit by the end, some of that comes with the territory, and they were rewarded handsomely for it.. I understand that. Doesn't change the fact those two are tremendous people and were pooped on for the simple reason-- they didn't win enough. 

Sooo--- Idgaf how big of a prick Cignetti and Woodson are... just win. This podcast doesn't do a whole lot for me. 

Edited by btownqb
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22 minutes ago, tdhoosier said:

They've always been fanboys and still are. Painting them as media is a bit hilarious to me. They don't have media credentials. They raise money for IU sports (no media guy in their right mind is going to show that type of allegiance). 

They are podcasters....who do silly interviews and wear their heart on their sleeve. 

And podcasters have the right to be critical. Even fanboys are critical (look at us). Especially when the product on the court is crappy. 

IMO, Woody knew what he was getting into with those two. He probably just realized that he couldn't control them, so he cut ties. And that's fine, but the way he did it...just seemed a bit unhinged. 


Come on man. It was not mild criticism. It was a very aggressive campaign (by a lot of podcasters) to get him fired.  They basically forced his hand. These guys f'ed up the good thing they had going. Any major college program would've reacted as Woody and IU did. I don't care about Woody's arrogance. A "booster" who tries to get the coach canned will never have access to that coach again. It's really simple.  And podcasters do have a right to be critical, and Woody and the AD have the right to cut off access if they choose to. I am not some Woody fanboy, but to think he's being unhinged because he's cutting off access to a couple of podcasters who were bringing on a an ex player (repeatedly) calling for his job is a bit of a stretch. The irony here is that Woodson got the job because he was an IU guy. And the access was cut off because of criticism from a former player. Going forward, connection to IU should not be a major consideration in hiring the new coach. Any good will gets thrown out the window once the IU guy starts losing.

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10 minutes ago, IUFLA said:

Did you listen to the Brian Evans "Emergency Podcast" I alluded to?

Woodson was absolutely right in cutting them off after that...

And there are 2 sides to every story... we've only heard one of them...

I listened to it when it came out. And I remember some harsh stuff coming out - a lot of similar stuff that was said on this forum. They're not Woody's lap dogs, they can be critical. They can have whatever guest they want on...especially Brian Evans. I will try to go back and listen, but I probably agreed with 90% of the stuff they said at the time and still do... 

-Although I want him to be, I'm not sure he is the right man for the job.
-Complacency in the fanbase, lack of attendance and lack of donations is how coaches get fired. 
-If a coach doesn't like any of the 2 statements above then W-I-N. 

BUT I'm not arguing whether Woody had the right to cut ties with them....I pointedly said that above. 

...But to make him fly from California to reprimand him in person (not to mention after getting his daughters jobs and raising a lot of money for his players), creating a narrative in his mind that last season was successful, getting made for be called stubborn before calling himself stubborn and then just admonishing Dolson to his face in some show of power?

....it just doesn't look good. I'm always willing to hear the other side of the story too. I'm actually most curious to know what Dolson really thinks. 

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Podcasters who view themselves as “voices of NIL” are perfectly fine to have opinions, and share them.  But when you continually bite the hand that feeds you…you get cut off

i don’t know the whole backstory, did these guys just deem themselves to this position? Obv not IU employees ( I know that) 

The Fears video made me make foul faces. 😩 


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11 minutes ago, tdhoosier said:

I listened to it when it came out. And I remember some harsh stuff coming out - a lot of similar stuff that was said on this forum. They're not Woody's lap dogs, they can be critical. They can have whatever guest they want on...especially Brian Evans. I will try to go back and listen, but I probably agreed with 90% of the stuff they said at the time and still do... 

-Although I want him to be, I'm not sure he is the right man for the job.
-Complacency in the fanbase, lack of attendance and lack of donations is how coaches get fired. 
-If a coach doesn't like any of the 2 statements above then W-I-N. 

BUT I'm not arguing whether Woody had the right to cut ties with them....I pointedly said that above. 

...But to make him fly from California to reprimand him in person (not to mention after getting his daughters jobs and raising a lot of money for his players), creating a narrative in his mind that last season was successful, getting made for be called stubborn before calling himself stubborn and then just admonishing Dolson to his face in some show of power?

....it just doesn't look good. I'm always willing to hear the other side of the story too. I'm actually most curious to know what Dolson really thinks. 

Those 2 sounded like love spurned teenage girls on the podcast today. 


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17 minutes ago, OGIUAndy said:

but to think he's being unhinged because he's cutting off access to a couple of podcasters who were bringing on a an ex player (repeatedly) calling for his job is a bit of a stretch.

Again, didn't say that. I'm saying the things he reportedly said and his actions are unhinged.

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2 hours ago, Seeking6 said:

Life advice for anyone. If DD is saying one thing......bet the ranch on the polar opposite. 

Funny thing he was actually saying Woodson did the right thing on getting the Hoosier Hysteric guys away from the program

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1 hour ago, tdhoosier said:

I like the podcast. I completely understand why people are put off by it. That's fine. I think those 2 are clowns and that's also why I happen to find them entertaining. 

Sooner or later this was going to blow up no matter who was coach. It's hard to gain that good of access to a program and have the green light to be critical of it at the same time. It's a perfect example of the phrase 'have your cake and eat it too.'

That said, unless Eric was straight up lying about his meeting, I don't know how one could not be concerned about the things they reported Woody said. 

Calling last year a success?

Saying he's accomplished everything, at every level, in Basketball?

Pointing to Dolson and saying: 'I want you to hear this, I'm not going anywhere until I say I'm done'?

So you are going to believe what these clowns said is 100% truthful 

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