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Everything posted by Hoosier4Life53

  1. Favorite players: Alford, Cheney and Scott May. Favorite game: at Mackey Arena in 76. I’ll never forget the fast break between May and Wilkerson as IU came storming back from a 1st half deficit - highlight at the 50 sec point of the video below. Family memories: any and all games watching with my two sons! https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=kRMuICyXRuY
  2. It’s great to be excited about freshmen, especially with the upperclassmen we have. Can’t wait to see Bates play, and I always thought Duncomb was being overlooked. We should have one of the best front courts in the nation with TJD, Race, Malik and Duncomb. This could be a special year, if our guard play comes up big.
  3. I really like our guards on the defensive side of the ball, and they should be borderline intimidating to most teams, but we do need improved 3 pt shooting to be an elite team. We don’t need a huge jump, but 2-3 more per game should put us in a good position to have a great year.
  4. Our guards for 2022-23 XJ - 6’3” 200 JHS - 6’6” 215 TG - 6’4” 205 AL - 6’5” 200 CJG - 6’6” 195 Pretty imposing by any standards! I forget Tamar at 6’5” 195
  5. I agree, but the combination of XJ and JHS, with Galloway off the bench could be be one of the best defensive backcourts in the nation this year.
  6. When it comes to Hoosier basketball I’m the eternal optimist, and can’t wait for the season to begin. I’m 69 and grew up with Knight and the great Hoosier teams of that era, and know what it’s like to have a team that expects to win every time they take the floor no matter who they’re playing. A team that not only wins, but dominates and overwhelms opponents. I’m getting the sense this year’s team could be that type of team, but I’ve been disappointed so many times over the past few years I’m trying to keep myself in check. Am I wrong?
  7. Great memories of watching Russell vs Wilt and the Celtics vs the Lakers. Probably the best defensive player of all time and the ultimate champion. RIP Mr. Russell.
  8. I was having the same problem and your suggestion worked…thanks!
  9. I was visiting my mom in the hospital today, and we were watching reruns of women’s basketball on BTN. She’s 88 and still loves to watch anything sports - watched a little of Wimbledon too. Watching the women amazes me how well they shoot from the FT line and from 3. If only our men could shoot that well we might be unbeatable this year. Hopefully, having Hulls around this year will result in some major improvement in that area.
  10. So sad…only 25. Rest In Peace young man. 🙏
  11. Sorry to hear about Galloway’s surgery…..better now than later, but still bad timing because he needed the off season to work on his shooting. Love this guy and what he brings to the team and hope he recovers quickly!
  12. Top two - Zeller and Oladipo Honorable mention - Yogi, OG, Watford, Bryant and TJD
  13. I like it, with Geronimo, Reneau, Banks, Galloway, Gunn and Kopp off the bench!
  14. Super excited….unreal roster filled with talent at every position, but the key will be 3pt shooting. If we can get that, then we’re capable of going for banner #6. The future is bright in Hoosier nation once again!
  15. My understanding is that as the director of recruiting he’ll identify the recruits and perhaps gauge interest, and then turn it over to the coaches to do the real recruiting. Don’t need to be cool for that, and I don’t think at his age and with his credentials, he’ll have trouble connecting with with today’s recruits. Anyway, just my take.
  16. Love this hire. Correct me if I’m wrong, but in this role I believe he can participate in practice. I realize coaching won’t be his primary responsibility, but can you think of anyone better to teach these guys to shoot than Hulls? Next to Alford he was the closest thing to automatic from 3 that we’ve had in a long time.
  17. I’m 68, so basically from the time Knight was hired until today. You could see the momentum building immediately with Knight’s presence, beginning with the 71-72 team that had Joby Wright and Steve Downing. Of course, that was followed by the 75 and 76 teams that may have been the best college basketball has ever seen. Over the years there have been so many good teams and great players that it’s hard to list them all, but one of my favorites was CMW. I believe we’re truly on the way back with Woody at the helm, and I haven’t been this optimistic (and excited) in a long time….go Hoosiers!
  18. I hope you’re right, but in the world of the transfer portal and NIL money the emphasis on “student athlete” may be lost in the process. Only, time will tell.
  19. My only concern is the impact it will have on the importance off an education. My youngest son was an All American, consensus top 20 prospect and Team USA baseball player coming out of high school. He was drafted by the Phillies, but chose to go to college to play for one of the top programs in the country, get his education, and then sign a big contract after his junior season. Anyway, that was the plan. He was the classic “can’t miss guy”, but a series of injuries/surgeries during college ended his baseball career prematurely. Fortunately, he graduated with honors, and has gone on to be very successful in his chosen profession. His misses baseball, but realizes how fortunate he was to be on scholarship and get his education. My point is in today’s NIL world it seems chasing the money may become more of a priority than getting a degree. I realize that has always been the case for some, but my son’s experience is the perfect example of there are no sure things in life, and you better have a backup plan….unfortunately, many won’t.
  20. Wow, NC’s guards are good….in today’s world the game is all about guards and 3 pt shooters. A good big man is a plus, but doesn’t have to be dominant. Of course, the really great teams have it all.
  21. Aside from the NW suspension, KL seemed to keep a good attitude and be a team player. That isn’t easy when things aren’t going your way…so hats off to him. I wish him much success wherever he ends up. My guess is he’ll end up being a fine college basketball player. Beyond that, who knows.
  22. This is a tough one, because he’s already been suspended. If that hadn’t happened then I think he sits for a few games at the beginning of the season and we move forward, but coach may see it differently and cut him loose. If that happens then we live with JHS, Gunn, Bates and probably a transfer at guard…we might be pleasantly surprised. From what I saw of JHS at the Geico nationals he seems capable of coming in and running the show from day one. Anyway, I wouldn’t want to be in CMW shoes, but that’s why he gets paid the big bucks. I trust his judgement and will be fine with either scenario.
  23. Me too, but with better basketball skills. If he can put on some muscle, he may make a good pro, because he runs well, can defend and shoot the three.
  24. The difference (huge) in talent was the guards and wings. TJD is every bit as good as Bacot or Williams. Did you notice neither one of them took a shot outside of 5ft from the basket all game, and that Bacot didn’t get more than six inches off the floor all night? He’s just tough and has a nose for the ball and gets after it.
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