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Everything posted by Hoosier4Life53

  1. Can’t overstate how good that 1st half was!
  2. Not IU, but my company has season tickets court side under the Duke basket at Cameron Indoor. They’re about 15ft from the Duke bench, and you could hear Coach K swearing like a crazy man during timeouts. I know it’s not AH and some will say “who cares”, but we are talking about best seats for a game, so that’s what I have to offer. Ok, now here comes the grief for bringing up Duke!
  3. We’ve got to play good defense, and take care of the ball to have a chance to win. If I recall, Audige killed us in AH, with six steals.
  4. From what I saw yesterday, IU is easily the second best team in the country, and clearly better than LSU. We’re probably the only team that could legitimately challenge South Carolina.
  5. All the sudden there’s pressure on Purdue for the B10 title, because there’s a good chance they lose at Maryland too.
  6. Now we go into Evanston and make a statement!
  7. All in all a good day in college basketball yesterday - Kentucky loses, Duke loses and we win! Now let’s see if NW can take care of Purdue today.
  8. TJD was absolutely gassed on that last free throw attempt, but our defense came through big time.
  9. What a crazy year….Stanford (11-14) beats Arizona. Didn’t look anything like the team we played.
  10. Not many, but there isn’t anyone else that has TJD.
  11. Great defense in the second half. Now on to NW!
  12. We could have put this game away….instead two turnovers in row!
  13. Don’t want to be too hard on Tamar, but man I thought he’d be so much better than this.
  14. We’re missing Race tonight…Reneau is a foul machine.
  15. We’re shooting over 38% from three for the season, and have only taken 5 shots so far….not enough.
  16. If Bates make those two layups the game is tied….he needs to sit until he gets his head in the game.
  17. Blowing right by our guys on straight line drives.
  18. We need XJ back in a hurry. We just seem to sleep walk through most road games.
  19. Bates just making poor decisions and playing with no confidence.
  20. Other than TJD zero intensity right now!
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