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Everything posted by Hoosier4Life53

  1. Always exceptions, but from a defensive standpoint I like the idea of keeping him away from the basket. It’s a lot easier to defend 7’2” on the 3pt line rather than 3ft from the basket.
  2. Good, keep him away from the basket. Nothing like a 7’2” guy that likes to hang out on the 3pt line…what a waste.
  3. Almost certainly undefeated, if she doesn’t get injured.
  4. Illinois comes back from 18 down at halftime to beat NW….everybody struggling to win on the road this year.
  5. The media (even ESPN) is calling for Miller to be suspended, and the program to be shut down for the remainder of season just like New Mexico State. I’m sure Alabama is going to try to ride this out until the coverage dies down, but it doesn’t look like that’s going to happen anytime soon. It’ll be interesting to see how this plays out, and if he makes it through the end of season.
  6. And just a little motivation….did you pick up on his comment about playing the entire game when he returned from back surgery after being out only six weeks?
  7. When things don’t make sense, there’s usually a reason. At a minimum, he should have been suspended pending an investigation.
  8. Nothing positive to say, so I’m going to bed.
  9. My gut tells me XJ is back for the Iowa game, and not a minute too soon.
  10. Well, I hate to say it…but we’ve just rolled over again on the road.
  11. Nothing from the bench again on the road. That doesn’t bode well for the NCAAs.
  12. At least we’re not down by 19 like the NW game.
  13. How many more times is Galloway going to leave Walker before he realizes the guy can shoot?
  14. 7 fouls to 3… anyone really believe we foul that much more than the other team.
  15. I really don’t think MSU is anything but a middle of the pack team this year, so we should be fine as long as we don’t get off to a terrible start, and have to play catch up the whole game like we did at NW.
  16. I can only imagine, but thanks for what you do.
  17. Not upset at all, just wanted to point out that there’s still time for him to turn it around and become the player we all expected him to be. And most importantly, I’m sure he’s not satisfied with the way he’s performed this year.
  18. I couldn’t agree more. All these young men want to do well, and I’m sure Tamar is more disappointed than any of us. He knows that he’s not playing up to his potential, and it’s obviously a mental (confidence) thing at this point, but hopefully, he’ll get it figured out because he’s an extremely talented player. Two other highly touted players (McDonalds All Americans) that struggled mightily in their first couple of years come to mind - Landon Turner and Daryl Thomas, and they both ended up winning National Championships! CMW hasn’t given up on Tamar, and we shouldn’t either.
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