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Posts posted by Hoosier4Life53

  1. 1 hour ago, Artesian_86 said:

    Wow..... I'm a HS teacher in public education for 28 years now. I read that last line and could easily replace the words officials and officiating with the words "teacher/teachers" and that is public education right now. Replace with in crazy/dangerous parents then add lazy and entitled students. Pretty sad and frustrating. JMO, and I don't mean to bring this to the board. Just had to vent a bit.

    I can only imagine, but thanks for what you do.

    • Thanks 1
  2. 1 hour ago, Dawg Bawls said:

    You musant say anything negative... ALWAYS be a homer...or youll upset the flock...

    Not upset at all, just wanted to point out that there’s still time for him to turn it around and become the player we all expected him to be. And most importantly, I’m sure he’s not satisfied with the way he’s performed this year.

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  3. 16 hours ago, loviubb said:

    Do YOU like IU? The young MAN REPRESENTS IU!! He became a father at IU!  HE is IU FAMILY!!! HE gives his all!!!


    I couldn’t agree more. All these young men want to do well, and I’m sure Tamar is more disappointed than any of us. He knows that he’s not playing up to his potential, and it’s obviously a mental (confidence) thing at this point, but hopefully, he’ll get it figured out because he’s an extremely talented player. Two other highly touted players (McDonalds All Americans) that struggled mightily in their first couple of years come to mind - Landon Turner and Daryl Thomas, and they both ended up winning National Championships! CMW hasn’t given up on Tamar, and we shouldn’t either. 

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  4. 1 hour ago, Steubenhoosier said:

    I’m not sorry for stating this, but sorry it is what it is…

    We have just a few home games left. Let Bates get some minutes in those, if he plays within himself. If he starts throwing up bad shots, as is his wont, sit him. He gets no minutes on the road. This opinion is not out of I’ll-will towards him, but after watching him play for close to two years.

     I have never seen a more underwhelming 5 star player 

    If he stays around for a couple more years, I still have hope he’ll reach his potential.

  5. 3 hours ago, IowaHoosierFan said:

    Looks like he is either ranked 16-18th or he isn't ranked at all.  Super weird.  Don't think he sticks around for another year though.  Would love for him to come back next year though and lead the team.  He will be a beast no matter where

    JSH - 16
    TJD - 34

    JSH - 16
    TJD - NR

    JHS - NR
    TJD - NR

    JHS - 16
    TJD - 23

    JHS - NR
    TJD - NR

    Doesn’t make much sense to be ranked as high as 16, and not ranked at all in other services. Makes me think some have not updated their rankings.

    • Like 2
  6. 9 hours ago, kyhoosier29 said:

    No way Malik leaves. (I know, anything could happen.) Kid is a crucial part of this team. Appears to truly enjoy being at IU. 

    I hope you’re right, but there’s always someone that surprises you in today’s crazy world of college sports. Don’t get me wrong, I hope they both come back next year, so we can keep the momentum going, and build the team around them. 


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