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Posts posted by Hoosier4Life53

  1. 15 hours ago, IU Scott said:

    I still think the up and down has a lot to do with the injuries. Right now we will have trouble having a complete practice with only 9 scholarship players. XJ missed most of the season TJD missed 3 games and went about a month without practicing. JHS missed 3 games and Geronimo and Duncomb missed a lot as well.  

    And you didn’t even mention Race’s injury.

    • Like 3
  2. 2 hours ago, Between2Halls said:

    I may be way off on this, but college basketball seems to be more like the NBA than ever in terms of the swings between games that seem to come out of nowhere. Big wins followed by weird or confusing losses. As a fan I have always hung on each game, but it feels foolish to have that approach any longer. Ups and downs until the end, and then let’s go all in at playoff time. 

    I agree, there’s so much parity now because of the portal, it’s hard to put a long streak together without having a let down like the other night. You have to be ready every game, because all these teams are capable of playing like Iowa, if they get hot. 

    • Like 1
  3. 2 hours ago, D-BONE said:

    What a disaster. Massive disappointment. Don't botch the Michigan game too. Can't afford to head into post season with that kind of final week and dropping 3 of 4. Need a really short memory and a complete 180 in performance. 

    A sweep of Purdue is a sweep of Purdue. But you can make an argument that MSU and Iowa are both playing better currently, which would then include better than us. Our low volume 3-point offense makes those two a major challenge for us.  

    Exactly, percentage wise at 38% we’re one of the top teams in the league shooting 3s, but take the fewest shots in the league. Hard to win when your opponent is taking 20-25, and making more than we take the entire game. Our guys won’t shoot unless they’re wide open. Players on the other teams take step back and in your face 3s all game long, and then blow us a kiss on their way to a blowout. Of course, that can backfire when they’re aren’t going down, but when they are, we have no answer. 

  4. 10 hours ago, Proud2BAHoosier said:

    I'll add something....

    8. Who is excited for next season??? Raise your hand....

    9. Too soon to tell about next year, because we probably bring in at least 3 transfers and maybe more, depending on how many transfer out.

    • Like 2
  5. 7 minutes ago, Seeking6 said:

    10 out of 14 isn't trending the right way? Shoot Iowa St has lost 8 of 10. TCU 6 of 9. That's not trending the right way. Disappointed and pissed off for tonight? Sure. Let's not totally dismiss what this team has accomplished over the last 60 days down players though. 

    This is a good team that is as capable as anyone to make a run. Need to beat Michigan. After that see what happens in Chicago and after that we hopefully get a top 4 in Louisville or Columbus. 

    Understand, and hopefully we bounce back big against Michigan on Sunday, but just saying the last five games, with exception of Purdue, haven’t been pretty. We barely beat Illinois at home, and they were without their best player. We need to get on a roll going into the post season. Right now we’re on a roller coaster.

    • Like 2
  6. Based JHS’s performance tonight, he would be wise to come back next year, but the NBA drafts on potential, and he showed plenty of that against Purdue. He’s more than likely gone, but it sure would be nice to have him back, and let him and Reneau go to work.

    • Like 2
  7. 2 minutes ago, Joe_Hoopsier said:

    I’ve waited to even come on.

    I’m not sure what better things the team (in whole) wanted to be doing tonight, but it better have been dang good. Fran just came in your house, pissed on your pillows, kicked your dog, and made love to your wife, while you made him an omelette. Then washed his car for him. 
    embarrassing doesn’t even scratch the surface. I feel sorry for Hummel even have to try and find something to say during that lethargic mess. GD!  

    Couldn’t have said it any better

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  8. 2 minutes ago, Proud2BAHoosier said:

    I personally hope he's gone.....

    He’ll probably leave when we bring in a couple of quality transfers for next year. Hate the way it’s turned out, but it might be best to make a change. Still think he’s very talented, but it’s just not working out for whatever reason.

    • Like 1
  9. 1 hour ago, ledies22 said:

    As much as i hate ESPN and their favoritism, being able to watch IU games on ESPN is beneficial.

    IU games will be covered on BTN and Fox Sports moving forward. While I personally won’t miss ESPN coverage, the network has a powerful brand, and could be used against us in recruiting battles. I can just hear a recruit and his family now….what, no ESPN? To some it’s all about exposure, and the perception could be they won’t get that without ESPN. I hope I’m wrong.

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  10. 14 minutes ago, DWB said:

    Been there done that! The fact that you're waiting another month for it "implies" it's not an emergency surgery, which is great. I had mine 6+ years ago, and haven't had a problem since. Feel like it never happened! So should you. Recovery is a little frustrating if they have to cut your breastbone, because you can't do squat for 6 weeks til it heals, but other than that you should be good to go !! Good luck. Please keep us posted!

    Thanks, appreciate the positive feedback, and great to hear from someone who’s been through the same thing. I’ll try to stay calm during tomorrow night’s game. 

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  11. 1 hour ago, Proud2BAHoosier said:

    I have nothing as serious as what you will be facing, but I do have high blood pressure and I'm over 70, so I need to tone down my stress level. That's why I recommend recording the game. If the Hoosiers win, I watch. If not, I don't, simple as that. Makes my relationship with the wife a lot easier too.

    Wish you with your surgery.....  🙏

    Appreciate that, but I can’t help myself…I can’t keep from watching.

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  12. 28 minutes ago, Artesian_86 said:

    I don't even get that.... I happen to look over at her after an awesome play and she is quietly videoing me with her phone, silently laughing.....🙄😆

    I have heart surgery scheduled at the end of the March. On my last visit with the surgeon, I was instructed to avoid stress. Obviously, he has no idea what it’s like to be an IU basketball fan!

    • Like 5
  13. 7 hours ago, Artesian_86 said:

    Too funny! My wife videoed me several times during the last seconds of games and sent them to my daughters. When the games are close and with about 2 + minutes left, I'm up off the recliner, face in front of the big screen, about to have a melt down. I seriously look and act like I'm seven years old. I can't help it! lol.....

    I find what works best and gives IU the best luck, is when I'm acting a fool, while holding my Dachshund. It's ridiculous, actually. I can't help it. Please,....this just stays between us! lol 

    I know the feeling….my wife asked me several times during the game….”are you Ok?”

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