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Everything posted by Hoosier4Life53

  1. Facilities aren’t the issue. I’ve been to Cameron Indoor several times, and it’s nothing more than a glorified HS gym. If facilities were the issue, then Duke wouldn’t be able to field a team. I agree, you have to sell the program.
  2. I like our front court with Ware, Reneau and Sparks, and the backcourt looks solid, if XJ gets his waiver. What we need now are wings that can create (not just stand in the corner) and knock down the three!
  3. I agree, we need a 3-level scorer on the wing, so I’m not that disappointed with the lose of Ledlum. He was obviously a priority by the coaching staff, but from the film I saw, he didn’t look to be a difference maker. I’m sure there are others out there just as talented, and I’m confident we’ll land one soon.
  4. We’ve got real problems, if it takes that long.
  5. Sure is quiet….hope we get some good news next week.
  6. I didn’t see your post before I responded, so my apologies. It’s just been slow since Ware’s commitment, so I guess I got a little sidetracked.
  7. I respect your opinion, and it’s probably a generational thing, but I prefer the traditional system based on the student/athlete model. With the introduction of the transfer portal and NIL, it just seems college athletes are turning into free agents, and the sport is becoming a business, with little emphasis on education and commitment to a particular school. In my son’s case, he was a can’t miss prospect, but because of injuries he didn’t make it to the next level, so we’re very grateful for his continued education that was in part made possible by his scholarship. We just look at it differently, and that’s OK.
  8. My youngest son was an All-American and a top 20 prospect in his sport coming out of HS, and had to be careful about even signing autographs that could violate NCAA rules. Basically, he couldn’t profit from anything as an amateur athlete or risk his eligibility. The trade off was a scholarship and a great education, which has served him well. Hard to believe how far college athletics has slipped in just a few short years.
  9. Banks has the potential to be a really good 4, and has good hands and a nose for the ball when rebounding. Geronimo had neither, but was a great athlete. I wouldn’t surprised to see some NFL teams approach him as a project at tight end.
  10. The biggest news is his cancelled trip to Alabama, not the picture.
  11. Not that we don’t need a proven talent to plug in right away, but I think we may already have one in Banks, but only time will tell.
  12. Stop already, I just had heart surgery and my recovery was going nicely! 🤭
  13. Man this kid looks fantastic…do we have a visit scheduled? Don’t want to get too carried away, but I see a little Jerry West in him….anyone else see that?
  14. We really need one of the portal guys to be an absolute knock down volume 3pt threat. We haven’t had that for several years, and won’t be a national title threat without it.
  15. 10 days out and feeling pretty good, all things considered. Thanks
  16. I feel the same way, but I’m retired and recovering from heart surgery, so I have a lot time to waste.
  17. I expect him to be a really good player…he’s the one I hated to lose.
  18. Love her or hate her, Caitlin Clark is one hell of a basketball player.
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