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Posts posted by Hoosier4Life53

  1. 2 hours ago, IU Scott said:

    I hate seeing this because it is taking the best players from Indiana high school basketball.  Also I would say this move probably hurts the local colleges in the recruitment. If he was really set on IU I wouldn't think he would need to make this move 

    It shouldn’t hurt recruitment - if he’s truly a top 10 talent then all the big boys will be on him regardless of where he plays.

    • Like 1
  2. 47 minutes ago, rico said:

    Apples to oranges.

    The appeal of Duke will wear off eventually, if they don’t continue to have the success under Scheyer that they had under coach K. Not to mention they play in a glorified HS gym, and facilities do matter. They’ve gotten by on the ESPN hype of “Cameron Indoor”, but that will wear off too.

    • Like 5
  3. 24 minutes ago, NotIThatLives said:

    Not sure you guys read his entire statement.   

    He said, "I feel fortunate to work for a place that values me and actually pushes me to go home and backs me up and takes my side even when it might effect their bottom line because a client is being unreasonable. It’s nice for a change. Find the right culture is important. "

    Sounds to me he did find what he's looking for.  

    For the record, I have no problem with Muchahey grabbing the bag.  

    I took it that way too. Sounds like he very much appreciates the company he works for now…just needed the “right fit”.

    • Like 2
  4. I’m being cautious and went 16-20, because we have so many new players that I don’t think any of us know what to expect. We should be very talented, but I suspect we’ll struggle early on, and then start to gel mid-season. We’re still missing that game changer at guard, but I’m hoping Galloway or Gunn can fill that void. Hopefully, we make the NCAAs and make some noise. I’d be happy to be wrong, and be in the 21-25 range at the end of the regular season.

    • Like 2
  5. 47 minutes ago, dgambill said:

    He has the most punchable face of anyone I’ve ever seen. Looks like the guy at the class reunion that has a few beers then wants to take a sh!t in a paper bag and light it and leave it on the principal’s door step.

    Yep, the type of guy you just want to smack!

    • Like 1
  6. 2 hours ago, tdhoosier said:

    And that's why the coaching staff will fill that last spot if an opportunity arises and not us fans. I can't imagine they'd fill the spot with a player who will be a bad fit. 

    Apparently, we’re comfortable enough with what we already have, that we won’t make an offer just to fill the spot, unless it’s a real difference maker.

    • Like 2
  7. 43 minutes ago, JABBATHEHOOSIER said:

    I guess I assumed he already had an offer since Duke was "supposedly" the leader. 

    Don’t want to get too excited, but considering all the chatter we’ve heard that Duke was a done deal, it’s a good sign he didn’t commit on the spot. If we can get him on campus for his last official visit, we might still have a shot.

    • Like 4
  8. 9 minutes ago, dgambill said:

    I’m respect to the young man…I think he can be a really good college basketball player…but I don’t see this being a good fit for him and not being a highly ranked/coveted recruit he will likely not see much playing time because Cal always prioritizes those kids…even when they don’t deserve it. His only job is to ensure they get drafted.

    So true!

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