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Posts posted by Hoosier4Life53

  1. 1 hour ago, dgambill said:

    They should go to the ACC…easiest conference to win and make the playoffs each year…the real issue is with the conferences getting so big if they all go 9-10 conference games then ND will have no one to play.

    Good point, and just another reason they’ll need to join a conference. Agree, ACC may be their best option.

  2. 2 hours ago, 5fouls said:

    The Big Ten missed a golden opportunity with Stanford an Cal.  I guess they didnt want to go to 20 without Notre Dame.   Will be viewed as a mistake 20 years from now.  


    Eventually, even with the NBC revenue stream, ND’s hand will forced, and they’ll have to join a conference or risk being the odd man out come CFP time. Once the CFP format is increased to 12 teams,  mega conferences could get 3-4 bids each, leaving extreme pressure on ND to go undefeated or risk being left out of the playoffs.

  3. If this is true, (I haven’t seen it reported anywhere else) I hate it for the fans of those conferences, but that’s the reality of college sports in today’s world. My son played baseball at Clemson, so we’ve been big fans of the Tigers for several years now, and would welcome them to the B10. Can you imagine what it would do to the football landscape by adding those schools, especially Clemson and Oregon to go along with Ohio St, Michigan, Penn St and USC - move over SEC.

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