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Posts posted by Hoosier4Life53

  1. 5 minutes ago, 5fouls said:

    I'm not sure 3-point shooting is correctable.  Can we shoot more?  Sure.  Can we be a 'good' 3-point shooting team.  I'm not so sure.  

    I'm fairly comfortable in stating Mgbako is not Jay Edwards. Cupps does not look like Jordan Hulls.  Reneau isn't Watford.  No Alford, Roth, or Zeisloft out there either.

    Agree, we just don’t have game changing 3 pt shooters, although I think Mgbako could become one over time.

  2. 28 minutes ago, landrus13 said:

    Broke his right foot last year.

    Thanks, that’s what I thought. So I guess the good news is it’s not the same foot, but he could still be out for multiple games.

    Cupps should be fine running the show at point, but we’ll miss XJ’s offense, since he’s capable of getting 20 pts any given game. Doubt, we’ll get that from Cupps at this stage of his young career. 

  3. 6 minutes ago, psychobat said:

    Was it the same foot that he broke last year?  That's one of the things that worries me the most.  He did actually look like he was walking better as he left the floor at the end of the game.

    Last night it looked like his left foot, and I think last year it was his right foot….anyone know for sure?

  4. 1 hour ago, tdhoosier said:

    All high level CBB players can shoot. Even our guys can shoot......if you give them a lot of space. 

    It can't be a coincidence that many teams happen to shoot well just against us. 

    We let them get comfortable by giving them a lot of space, going under screens, not pressuring the ball, etc. Comfortable shooters become confident. Confident shooters make buckets. 


  5. I was out of town and couldn’t watch the game live, so I watched the tape last night. Looks like Ware, Reneau and XJ will carry us this year. Still too soon to tell where we’ll be in March, but barely beating FGCU and Army at home is not very encouraging. 

    Something that continues to amaze me is that every school we play (including low mid-majors) has knock down shooters that kill us. I realize our perimeter defense needs to improve, but you still have to make the shot even if you’re wide open, so it’s not luck…these guys can shoot. 

    So, I have to ask…why can’t we find a couple of those guys?  



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