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Everything posted by Hoosier4Life53

  1. Let Sparks pound away on him and wear him down. As long as he’s not within 3 feet of the basket he can’t score.
  2. Well, that was a pretty stress free game. Isn’t it nice to have a discussion about how well we played instead of discussing how poorly so and so did or why the coaches did this or that…hooray for the Hoosiers!
  3. Ware had a monster game too, but this may have been MgBako’s coming out party.
  4. With our front line, we’re one elite guard away from being a really good team…oh, what could have been.
  5. XJ got lucky on that call because he hooked Carrington.
  6. Keep this going….no more than 2 subs in at a time.
  7. Here we go again with our bench….lost a 17pt lead just like that.
  8. XJ sits to start the game…good move CMW. Seed the message, if your pull knuckleheaded stunts like last game, you sit your butt down.
  9. I would imagine he doesn’t start, but does see some playing time. As Knight liked to say “ass meets the bench”.
  10. That’s been known to happen. 😲
  11. As long as Dawson Garcia doesn’t go nuts on us, we should win easily - notice I said “should”.
  12. Not there yet. The inconsistency is discouraging, but we’re 3-2 in the B10, and still in the hunt. I’ll get back to you in a couple of weeks.
  13. Possible, but I’m hoping we’re better than we think.
  14. Nebraska by 16 over #1 Purdue. Maybe we’re not as bad as we think, and Nebraska is better than most think.
  15. I hate to say it, but I’m not that upset, because my expectations are so low, and sadly I’ve come to expect this type of performance. Having said that, I still think we have the talent to make a run before the season is over, so I’ll keep watching.
  16. I feel the same way. I’m 70 years old, and beginning to think I won’t see another championship in my lifetime. 🙁
  17. I’d laugh, if it wasn’t true 🙁
  18. https://bleacherreport.com/videos/511531-trayce-jacksondavis-scores-16-vs-raptors Some good stuff by TJD.
  19. He’s frustrating to watch sometimes, but I love his competitive spirit and attitude. How about him laughing off that FT he air balled the other night, and then making the second shot…most players would have missed both shots.
  20. Good news…we’re up to 156th in the nation on 3 pt shooting at 34%. The bad news is we’re #350 out of 351 on shots attempted per game at 14.3 - classic “glass half full”.
  21. 19 turnovers = a loss…it’s that simple. No further analysis necessary.
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