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Everything posted by tdhoosier

  1. 100% understand. A few of my friends are in the same boat. And if it wasn't for a boring weekend in July when I had nothing on the schedule, I'd also be in that boat. All I will say is that while the anxiety doesn't diminish, season 2 is better than 1 and delivers some absolutely outstanding episodes. And while I don't put a ton of stock in awards shows, it did receive a record high 23 Emmy nominations for season 2. I wouldn't consider myself an emotional person at all, but a few episode had me welling up. In some weird F'd up way, it inspired me to take more pride in the things that I do (parent, work, coach, be there for friends/family, etc.) and be more patient/empathetic towards others. Disclaimer: I fully recognize that all sounds like hippy dippy mumbo jumbo, but usually those revelations typically signify the difference between one's interpretation of what is good, and what is great. At least in my case it does. If you choose to watch, I hope it affects you in a similar way. Season 3 is meh.
  2. Anybody watch The Bear? Never before have I loved a show that is so hard to watch. haha. All the yelling gives me anxiety, but the writing and character development is brilliant. The episode 'Forks' in season 2 is one of the best episodes, of any series, I have watched.
  3. Well, it would back us into a corner because we'll lack a maquis neutral court win if we get into the loser's bracket. Every single non-conference game not in the Bahamas is at home. Every one. If he's going to schedule this way, it's naturally going to put more pressure on these types of games. If we don't perform against UL, then this team will need to get some shovels, because they'll be in a deep hole as far as every ranking system is concerned. And if that comes to fruition, the narrative with this fan base will be doom and gloom. You might not agree if the doom is warranted, but I'll bet $100 that's what will happen. I think he is spot on.
  4. They're pretty good at asking 'what does the intel mean?' Like on the 'intel' about Jakai - how athletic he is - they say it's not surprising, but can he play? Or on the positive intel about Tucker's offense and that his defense will come along - they ask how much time will he see this year, if his defense isn't there yet.
  5. The first part of this video is right on. I really think the biggest question from a pure X's and O's perspective is if/how much we crowd the paint with Malik and Ballo. We seemingly now have guards and wings that can create their own shot, but will the paint be open for them to drive? If our guards don't have room to drive, defenders can guard them tighter on the perimeter and go over screens, which will greatly effect their efficiency. I'm really hoping we don't see this next year, unless the matchup allows for it.
  6. RIght on. It was pointed out many times how many teams last year took advantage of analytics, played easy teams at home, blew them out, and didn't get penalized in the NET. If this is the plan, then props to the staff for playing that game. That said, I do not want to hear any 'shrugging off' on the importance of analytics when we beat a bad team by only 5.
  7. I can't believe you actually believe one ounce of what these idiots are saying. Here’s an ounce…
  8. sigh....since you asked. I wouldn't recommend expanding that tweet unless you want to see how he crossed the that line and then lit it on fire.
  9. Ever since my very first post, I said HH was playing with fire. And have never once said Woody was in the wrong for cutting ties with them. I'm not sure why some think I'm mad at Woody for destroying this relationship...IDGAF...I said this about 10 times. However, I am saying, that because of his past actions and statements, the reported comments come as no surprise, thus, IMO are believable. And those comments (which I'm assuming are somewhat true) are concerning for the future of the program. If you think HH has straight up lied about those comments, has a bone to pick, whatever, then fine. I don't. But if you've followed the program these last three years watching every game, watching Woodson interviews, watching postgame pressers (NOT listening to podcasts....just need to clarify that once again), do you realllllly think he didn't say those things...or something similar? ..... What seems like another argument that is being conflated as one is the evil cabal of podcasters trying to get Woody fired because they hate him. I don't listen to every podcast so I don't know everybody's angles. The ones I do listen to want him to succeed, and react negatively to the results on the court. Predictable behavior of fans with a microphone. I don't like the creation of untrue rumors either, but some are painting with a very broad brush here with the accusations. Are we saying Assembly Call or HH has a double secret underground campaign to get Woodson fired? Do they react and/or talk about rumors? Yes. Do I think they create them? no. Plain and simple, its mostly bad play that turns up the heat on Woody. It's not showing improvement in key areas of the games that gets criticism.
  10. That's lazy because nobody is even insinuating the bolded....at least I'm not. But if you want to go there, of his peer group (actual coaches in the NBA and NCAA), Woody's accomplishments are average at best and unproven. He's not above criticism. Sure he may be able to prove it next season, or one day. But that will be the day when he's earned it. He's not earned anything yet. Definitely not immunity status, or being in charge of his own future at IU. The comments reported are ones that I tend to believe based on Woody's past actions and statements (which I laid out in the post you are replying to), not on what people have said about him. If this was Juwan Howard or Brad Underwood, you'd be eating up all the red meat. I appreciate your fandom and loyalty to IU, but I think your bias is showing when you say Woody is above criticism.
  11. I get it. But as @Hippopotamo said above: nobody is surprised or refuting it. Here's the thing though, some have had a narrative about Woody these last few years. We may be right, we may be wrong, we may fall somewhere in the middle. But more and more comes out to validate the narrative and/or perception some believe who are not 100% in Woody's camp. The strong off-season, while great, I fear is still camouflaging bigger issues in this program and the athletic department. Yesterday's podcast aside, some (not you) think his coaching style is inflexible. We've debated this over and over on the board, so you know the points of contention: declining defense, bad shooting, strange substitution patterns, not prioritizing holes talent gaps that need to be filled etc., etc. I've seen the comment shoving a square peg into a round hole on this board more than I care to remember. And i'm not just talking about last season. The above is doubled down in his post game comments. The throwing players under the bus. The blaming of execution rather than game planning time and time again. And I'm not sure he's a great unifier when he draws a line in the sand, in the front of a sold out crowd on senior night, between 'real fans' and fake fans who are critical about the fact we had a really crappy season. Now, I wasn't crying like Tonsoni about that, I just thought: 'that was a really stupid thing to do.....that's going to divide the fan base'. And it did. *I don't even know how this point is debatable* These are actions and not hearsay. This isn't a 'campaign' pushed by podcasters. So, my point is: are the reports about Woody thinking last season was a success or that he's achieved so much in basketball that he's above criticism or people questioning his motives really a surprise? That he thinks he's untouchable after getting $6 million from a few donors? For me, it isn't. That's why I tend to believe the reported comments, albeit with a grain of salt.
  12. Well, you're the one who is pen pals with Dolson. Can you ask him for me? 😎
  13. Again, didn't say that. I'm saying the things he reportedly said and his actions are unhinged.
  14. I listened to it when it came out. And I remember some harsh stuff coming out - a lot of similar stuff that was said on this forum. They're not Woody's lap dogs, they can be critical. They can have whatever guest they want on...especially Brian Evans. I will try to go back and listen, but I probably agreed with 90% of the stuff they said at the time and still do... -Although I want him to be, I'm not sure he is the right man for the job. -Complacency in the fanbase, lack of attendance and lack of donations is how coaches get fired. -If a coach doesn't like any of the 2 statements above then W-I-N. BUT I'm not arguing whether Woody had the right to cut ties with them....I pointedly said that above. ...But to make him fly from California to reprimand him in person (not to mention after getting his daughters jobs and raising a lot of money for his players), creating a narrative in his mind that last season was successful, getting made for be called stubborn before calling himself stubborn and then just admonishing Dolson to his face in some show of power? ....it just doesn't look good. I'm always willing to hear the other side of the story too. I'm actually most curious to know what Dolson really thinks.
  15. They've always been fanboys and still are. Painting them as media is a bit hilarious to me. They don't have media credentials. They raise money for IU sports (no media guy in their right mind is going to show that type of allegiance). They are podcasters....who do silly interviews and wear their heart on their sleeve. And podcasters have the right to be critical. Even fanboys are critical (look at us). Especially when the product on the court is crappy. IMO, Woody knew what he was getting into with those two. He probably just realized that he couldn't control them, so he cut ties. And that's fine, but the way he did it...just seemed a bit unhinged.
  16. I like the podcast. I completely understand why people are put off by it. That's fine. I think those 2 are clowns and that's also why I happen to find them entertaining. Sooner or later this was going to blow up no matter who was coach. It's hard to gain that good of access to a program and have the green light to be critical of it at the same time. It's a perfect example of the phrase 'have your cake and eat it too.' That said, unless Eric was straight up lying about his meeting, I don't know how one could not be concerned about the things they reported Woody said. Calling last year a success? Saying he's accomplished everything, at every level, in Basketball? Pointing to Dolson and saying: 'I want you to hear this, I'm not going anywhere until I say I'm done'?
  17. Mike Woodson said: Don't get Mike Woodson upset if Mike Woodson lets you into Mike Woodson's circle. I had to pick something up so just listened to the beginning....going to listen to the rest when I workout.
  18. https://247sports.com/college/indiana/article/hoosier-hysterics-podcast-my-meeting-with-mike-woodson-233207943/ not gonna lie....I'm intrigued to listen to this.
  19. It's too hard for me to watch with the over-the-top 'radio guy' annunciation. The Locked On guy before sounded like he was falling asleep, so I was intrigued when he took over, but this one needs to ease up on the caffeine. LOL. I also don't think he has many connections - he's from and broadcasts from Alabama or Georgia or something, with no history as an IU fan. Probably just getting info from message boards or the Trilly discord like many of the other message board 'insiders'.
  20. Speaking of POY…..if I had to pick the most likely candidate for player of the year on this team, it’d be Mgbako. He has the highest ceiling. And while that scenario may be a bit of a long shot, I do think he will lead the team in scoring. (assuming that we’re not going to play through Malik as much 🤞)
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