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Posts posted by 5fouls

  1. 20 hours ago, PoHoosier said:

    I think we can appreciate Victor just fine w/o so much PG hate.  I may be in the minority, but some of these posts I feel read like: "I reject your facts and reality and substitute my fantasy and opinion".

    I do it to tweak Hoopster.  Its one of life's great joys.  Frankly, I am thrilled that he played a part in bringing Vic home.

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  2. 1 hour ago, Hoosierhoopster said:

    Right, but Fouls will still mock PG's PER! Hey let's spend another month going down the mock PG path. :S

    In other news, both are great players.

    Combined PER for Oladipo and Sabonis last season - 40.6

    Combined PER for Paul George and...... - 18.7


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  3. 30 minutes ago, Hoosierhoopster said:

    I don't think Collison is bad, but he is a second string pg, he's not a quality starting point. He was a fill in for the Pacers. If the P's want to get to the "next level" they need a top flight pg. Naming better point guards than Collison? That's a long list. 

    I know he's not a point guard, but I find this comparison interesting.  :coffee:

    Darrin Collison - PER of 18.8 last season

    Paul George - PER of 18.7 last season



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  4. 3 hours ago, Hoosierhoopster said:

    He's kind of "fun," but the P's need a real point guard and allowing him to go frees up more cash.

    Collison, Joseph, and Holliday is an above average trio.  Two veterans to hold fort until the rookie is ready.  Pacers could do a LOT worse than Collison as their starter.

    I hate to see Lance go.  He was a vital piece to last year's success.

    • Like 1
  5. 26 minutes ago, Seeking6 said:

    About 10 years ago I reached an all time weight wise of 230 range (I'm 5'10). Went carb free with 2 workouts per day for a year. No booze, no smokes,etc...and went down to 154 lbs. Eggs were a VITAL part to my year. The nutrition folks can say all they want. Eggs are good for you and help you lose weight as well. 

    I think the extra 76 lbs I was carrying was far more dangerous than having an extra 12-18 eggs per week. 

    Congrats.  I'm not at 230 yet, but could get there if I don't do something.   I've started and stopped multiple times and lost 10-15 pounds quickly.  Then the backsliding starts.  tthis thread is motivating me to start again and stick with it.

  6. On 6/1/2018 at 2:23 PM, KoB2011 said:

    Am I the only one who cannot stand the Warriors? They're a historically great team, but they're like a team that stacks their team playing pick-up then talks s*** to everyone. 

    You've got four of the best players in the world, of course you're beating everyone. 

    I am rooting for Cleveland as if I am a Cavs fan.  And, I'm not a Cavs fan.

    • Like 3
  7. 16 minutes ago, Hoosierhoopster said:

    The discussion is happening now, but will probably go away.

    I'm not usually one who thinks the fix is in, in the NBA -- and in fairness, the Rockets missing 27 straight 3's, unbelievable and an all time NBA playoff record low, coupled with CP3 being out had a lot to do with the Rockets' losing -- but, and I think this is a significant but, those 2 straight non-calls on the blatantly obvious and indisputable fouls on Harden's 3-point shots, made a huge difference in the game and again were simply indisputable. It wasn't like there was a question mark on either of them, that they were difficult to see, that the refs were out of position, there was just no possible valid excuse, they were blatant, inexcusable non-calls. That's 6 points, and really 7, as one was a four-point play. That's momentum. That's 6 or 7 points at a key time in the game. The moving screen that came shortly after was more questionable, I can live with that one, but not the non-calls on Harden's two 3-pointers (and I am one who normally complains about the way Harden leans in to draw fouls, here, there was just no question).

    It's not like there hasn't been a dirty ref in the NBA before, one went to prison. Someone was dirty last night.

    If I am an NBA player, I don't stand for this.  It happened to the Rockets this time, but could be another team, another group of players, down the road.  Some of those Rockets players may never get another chance at making the finals.  This wasn't one bad call (such as Don Denkinger in the World Series).  This was blatant, WWE level, match-fixing.

    Boogie Cousins and Jeremy Lin tweeted last night about it.  Every NBA player, including those on the Warriors, need to send a message to the NBA with a clear directive that this better not ever happen again.  

    I had renewed interest in the NBA this season with Vic being on the Pacers.   I now have no desire at all to watch the NBA finals after what happened last night.

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  8. 8 hours ago, Hoosierhoopster said:

    I'm actually serious. I'm not even a Rockets fan. The repeated missed calls against GS followed by immediate calls on the other end are glaring. There's money involved.

    Agreed.  And, I did not even watch the 2nd half.  There were enough 'missed' calls in the 2nd quarter to convince me a fix was in place.  The media can't let something this blatant alone can they?  The NBA should be embarassed.  That was bad enough, and in an important enough game, that it could bring down the league.

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  9. I firmly believe that LeBron is disliked more than he should be because he is so good.  He's done nothing to disrespect the game outside of a misguided publicitly moment as a free agent.  But, everything he does on the court is worthy of respect.  And, before someone brings up whining, Vic does  lot of that as well.

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  10. 29 minutes ago, IU Scott said:

    Also if that is the case and according to you the pace is faster today then why is the scoring average down from the mid 80's.  You would think that with the faster pace and shooting more 3's then teams would be scoring more.  You have said that shooting 3's or layups are the efficient shots to shoot but it doe snot lead to more scoring.

    What does 'doe snot' have to do with basketball?  

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