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Posts posted by 5fouls

  1. I've always wondered what the Big Ten would do if one of our newer members 'went home'.  What if Nebraska or Maryland decided that the grass in the Big Ten was not as green as they thought, and abruptly decided to return to the conference they left (Rutgers left out of that scenario for obvious reasons)?     For example, if they added Houston, wouldn't the Big 12 be much more interested in Nebraska than they would be Cincinnati?  How would the Big Ten respond?  

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  2. 1 hour ago, dwtaylor1055 said:

    IMO I think the Pacers will stand pat at the trade deadline and lean on the development of Sumner and Holiday for the remainder of the season.  There are rumblings that Bojan and Pacers have interest in resigning in the offseason so you are looking at a core group of Vic, Bojan(assuming they resign him), Myles, Sabonis, Leaf, Holiday and Sumner that would be impactful players next season.  This leaves a hole for a starting PG(my guess is a return of DC especially with his comments relating to becoming a mentor type role for Aaron) a starting PF(no idea who this would be) and a bench SG(no idea).  I would be fine with Holiday/FA Signing/Sumner/Leaf/Sabonis coming off the bench with Vic/Bojan/Myles as starters leaving two holes to fill. 


    I know Vic may not be back at beginning of season but the free agent SG we sign during summer could fill that void or Sumner could slide in(if he continues to improve)

    Do not underestimate what Thad Young means to the team.  I, for one, hope he is back.

  3. 33 minutes ago, Hoosierhoopster said:

    Well the NBA's all star selection process is again revealed for its failures. http://www.espn.com/nba/story/_/id/25901582/utah-jazz-center-rudy-gobert-breaks-tears-all-star-game-snub

    I don't know about breaking down in tears, but it is a 'crying shame' Gobert was not selected, and guys like Klay Thompson -- who really has not had an all star year at all -- are picked, because fans count for 50% and the media are still, in many respects, ignorant. Then you have the Commiss picking Dirk and Wade, for sentimental reasons.

    Unfortunately, no matter how many roster spots you have, there will always be a snub.  It's not a problem unique to the NBA.  Heck, it exists in youth leagues all over the country.

  4. 2 minutes ago, IU Scott said:

    Hopefully the Pacers can get it turned around but right now they look pretty bad.  Have not watched that much lately since I have watched more college games.

    I'm afraid the Pacers are going into a free fall similar to the Hoosiers.  What a shame too.  I truly thought they had a legit chance to win the east.

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  5. 2 hours ago, Bushmage said:

    How cool would it be if the Pacers fell far enough to get Romeo? Although I still don't believe Romeo falls out of the top 10 and it's not likely. It's the only irrational hope that keeps me going to watch Pacers games.

    With Oladipo at SG, don't see a need for Romeo.  I guess Romeo could play at SF in a small ball lineup.  He has the length to guard bigger players.

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  6. 2 hours ago, Seeking6 said:

    Nope. And when he did play he pretty much dominated his matchup vs Cousins.  Even got in Cousins head a bit. Started following a few Wizards guys last month and the sentiment of why isn't he getting 30 minutes per game is growing. By all accounts Bryant is a fan favorite because of his insane FG% and hustle. 

    Sure would be nice to have him opposite of Morgan right now. Haha.

    The dude gives it all he has every second he is on the floor.  I really like Thomas.

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  7. Pacers are going to be damn sure he's ready before he comes back.  Parker may have come back in 6 months, but he's a different style player with a different role.  I think we could be looking after the all star break next season and would not be surprised if he waited until the start of '20-'21.

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