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Posts posted by 5fouls

  1. On 10/21/2019 at 4:11 PM, BGleas said:


    Guess these guys aren't getting traded for each other. I wasn't hoping they would, but it was one of the options when it seemed Sabonis was upset. 

    Not particularly good news for Romeo, is it?

    On a related note, Romeo officially out for the Celtics opener.

  2. On 10/21/2019 at 4:49 PM, FKIM01 said:

    Again, you are missing the point.  I made it clear that we are not talking about drafting Alford instead of Reggie Miller.  We are talking about players like Troy Williams who are at the margins of making it in the NBA.  These are cheap players who may do better playing for the Pacers than they would in markets where no one cares who they are, but at any rate, they are cheap, low-risk players who have a tie to a substantial part of the fanbase.  Worse-case scenario, they flame out like a typical 2-way investment, costing the Pacers relatively little cash.  Best-case, you have players that are well-known by a substantial part of the Pacer fanbase and they actually contribute for a relatively cheap contract.  Best-best-case, they flourish and become real contributors making everyone happy.

    I'm pretty happy with the trade that brought former IU star Victor Oladipo to the Pacers, not to mention Sabonis..aren't you?  Not only has Vic flourished...he's a beloved fan-favorite in Indy.


    So, are you saying that Troy Williams would have the kind of impact that Victor Oladipo did?  

    • Haha 1
  3. 11 minutes ago, BGleas said:

    As someone that is 6'6", I think there should be a 6'5" (I'm willing to negotiate down to 6'4" but it stops there) or taller requirement for sitting in the emergency row on an airplane. 

    Waivers can be given to the spouses of the tall people if they'd like to sit together. 

    Back in 2003 or 2004, I was on a Southwest flight leaving Florida with Nick Smith,  who was a Center on the Illinois basketball team back in those days.  He was/is 7"2.  As most probably know, Southwest was first come, first serve back then.  This was even before the boarding group thing they have now.  My wife and I were literally the last ones in line (squeezed all the extra minutes we could out of that vacation).  Nick was 3-4 spots ahead of us.  Well, as you can imagine, on a completely full flight, the only seats remaining were in the center seat and in the very back of the plane.  The flight was literally delayed while the flight attendants negotiated with people in the emergency exit row to allow Nick to sit there.  No one was willing to give up an Emergency exit row seat for a center seat in the back of the plane.

    More recently, I've been on a couple of flights between Louisville and Chicago with Will Perdue.  Still Southwest, but Will gets on early enough that he's always comfortably snuggled into the Exit row seat before schmucks like me are allowed to board.   

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  4. 3 hours ago, rbkl said:

    Before we shared this widely on social media, we wanted to drop HSN the first glimpse at our long conversation with Jordan Geronimo. 

    Read the full interview with Jordan Geronimo here!


    Some quotes I think HSN will love:

    "I like the sound of the squeaking on the hardwood. I don’t know how to explain it."

    "My brain is like 'Wake up, work out, get better, wake up, work out, get better.'"

    "It's not the things he said, it's the way he said them. That's what made me trust him."

    "I just knew that I wouldn't get another school like Indiana in terms of basketball. Indiana is as good as it gets. I didn't want to waste my time elsewhere. Indiana basketball is top notch. Basketball is what is important over there. I just thought Indiana was a great place to get. I thought the coaching staff was amazing. Coach Miller is a great person, the people of Indiana are great people, and the basketball coaches were the icing on top that made me say, 'Alright, I want to be here.'"


    I'll be honest here.  I haven't got this kind of vibe about an IU recruit since Vic.  I sensed that Vic was going to be special before he came on campus because of the way he played, the things he did, and what he said.  Getting the same feeling with Jordan G.  

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