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Posts posted by 5fouls

  1. Just now, Drroogh said:

    Sneezed today at work and then blew my nose, everybody looked at me! I said relax, if you  have a runny nose, you don't have Coronavirus! They were like REALLY, and I said yes so I'm good!😃

    I'm fighting seasonal allergies.  At work, I've been walking to the restroom to sneeze.  I don't want those looks.  

    • Like 2
  2. 1 hour ago, milehiiu said:

    So... after my wife got back from the grocery store.  She and my son decided they would self contain.  But... went to our local Target to by some puzzels. To occupy their time. Said there were people in the store completely freaking out over the fact that many store shelves were completely empty. No TP of course.  But.... here's the kicker. When they went to pay.... were told that this store no longer accepted cash....credit cards only. Because cash money is a carrier .   This thing is getting out of hand.


    I will gladly handle all of Target's cash for them.  Where do I report?

    Gotta laugh about the money being a carrier thing.  So, I guess me having to touch a keypad that thousands of other people have touched today in order to type in my pin number is perfectly safe. 


    • Like 1
  3. 56 minutes ago, mrflynn03 said:

    Several years ago I put away a couple weeks worth of food in a tote I keep in my house to avoid infestation, in case a disruption of supply happened. I paid attention to the things people were buying when a snow or ice storm was coming and bought the opposite. Flour, rice,beans, pasta and sauces, assorted canned goods, dried potatotes, MREs, batteries, candles, and toiletries.  Starchy foods that you can ration but still have enough to be full. Keep in mind too that alot of this stuff is still edible even after expiration.  In addition to my pantry, freezer and fridge Im good for about a month.  Wife thought I was crazy at the time, now she sees why I did it. 

    And a months supply of water for each of us.  Just have to rotate stuff out from time to time. 

    I did the same, but with fresh fruits and vegetables.  I checked on them earlier this week and I think I need to go back to the store.  

  4. Ohio health official estimates that over 100,000 infected in Ohio alone.


    Negative take:  That's a very big number and will only get bigger.  Extrapolated over the entire U.S. and it's incomprehensible.

    Positive take:  If that many people are truly infected, then the mortality rate is well below the 3.5% that's being tossed out on all of the comparisons against the flu.  Too early to tell what the real percentage is, but since I don't think Ohio has had any deaths so far it could really be much lower than what is being quoted.

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  5. The onset of the virus was something no one could control.  Nature has its ways.  

    That said, I firmly believe that there are those that have used and manipulated the situation to push an agenda.

    From my 401K, all the way down to my status as a sports fan, I am not happy at all about it.

    • Like 3
  6. 3 minutes ago, IU Scott said:

    Vic got a little excited when we were up 3 and he went down and shot the 3 on the break

    Yeah. I winced at that one.  But, overall a great night for him.  Good to see he still has it in him coming back from the injury.  

    Weird game.  For three and a half quarters, the whole crowd, myself included, thought the Pacers were dead.  People were leaving.   The switch turned just like that and the game was so incredibly intense the last few minutes.

  7. 16 minutes ago, Drroogh said:

    So talking with my son tonight who is big time in construction management, they actually need DUST masks to do their work. They can not get them because they are all sold out! Doing some research, standard DUST masks are not all that effective against virus! This thing is WAY out of control!

    I've seen pictures of people converting bras into masks, if that helps. :coffee:

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  8. Here's the thing.  There are probably tens of thousands of people running around with the virus that don't even know it.  The symptoms are supposedly mild in children.  So, how many 3 year olds are running around with runny noses, which is something they have all the time, that is actually the coronavirus this time around.  The focus needs to be on treatment and finding a vaccine.  I'm not sure those two things are getting the attention they need.  If they are, then the press sure hasn't picked up on it.   They are still fear-mongering.    

  9. 37 minutes ago, 13th&Jackson said:

    Who might be 2020’s late bloomers?

    Jordan Geronimo, St. Paul’s – Geronimo is the obvious answer in the region and one of the better national candidates as well. He has all the physical tools, the innate character to keep developing, and still vast untapped potential. And while he’s already committed to Indiana, the reality is his level of recruitment was based more on his tools and potential coming out of the summer then it was his production or ability to already dominate a high-level game. In short, he may be barely scratching the surface. 



    My favorite words in that piece are 'innate character'.  

  10. 3 hours ago, rico said:

    The media is playing up this "pandemic" for all it is worth.  

    Yeah.  There is a line between keeping the public informed and fueling the story.  The media has crossed way over that line on this one.


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  11. I thoroughly enjoyed the new format.  3 quarters of semi-serious fun followed by an edge of your seat 4th quarter.  Absolutely loved the no clock in the 4th.  As much as a clock can add to the game at times, having no clock added so much tension to the game.

    And, most of the players were locked in serious.  Would have liked to seen Team Giannis win because I can not stand Harden, but can take some comfort in knowing he sucked most of the night.

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