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Posts posted by 5fouls

  1. 37 minutes ago, Billingsley99 said:

    Just received an email for the Superintendent of our schools and found out that 1 of the teachers at Ayden's elementary , one that he has lots of contact with has tested positive and is in ICU at Columbus Regional Hospital. This is the 1st case for Decatur County. 

    Prayers to Ayden and your family.  

    • Thanks 1
  2. 8 minutes ago, Proud2BAHoosier said:

    Now if only the Spring Break kids would stay away from the beaches......

    Saw they were crowded, not a good look

    Yep.  Would not be surprised to see Florida cases spike as the local population is exposed to those travelling.  The young travelers will have little or very mild symptoms, while the older, local population pays the price. 

    • Like 1
  3. The number of cases in Arizona and Texas seem to have slowed the last week or so.  For those of you living in one of those states, has your weather been warm?  I know there still is some uncertainty about how this particular virus will be impacted by warm weather.  We may be getting a hint of it from those two states.  

  4. 55 minutes ago, Reacher said:

    Goldman Sachs is saying 50% of the US population (and 70% in Germany) may get this and it should peak within 8 weeks. No doubt its getting worse before it gets better. 

    I truly hope the extreme measures being taken keep this below 50%.  

    And, if it does last 8 weeks, the impacts to the economy will be staggering.  Small businesses simply cannot survive that kind of layoff.

  5. 2 minutes ago, tdhoosier said:

    Our country and other countries have a lot to learn from this. South Korea was ahead of the curve because they had to deal with SARS - they knew what to do. The threat was real to them. The threat wasn't 'real' 2 months ago. Heck, it wasn't even 'real' a week ago.

    We've been told that South Korea has handled this as well as could be expected.  But, we need to keep a couple of things in mind when doing a comparison. 

    Number one is that they are further removed from their first infection than we are.  In other words, they have had longer to turn the corner.

    Secondly, there is a significant population difference between the 2 countries.  70 deaths in the US is not the same as 70 deaths in South Korea.

    I truly feel that, when this is all over, the human impact on the US will compare very favorably than with other countries that legitimately report.  The question is whether it will be reported that way

  6. I am in agreement that the total number of people infected with Covid 19 is grossly understated due to the lack of testing.  The flip side of that is that the number of deaths related to Covid 19 is NOT grossly understated.  

    6500 deaths on 150,000 infections is bad.  6500 deaths on 5,000,000 infected is not good, but it's a lot better percentage.

    Look, I'll defer to the 'experts' to tell us what and what not to do. But, I also have a right to be upset that my 401k has tanked and I feel that is partly to do with unnecessary panic fueled by some media outlets.

    • Like 1
  7. As of March 13th, there have been 144 CHILDREN die of the flu this season in the US.  That is the highest rate since the H1N1 pandemic of 2009.  

    In other words, more than twice as many CHILDREN have died from the flu this season in the US than total people from Covid 19. 

    Yet, no one is talking about it.

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  8. 1 hour ago, milehiiu said:

    Flying into Midway can be a trip. I recall one time flying in there in a  heavy cloud cover.  Could not see anything till we got close to the ground. And was shocked that we were flying down a street, with buildings on both sides of the plane.  That's a long time ago.  And they may have changed the flight patterns since then.  However, that experience alone convinced me never to use Midway again.  Yet. I do agree the O'hare can be a nightmare as well.  Even the traffic in and out of there can be a bear.  All the more reason, why Chicago and Illinois should fund the Chicago/Gary airport as an alternate airport.  But Illinois does not want to do that and have revenues going to Indiana.

    Last year, my wife flew to Michigan for a reunion. Could have flown into O'hare. But chose South Bend, just to avoid. O'hare.

    I fly into Midway 8-12 times a year when I visit Chicago for work.  I find it very reliable to get me in and out at the scheduled time.  Plus, the train ride to and from downtown is shorter and the crowd on the train significantly less concerning out of Midway than it is O'Hare.

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