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Posts posted by 5fouls

  1. 9 minutes ago, milehiiu said:

    Is this a situation of more cases. Or. More screening being done ?  I see this happening all over the country. And must confess. I am confused.

    In Indiana, the percentage of deaths as compared to the number of cases, is one of the highest in the country.  Indiana has 12 deaths on 365 cases.  Compare that to Maryland, with only 3 deaths on 349 cases, or North Carolina, with no deaths on 410 cases,  

    And, Illinois has 12 deaths like Indiana, but on 1,285 cases.  

  2. 4 minutes ago, Hoosierhoopster said:

    OK so to dispel a couple things 

    - banks, by law, cannot simply close. Each state has its own laws for banks and state-chartered credit unions, and those laws must be followed -- for example, in Texas there are regulations for a 3-day emergency closure of a branch or branches, with permission of the state banking commissioner. Your bank will not simply close. Regardless, most banking can be done on line.

    - life won't continue "as normal." The incredibly stupid, selfish, dimwitted, panicking dipshits will race to your grocery stores and buy up every pack of toilet paper and paper towel that can be found. However, while these stupid, mindless morons apparently haven't gotten the grasp of this yet, there is no shortage, whatsoever, of toilet paper or paper towels, nor will there be -- deliveries to most grocery stores come daily, first thing in the morning. So you can go line up with the idiots, if needed. However, you can often just bypass these freaking stupid cows, and just go to your local CVS - ask them when they get deliveries. This is what we did today, when every single grocery store was completely sold out and where lines, at 6:30 a.m., are 3-4 blocks long. CVS, right in our neighborhood, had plenty of toilet paper this morning. If there is one thing to learn from this virus, it's that the American public at large is a panicked collection of idiots. You can also try ordering off Amazon, etc. -- Amazon is back-ordered for toilet paper into mid-April. But it might make sense to order a couple (AS IN 2, NOT 10) packs of toilet paper in advance so you know it's on the way in. Or you can buy a bidet. But they're selling out. Lol.

    I require the softest tissue that Charmin makes.  Does CVS have that, or just sell sandpaper under the guise of it being toilet paper?  :coffee:

  3. 18 minutes ago, Parakeet Jones said:

    I texted the lady who cuts my hair to see if she could fit me in before shutting down, but she decided to shut down her shop early. I get my hair cut every two weeks. It’s going to be driving me nuts soon. I might have to buy my own clippers. 

    Ben Rothlesberger feels your pain.


  4. 4 hours ago, 5fouls said:

    Absolutely staggering and sobering numbers being reported out of New Your today.  Not just talking about deaths either.  Over 12,000 new positive tests being reported, bringing the total number in the state to over 22,000.  If New York were it's own country, they would have the 5th mot cases in the world.  More than Iran has reported, and we've all heard the horror stories about what is going on there.  

    I obviously was looking at bad data,  New York's number of cases has been adjusted down to under 16,000.  Must have been some double counting going on,  

  5. Absolutely staggering and sobering numbers being reported out of New Your today.  Not just talking about deaths either.  Over 12,000 new positive tests being reported, bringing the total number in the state to over 22,000.  If New York were it's own country, they would have the 5th mot cases in the world.  More than Iran has reported, and we've all heard the horror stories about what is going on there.  

    • Sad 1
  6. 1 hour ago, SteveS said:

    The only problem I have with this is that all the data is wrong. We don’t have enough tests to really know how many people actually have contracted the virus. So you can analyze the existing data all you want and it just doesn’t matter because the data is simply not complete enough to give any true understanding of what’s going on.

    Yes.  The data is flawed.  Countries such as China (probably), Russia (most likely), and North Korea (LOL) are not reporting accurately.  And, other countries, the U.S. being one of those, have not tested enough of the population.

    All that said, for countries that at least try to report accurate information, there is one statistic that you can look at and gain valuable information.  That statistic is the number of deaths.  In Europe, that number indicates to me that Germany has a better handle on this than Italy, Spain, or France.  

    And, despite all of the concern about how prepared the U.S. was/is, our rate of death is significantly below most other countries that have been hard hit. I know things can shift as our overall number of cases gets exponentially larger each day, but I hold out hope that our current death rate is an indicator that the precautions that have been taken in the U.S. are working.

    For comparative purposes, The U.S. has roughly 7 times the population of Spain.  At the beginning of March, both countries were reporting about 100 Covid 19 cases.  Both are reporting around 25,000 now.  Spain has had approximately 1,400 deaths.  The U.S. currently sitting at 288.  


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  7. 18 minutes ago, bluegrassIU said:

    They would be considered essential businesses, at this point.

    The company I work for sells refrigerators, washer and dryers. In everything so far, those items are listed under "essential". So every state we do business in, we have been part of the exempt businesses.

    With that said, we are going to reduced hours of operation next week.

    They are essential.  If someone's refrigerator stops working, they have to buy a new one.  There really is not an option.  That said, I would expect the only sales of those items right now are situations just as I described.  People are simply not going to be upgrading appliances, remodeling, or buying new homes while all of this is going on.  

  8. 1 minute ago, Hoosierhoopster said:

    Well I’ve come full circle on the virus and pandemic. The complete lack of preparedness has us playing major catch up as a nation. Now we’re moving to multiple states having stay at home policies in place and the economy will take a much bigger hit than if there had been a plan in place, and the virus had been taken seriously. 

    China put the entire world behind the 8 ball on this thing.  And, before someone throws out South Korea's 'success;, I encourage them to look deeper into the numbers.  

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  9. 2 minutes ago, Parakeet Jones said:

    My wife works in health care in Harrison County.  It’s definitely getting closer to home for me literally and emotionally with my wife’s job. She is at a nursing home so she should be safe with all the precautions they are taking, but still...

     There are confirmed cases in Clark County where I work, but I teach so I’m out anyway. Still none as of yet in my home county. 

    You have a long daily drive when school is in session.  

  10. More and more NBA teams are getting tested.  Lakers and 76ers just announced positive results.  

    My question is why are world class athletes, who presumably are healthy enough to fight the virus, getting tested when so many of the general population still cannot get tested.


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  11. In the first game, Steve Downing and Joby Wright effectively shut down DJ White, while Bracey Wright goes 1-17 from the three point line, in an easy win for the 1972 team.

    In the second game, the 73 team has to hold off a scare from the 2004 team.  After the game, Coach Knight admitted the entire game plan was built around stopping Patrick Ewing, only to realize after the game started that he was playing against Jr., not Sr.

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  12. In the first game, the 2020 team is shocked when little used bench player Clarence Doninger comes off the bench to hit seven 3 pointers against the pack line defense in a dominating win.

    In the second game, the '88-'89 team prevails as Jay Edwards is unable to stop Jay Edwards, who scores 37 points, while holding Edwards to 13.


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  13. 13 minutes ago, dbmhoosier said:

    At least we all have our 401ks to be thankful for.



    I have two people I've worked very closely with over the last 20 years who planned on retiring a little  earlier this year.  Both decided to stay a little longer so they would have something to do.  I'm not going to be bold enough to ask if they moved all of their money out of high risk portfolios or not.  But, I sure hope they did.  

    And, then, maybe even worse, I have a couple of other long time co-workers who were given a 45 day notice in February that their job was being eliminated.  I'm not sure how that process works either, so I don't know if they would have been able to move funds out of their 401K immediately upon receiving notice, or whether the funds were stuck there until their 45 days were up.   

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