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Posts posted by 5fouls

  1. 58 minutes ago, Reacher said:

    Could it be the weather? Greater levels of vitamin D due to the sunshine? I think we will be learning about this for years. 

    Vitamin D is rumored to help fight Covid-19, but Seattle sure does not get sunshine, and things seem to be greatly improved out there.

  2. 5 minutes ago, NCHoosier32 said:

    i think the obvious thing is that if you're going to be a big in the NBA game these days you have to shoot outside.  i hate it so much, but it is what it is.  as a college fan, it kills me to see guys working on becoming that to the detriment of the team, but better for their long term career.  you know?

    I bet if this man came into the league today, there would be a smart coach somewhere that could figure out how to utilize him.  


  3. @Colonialcrester, @bluegrassIU, , @Hoosierhoopster, @KDB, @HoosierFaithful

    Would it be possible for one of you to go in and update the Scholarship Grid thread that is pinned at the top of General basketball page?  @Zlinedavid has not visited the board since February 8th, so I don't think we can expect him to make the updates going forward.  It's a great tool and something the casual visitor, and potential member,  might find interesting

    Need to add Lander and Duncomb

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  4. 5 minutes ago, BGleas said:

    I'll say this to your point, I would rather TJD, Brunk and Thompson develop those shots for next season and beyond, while Duncomb focus on the things you mentioned for now. Duncomb can worry about adding the perimeter shot once he gets on campus. For bigs at least, that seems like something better added after a year or two in the system and getting acclimated to the college game.  

    I personally do not want to see Joey Brunk ever take a 3.

    As far as Race.  Yes.  The potential is there.

    TJD is a mystery.  I know it's critical for his development, but it's just not who he is.  He can be a very special college basketball player without it in his arsenal.  And, even though everyone thinks you need that kind of game for the next level, I'm not sure his range will ever develop that far out.  What he needs to work on his taking it off the dribble (both hands) from the high post to the hoop.  That, is something I think will advance his game.

    • Like 1
  5. 1 hour ago, go_iu_bb said:

    On another site one guy posted a table he had made which broke down recruiting ranking vs success in the NBA over a recent period of 9 years. He defined success as $5M+ in NBA pay. Now, NBA success doesn't always equal NCAA success and even the $5M is an arbitrary value but he had to define it somehow. So not a perfect measure but still interesting and telling. 

    The most successful group was 1-5 (by a large margin), followed by 6-10, 11-20, 21-30, 31-40 in that order. 40+ the numbers were inconsistent in the way he grouped them but were close enough that I think they can be grouped together and all were less than these other groups in front of them.

    So while on an individual basis the rankings might not be accurate, overall they do a decent job of predicting success in the NBA. And I'd rather have multiple guys on the team with decent chances of having NBA careers vs a bunch that have little to no chance. The sweat spot would be guys that are ranked high but not too high so there is a good chance that they're in school 2 years, preferably 3 or even 4 years before having successful professional careers. 

    With most highly ranked players being one and dones, they often get drafted high based on potential and with that comes a high salary.  Would be interested to see how many pf those $5M players are actually busts.

    A more accurate picture to me is how many have been all-stars.  It probably still leans Top 15, but maybe not as heavily, especially once you get beyond that number.




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  6. 2 minutes ago, milehiiu said:

    Question.  After having his wrists slapped by the NCAA.  Has Mark Adams re-engaged in feeding players to IU ? 

    One has fallen .  Another on the way ?

    I can say this with almost  100% certainty.  Trey Kaufman is not going to allow Mark Adams or anyone else to 'feed' him to a school.  It's going to be his own decision, with his family involved in getting there.  Being influenced by an AAU coach is not the way the family will allow things to be handled.

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  7. 2 hours ago, mrflynn03 said:

    I think it would be fun if we all were issued 6ft dowel rods that we carry around like samurai swords.  So if you feel like someone is too close you can poke them with it. 

    People tended to avoid me even before all this virus thing.  At least now I can point to the virus as an excuse.

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  8. 33 minutes ago, mrflynn03 said:

    So back when the wife and I started out I didnt want to spend the money on her going to a stylist.  So I was her stylist, haircuts, coloring, the whole shebang.  And I have to admit I wasnt half bad. 

    Tomorrow she is going to do her first hair job on me. She got some professional tools from a stylist friend but i expect to end up completely bald tomorrow evening. Guess i can grow a goatee.

    I am not going to let my wife anywhere near my neck with a sharp object.  I will probably look like one of those mad scientists before all this is over.

    • Haha 1
  9. 10 minutes ago, Lostin76 said:

    Agreed about the delays. That's why I am angry that our so many leaders (both federal and state level) chose to undermine the severity of this. Delays of 1 to 2 days are bad, but inaction on the order of 1-2 weeks or 1-2 months will really turn out to the be the disaster after all of this is over.

    Those two governors had better change their tune quickly - they could save countless people.

    I believe they already have changed their position.  But, for a couple of days, they refused to allow it.  

  10. 22 minutes ago, Lostin76 said:

    A faculty member in our department is co-leading a 2,000 patient clinical trial testing it. We are very seriously looking at it as a possible way to lessen the severity of symptoms.  I don't think anyone here in NYC is against is b/c of politics, that would be idiotic. I think it's just a sense of the unknown interactions and an overabundance of caution.

    I would hope there isn't really anyone opposed to it, hopefully they are just unconvinced or too cautious. Who are these people? Everyone I know are all hoping that it can help.

    We wasted so much time as a nation and our leaders for the most part have failed us. It's time to try everything we can to lessen suffering, illness, and death.

    My understanding is that the governors of Michigan and Nevada originally opposed some of the unproven treatments that had been made public during the President's updates.  I'm not going to speculate on their reasons. but delays of just 1 or 2 days make a difference. For some family.  

    • Like 1
  11. 18 minutes ago, bluegrassIU said:

    I think history will show the lack of using available options, until a long term solution is available, will have cost many lives.

    And, I hope everyone that opposes using these thinks about what they could have done differently every single day of their life.  And, the sad thing about it is that these people will oppose. .  oppose, oppose, until it directly touches them.  Have it be something their loved one needs, and see how quickly they would change their tune.

    In my mind, it literally is criminal.

    • Like 1
  12. 1 hour ago, Reacher said:

    I ask this question in hopes someone may have an answer - OTHER THAN POLITICS. 

    What is with the restrictions on hydroxy chloroquine? 

    Governors in NV and MI banned it entirely before reversing course. Coumo in NY won't let Dr's prescribe it. You can only get at hospitals there which is leading to unnessary hospital overcrowding.

    If the argument is it is unproven, I can't buy that. The CDC and the rest of the world endorse it. 

    Are certain people trying to hoard it for themselves/ certain people? Public officials should not be putting the public at risk. The fact it was not an isolated event has me wondering what is going on. 

    Again, looking for answers that don't involve politics. 


    I don't get it.  There are thousands of people dying, but people still seem to want to check all the boxes that something is proven and safe.  

    If my loved one was stricken with a serious case of Covic, I know if I was given the choice of:

    - Intubation and hoping for the best

    - Taking a promising drug that has not been formally approved for treating this disease.

    I'm taking the 2nd choice every day of the week.  If my loved one ends up growing an extra toe on their left foot, so be it.  It's better than the alternative.  It's better tp give them a chance than to do nothing and hope.



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  13. As of this afternoon, the U.S. has just under 3,000 deaths.  Sitting at that number, and looking at how much chaos and anxiety that has created, I'm trying to get my head around 100,000 deaths being a 'good' outcome.   That's hard to comprehend.  

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