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Posts posted by 5fouls

  1. 25 minutes ago, BGleas said:

    Welp, unfortunately the 50% pay cut just became 100%. If you know anyone that needs an experienced marketer (specialize in brand, direct-to-consumer and digital marketing) whether full time or as a consultant let me know! 

    Hate to hear that Gleas.  Whoever you land with will get a good one.

    • Like 1
  2. There are so many other factors in play than social distancing, 

    My numbers a few posts above show that Marion County, Indiana, under a fairly strict social distancing policy, was faring worse than the states of Tennessee and Georgia, states with comparatively weaker social distancing restrictions.  Then, you compare Sweden to other areas of Europe.  While Sweden is certainly not fared the best, they are far, far, from the worst.

    I don't know what the 'right' answers are.  But, I do think that we all need to be accepting to the fact that the whole world is learning how to deal with this on the fly.  Some decisions are going to be right.  Some will be wrong.  But, we all need to pull together and have each other's back until this is over.  .  


    • Like 3
  3. I've come to the conclusion that once the virus gets a foothold in a community, there really isn't much to prevent it from spreading, even when there are strict social distancing guidelines.

    For instance, compare Marion County, Indiana to entire states.

    Total Deaths

    • Marion County - 403
    • Tennessee - 239
    • Wisconsin - 374
    • Alabama - 369
    • Kentucky - 294

    Indiana is now projected to have more total deaths than Georgia, a state with 4 million more people in it.




    • Sad 1
  4. 42 minutes ago, Reacher said:


    "During a COVID-19 briefing, The Virginia Department of Health announced it will now count the number of positive virus tests instead of the number of people who test positive."


    For those that may not have read the story, what this means is if BillyBob tests positive three times, he will get counted 3 times instead of only once.  In my opinion, they were doing it right to begin with.  This tells me that numbers are, in fact, getting inflated if other states are doing this as well.  

    I wonder if Indiana is counting BillyBob three times?  Might explain why our numbers are so much higher than other states like Kentucky.

    • Like 1
  5. 1 minute ago, Reacher said:

    My brother bought my parents a heart monitor for Christmas. Problem was they don't use a smartphone so they cannot utilize most of the features. 

    I've done video conferencing with my out of state clients for years. Better than a phone call, IMO but not the same as in person. My Dr is promoting telehealth but I have not yet used. I do think this virus will be enough of a jolt to cause people to reexamine how they do business. Obviously, restaurants will see changes. I do think a lot of business travel , conferences will be curtailed. I like the idea of people staying more local for their products and services. 

    I've had a kidney stone the last 3-4 weeks and have participated in two telehealth sessions.  Honestly, I did not care for them. I just don't see how they can be effective in many of the things people need to see a doctor for.

    • Like 3
  6. 2 minutes ago, Seeking6 said:

    Yep. In all aspects of our economy. Not just food. My better half has been doing zoom court cases, hearings all week.....telehealth has been exploding from Dr's, therapists (physical and mental health),etc....changing world coming. 

    In your opinion, is telehealth really effective and how will it impact the elderly, who may be reluctant to use?  I can't imagine my 78 year old mother effectively participating in a telehealth session.

    • Like 1
  7. Edit to the above.

    The CNN story even contradicted itself in the same paragraph.  talk about sheety reporting.

    "We think it's highly unlikely it was an accident," a Western diplomatic official with knowledge of the intelligence said. "It is highly likely it was naturally occurring and that the human infection was from natural human and animal interaction." The countries in the Five Eyes intelligence-sharing coalition are coalescing around this assessment, the official said, and a second official, from a Five Eyes country, concurred with it. The US has yet to make a formal assessment public

    So, if it was 'highly unlikely that it was an accident', that means it was on purpose.....right?  What am I missing.  And, if it was on purpose, it didn't occur naturally....right?


    • Like 4
  8. I'm going to go on a rant and try to be very careful to not use four letter words.  

    I am so sick and tired of the media bias and half truths.  I usually read both sides, knowing that neither is being entirely truthful.  But tonight's contradictions totally take the cake.

    I watched Tucker Carlson on Fox news Channel tonight.  He had a very interesting story and interview with an Australian news reporter who helped publish a 15 page dossier that states that intelligence sources in the Five Eyes nations (U.S., Canada, UK, Australia, and New Zealand) call out China for all their lies, while strongly suggesting that the virus originated in the Wuhan lab.

    Here is a link that covers that angle.  Note, the original Australian version of the story required a subscription.  



    Imagine my surprise when surfing the net and pulling up CNN.com, the headline is a story  that paints the totally opposite picture.  The CNN story suggest 'sources among the Five Eyes intelligence communities take the totally opposite view. The headline speaks for itself.   Intel shared among US allies indicates virus outbreak more likely came from market, not a Chinese lab



    How in the living heuhl can two different media organizations publish/report on the same thing and get polar opposite opinions.  The answer is that most media outlets are corrupt, will only publish stories containing their corporate slant, and in many cases, will politicize a story with a misleading or baited headline.

    All in all, at times like we currently face, this type of behavior is sickening.  The public does not know what to believe, and those individuals who only watch/read one side of the story, are often manipulated into believing the only information they see.  

    • Like 2
    • Thanks 1
  9. 59 minutes ago, FritzIam4IU said:

    . Indiana is not doing well in my opinion.

    Indiana is actually doing terrible in my opinion.  I live in southern Indiana and am part of teh Louisville media market.  Kentucky is doing so much better than Indiana, it's not even funny.

    • Like 1
  10. The oft-quoted University of Washington model numbers released today double projected total U.S deaths to over 134,000 due to the relaxation of social distancing.



    Same model now projects over 6,800 deaths in Indiana, which is a huge jump from the just over 1,000 deaths previously projected.




    the other spbering thing about these numbers is that they are just projected through early August, and the projections seem to imply there will still be more deaths after that.



  11. 2 hours ago, rico said:

    What actor who was in "Stargate" was in the Angels organization as a player?  His father also played minor league ball(as well as owning a minor league team) and had a recurring role in a TV western series.  His nephew played for the Cubs.

    Clarification.  did he plan for the big league club, or was he just in the organization?


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