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Posts posted by 5fouls

  1. 6 hours ago, Hoosierhoopster said:

    Well Fouls reminded me I need to get around to buying a new Christmas tree. We can’t have real trees because my wife is allergic to them (dang it). Have had the same huge Xmas tree for the last ten years, but it has lost too many (fake) pine needles.

    Now I will have the misfortune of thinking of Fouls every Christmas Day while looking at a new fake tree....

    It's the gift that keeps On giving - Cousin Eddie's Christmas Dickie of  Enlightenment | Meme Generator

    • Haha 1
  2. Does everyone know what today is?

    That's right, it's the day after Thanksgiving.

    And, that means, it's time for Fouls' countdown to Christmas music.  One Christmas song a day until December 25th.  

    But it won't necessarily be the Christmas classics.  We have little known and some off teh wall songs to share as well.

    Hold your excitement.

    • Haha 1
  3. Is Covid 19 here forever.

    Virus Expert Says COVID Will 'Not Go Away' and Could Be Around for 'Rest of Our Lives' (msn.com)

    I dislike stories like this because all they do is spawn fear without providing any real substance.  Does ;never get back to normal' mean will never get rid of facemasks?  Does it mean that we will never again be able to fill a sports arena?  Or, does it simply mean we will have to get a booster shot every year like we do with the flu?

    How hard is it to actually provide some specific if you're going to toss such an unsettling thesis out there.  

  4. One thing that has troubled me in regards to what we are supposed to believe is the whole concept of the current surge being due to the weather cooling and people spending more time indoors.  

    If the cooler/colder weather is that big of a factor in this thing, why did Arizona peak in June and Florida peak in July?  

  5. If you followed the Kaufman recruiting thread, you likely know that my kids attend Silver Creek High School, which is the public high school in Sellersburg.  There is also a charter school in town called Rock Creek.  News came out today that a teacher at Rock Creek, 37 years old, just passed away from the virus, about a week after becoming symptomatic.    

    • Sad 2
  6. We don't have an office in the house.  I'm working at the kitchen table.  My wife at the dining room table.  There is a bathroom in between the two rooms.  I usually have the courtesy to go to another bathroom.  But, my wife likes the easy access.  So, if I'm on a Zoom call, I have to be strategic when I take myself on mute or everyone on the call gets to hear the toilet flush.


    • Like 2
  7. 5 minutes ago, tdhoosier said:

    I hope he’s not sick enough to let you take the reins of his fantasy football team because we know that will be a bad idea. 😎

    Hope he feels better quickly. Stay safe and sorry to hear this. 

    Hey.  With the big win this week, we are now 1-9.  LOL.

    But, as is my right as his father.  I blame him for not mentioning the draft until 45 minutes before it began (with honorary blame assigned to Michael Thomas for sucking as a 1st round pick).  Last year we spent hours planning in advance and won the regular season.

    • Like 1
  8. Taking my son to get tested tomorrow.  He's showing many of the classic symptoms   So, far, no one else in the house has symptoms and we have sequestered him upstairs by himself.  Daughter has moved from upstairs and will sleep in the basement guest room to stay as far away from him as possible (which she tries to do all the time anyway).  He's normally not a complainer when he's sick, but this one has knocked him down harder than usual.  A lot of it may be mental stress because it's possibly Covid and not simply Strep or the flu like he grew up with and knows. 

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  9. 1 hour ago, Hoosierhoopster said:

    Not sure what planet you're living on Fouls lol. There were all kinds of repeated "media" statements, you know since we're inclined to bash the "media" generally, repeatedly noting that large social gatherings / protests could spur the Virus and pointing out gatherings / protests where people were wearing masks, as opposed to those large "gatherings" when people weren't.

    Do you live in the Louisville media market?  Maybe the news spoke against that in Houston, but not here.  

  10. 2 minutes ago, BDB said:

    I had a furlough week this week, but had to go in and get some parts prepped to ship.  Got a call tonight that the shipping guy tested positive, so I have to go get tested Monday even though Ii do not have any symptoms.

    Hope you get good results

    • Thanks 1
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