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Posts posted by 5fouls

  1. Bing Crosby did the quintessential 'White Christmas', but others have done it and done it well.

    Elvis recorded the most famous version of 'Blue Christmas', but others have done it and done it well.

    Same with Nat King Cole and 'The Christmas Song'.

    But no one has ever, nor likely ever will, come close to duplicating what Elmo and Patsy managed to accomplish with 'Grandma Got Run Over By A Reindeer'.  I can't fathom anyone else recording this song and it being anywhere close to the same.  

    Elmo & Patsy - Grandma Got Run over by a Reindeer - YouTube

  2. 5 minutes ago, tdhoosier said:

    Two words: exponential spread.That guy traveling to CA isn't only going to introduce it to California. He's going to introduce it to everybody he's in contact with on the way to California. And the few people who catch it are going to introduce it to other people in their travels. Multiply it by the stupidly high amount of people who traveled last weekend. And we didn't even get into the celebration of Thanksgiving and their return travels. 

    The more we unnecessarily move and congregate, the more it will spread. It's as simple as that. It always has been as simple as that. And this happened at very high levels this past weekend. As a result, we will see a rise in the next few weeks no matter what Brix, Fauci or the media says....or how they say it. 


    My point is she used the word 'travel' and not 'congregate'.  If I stay local and congregate with 50 people at my grandma's house, I'm exponentially spreading it just as much as if I travel to Mississippi, only stopping once to get gas along the way.  In fact, if my Mississippi family is only 10 people, I'm actually safer than I would be staying home with the 50 people at grandma's (who may all live locally).

  3. Look, I get it. people should not have travelled at Thanksgiving.  That said, stating that 'you should assume you are infected' if you did travel is a fear mongering statement.   Something like 46 states were already in red status before Thanksgiving.  So, how much impact did travelling for the holidays really have? 

    If I am wearing a mask and washing my hands properly, am I more likely to catch the virus filling up at a gas station in Mississippi on my way to visit Aunt Molly than I am at the grocery in my hometown?  If I an wearing a mask and washing my hands properly, am I more likely to catch the virus visiting asymptomatic relatives than I am working next to asymptomatic co-workers at the office? 

    Truthfully, at this point, what does TRAVELLING have to do with the spreading virus when it is already prevalent in virtually every county in the country?  It's not like the guy travelling from New York to L.A. is introducing this thing to California.  That bridge was crossed a long time ago.  






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