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Posts posted by 5fouls

  1. 1 minute ago, FritzIam4IU said:

    You are on a roll the last couple days. My son (and lesser extent my daughter) makes me play these songs over and over and over again while they dance and sing along. It was one of my favorite cartoons as a kid and it has held up with my kids over time despite the simple nature of the graphics.

    My kids (who are now teenagers), never got into it.  But, my sister and I have at least one Snow/Heat Miser conversation every holiday season.  Year without a Santa Claus ranks in second place, right behind Charlie Brown on my list of favorite Holiday Specials.

    • Like 1
  2. 1 hour ago, Lostin76 said:

    I don’t know what the answer is beyond just not doing the behaviors that spread it. There are signs all over the subway and on the bridges here telling people visiting to quarantine, but I’d be willing to bet almost no one does it. 

    It’s the same type of person that travels to Mexico to party that’s traipsing around here being careless with masks. There is a place near here that has HUGE brunch parties on Saturday and Sunday mornings/afternoons. It has tint on the front windows and doors, so you can’t see in. BUT you can hear the music bumping and see the drunk women stumbling out trying to figure out where they parked their cars. 

    They simple can’t be bothered and apparently don’t care if they infect their older neighbors and family. 

    When the virus situation is past us, could you give me the address of the place that is spitting out drunk women?  :coffee:


    • Haha 6
  3. 23 minutes ago, Inequality said:

    I don’t know why we all can’t digest information, ideas, links and thoughts others offer without feeling the need to breakout the measuring tapes. All of the information shared in this thread is opinion for discussion purposes. All of it. Opinion. Discussion. Forum. Sigh....

    Said much better than I've been able to do,

    • Thanks 1
  4. 8 minutes ago, Lostin76 said:

    I would like to say why this happened, but I can’t b/c of politics. Let’s just say that the powers that be decided they didn’t need Pfizer’s extra doses that were offered. So, Pfizer sold them to other countries.

    Correct.  It's in the story.  No good excuse for it.  One of many things that could have been done much better.  That said, our shortcomings in handling this are not a Republican or Democratic issue, they are an American issue.  Someone in leadership needs to step up and attempt to heal the wounds and pull the two sides closer together.

    But, here's the key.  We, the American people, have to get behind those type of leaders.  Unfortunately, we seem to be incapable of doing that.  We seem set on climbing in our own little trench and staying there.

  5. 2 minutes ago, Billingsley99 said:

    Heard Dan Lebetard say that's how many Americans heard about it from Howard Cosell

    Back then MNF started at 9 Eastern.  Lennon was pronounced dead at 11:00, so the game would have likely been in the 3rd quarter, though I don't remember for sure.  Don't even recall who was playing.  Just remember Cosell making the announcement.  I was 15 at the time and not a Beatles fan (huge one now), so I didn't really understand how momentous of an event it was at the time.

    • Like 1
  6. It appears that the U.S. may continue to lag behind other parts of the world in rollout of the vaccine.

    US 'shouldn't have closed the door' to more Pfizer Covid vaccine doses this past summer, official says - CNNPolitics

    The decision to not purchase more Pfizer doses, which was first reported by The New York Times, has mounted concerns that the company would be unable to fulfill any additional US order until June because of their commitments to other countries.

  7. 1 minute ago, Hoosierhoopster said:

    No Fouls don’t guarantee what I would do. What pisses me off is the constant complete BS in this thread. I am one who thinks it should just be shut down. Of course no one wants to see kids drop out of school. And of course we’re all intelligent enough to see exactly what Reacher has been doing in this thread since day one. Don’t slant this Fouls, it’s obvious. 

    Shutting down the thread would be a chicken-sheet way to deal with the disagreement.  Everyone doesn't have to agree on every side of a story.  I don't agree with people that won't wear masks and won't get the vaccine.  In my mind those two things, working together, will help bring an end to all this.  But, I have the ability to discuss those things without arbitrarily dismissing people who feel otherwise.  


    • Like 2
  8. 10 minutes ago, Hoosierhoopster said:

    Come on Fouls stop. Stop trying to make this some BS censorship crap. Every single “story” Reacher links is to seek to minimize the Virus, mask-wearing, the level of hospitalizations, the level of deaths, etc. etc. etc. No one fails to see this continuing Schlick. 

    Some of you guys continually pound on him for linking stories from far right sources.  Well, he linked one from a major news network and he still gets criticized.

    What pisses me off about everything related to Covid is that so many people can't see that there are two sides to the story.  A lot of truths and untruths on both sides.  This thing has been politicized by both sides to the detriment of the country and its people.  

    Kids dropping out of school is a major, major, fallout of Covid.  It's not something to sweep under the rug.  No, my kids have not dropped out of school, but their education has suffered immensely.  eLearning does not work well for either of them.  

    Edit:  As far as censorship is concerned, I can guarantee you that if someone else linked the exact same story, but prefaced it with 'Kids dropping out of school at an alarming rate', you would not have responded the way you did.

    • Like 4
  9. 32 minutes ago, Billingsley99 said:

    All day everyday. We know that many will choose not to. I hate that it has become normal for me. I drove my wife's car to get gas this morning  for her before work and you have to go in to pay. Was still in my Jammies so no mask on me ran back home to get one. Wife said there are about 20 in glove box of each car. Including mine, how about that never knew she put them in there 

    You didn't really choose one of the options I presented.  Yes, I will wear a mask until I don't need to.  That isn't my point.  My point is that the more people that get vaccinated, the quicker we can stop wearing masks.  But, my fear is that so many people will choose not to get vaccinated, the virus will still put up numbers that will require some level of mask mandate.  I would like to think I could be sitting in Assembly Hall next December without a mask on.  The best way for that to happen is for as many people as possible to get vaccinated.  


    • Like 1
  10. 19 minutes ago, Billingsley99 said:

    Wearing a mask for me has become as routine  as putting on underwear. Only a couple times a week do I forget.

    In all seriousness I can't imagine not wearing it. 

    But, given the option of wearing one because only 60% of the population got vaccinated versus not having to wear one because 95% of population got vaccinated, which would you choose?

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