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Posts posted by 5fouls

  1. The virus is spreading at home.  People don't wear masks at home, even if there is a mask mandate.  Lifting mask mandates will result in more spread, because the virus would spread more in public, which would take it into more homes, where people don't wear masks.  It's a vicious cycle.


  2. 1 hour ago, NotIThatLives said:

    You don't think there's the remote possibility that a Dr can be bought at a price?  Like I said.  100 million annually towards marketing can go a long way.  

    I literally don't know one person that claims man I'm glad I got that flu shot because my flu this year was so mild.  Never heard that once in what, 20 years of pushing flu shots now.  Usually people say they got the flu shot and still had the worst flu experience of their life.  

    My negativity towards vaccines is 95% the flu.  However if you want to open Pandoras box, research what happened in africa with good ole boy Bill Gates vaccine push.  He should die 1000 slow and painful deaths.  

    I wonder about Scott or my friends baby.  Scott got sick in the spring if I remember right, now what, 5-7 months later.  My buddy's baby only 3 months apart.  I hope and pray the vaccine somehow out performs nature's immune system.  

    Im not trying to break the record here but I'll wait and let old or compromised people get the shot for a virus I have a 99.96 chance of survival, if I ever catch it.  

    I've been getting the flu vaccine through work the last 10 years or so.  Have not had the flu since.  Didn't get the flu every year before I started getting the vaccine, but I did get it every now and then.  At least for me, the flu vaccine seems to work.  

    • Like 1
  3. 26 minutes ago, NotIThatLives said:

    Sure.  That's the company line that has been repeated at least 55 billion times.  Did weeks of research on vaccines a few years ago.  At that time it was a 55 billion dollar a year industry.  If they spend 100 million dollars in marketing, that's still 54.9 billion dollars.  


    If vaccines don't work why don't we have smallpox any longer?  Why doesn't measles kill people liked it used to?  Polio?  I can understand there being some reluctance in this case because the vaccines were approved quicker than normal. But, I've never understood the general condemnation of vaccines by certain individuals and groups.

    • Like 1
  4. 4 minutes ago, NotIThatLives said:

    We all know the flu vaccine is barely effective if effective at all.  Another if is if they select the correct strain, with it being all a guess.  

    Either way.  I'll probably get one at some point but I'm not rushing.  Bunch of the guys are getting it this week.  I could have but am waiting to see reactions and also want more info and data.  I think it was the pfizer vac.  

    What I won't do is get a vaccine every 3-6 months for the rest of my life.  Especially not one that I have a 99.96% chance of survival, if I even get it.  God knows how many times I've been high risk exposed.  I know factually over 20.  I've lost count. 

    I disagree that the flu vaccine is not effective.  It absolutely is effective at reducing the severity of the symptoms.  Yes, there will always be exceptions..  People that don't smoke can still get lung cancer.  People that aren't obese still get heart disease and diabetes.  So, yes, people the get a vaccine (whether it be the flu or Covid) may still get sick.  But, a lot fewer will and even fewer will have serious symptoms.

    • Like 4
  5. 2 minutes ago, NotIThatLives said:

    My buddy's baby got it at 3 months and 6 months.  Makes you wonder how a vaccine is going to do any good if natural antibodies are only good for a few months or less.  

    Get well soon, I will be praying for you.  

    The vaccine may not totally eliminate the virus, but it could/should reduce the impacts.  I look at this vaccine to be more like the flu vaccine versus the smallpox vaccine. 

  6. 50 minutes ago, Hoosierhoopster said:

    Meh. PER again, take with grain of salt. His upside and talent are beyond (reasonable) question. The question is not what his "PER" is now, it's what the team and coach can do to get to his anticipated contributions to the team sooner rather than later. That's debatable. I'm on the side of getting the "Five Star" #1-ranked point guard playing time, especially in the early part of the schedule, to get him ready sooner. Most teams would.

    Not saying don't play him.  Of course, you have to get everyone, especially freshmen, some time to keep them sharp and allow them to grow.  Get him 15-20 minutes of time, including some of it when it matters.  At the same time, if we need Rob, Al, and Armaan to play 30 minutes each to win a conference game, then we need to give those 3 guys their 30 minutes.  If that means guys like Lander, Leal, Geronimo, etc. only get 10 minutes that game, so be it.  

    • Like 2
  7. 8 minutes ago, Reacher said:

    IN cases traced to Biogen supersreader event in Boston-


    I think the whole ide of superspreader events is overblown.  And, I'm not saying that we should be gathering in big crowds.  What I mean is that yes, the Biogen conference helped bring the virus to Indiana.  But, cross country truckers, vacationing families, interstate business commuters, etc. have helped spread the virus across the country as well. 

    But, the biggest spreader.  Friends and Family.  Once it got to the U.S., it was going to spread.  Yes, large gatherings contribute to that.  But, it was going to spread anyway.

    • Like 1
  8. The math and science tell you that number of cases per 1 million population is a much more meaningful stat than raw numbers.  I've listed below the 11 states with the lowest number of cases per capita (and yes, I know DC is not a state).

    Throw out Hawaii for obvious reasons because of its isolation and you still see some very interesting geographical trends.  Pacific Northwest, Upper New England, and the Mid-Atlantic.

    When all this is over, it would be very interesting to see if someone can pin down some of the reasons for that.





    New Hampshire



    West Virginia




  9. I think a major factor that has not been discussed enough is the overall health of the American people.  Obesity, diabetes, stress, etc. are things that are known to cause worse symptoms.  And, Americans have a greater percentage of those things than other populations.

    • Like 1
  10. 38 minutes ago, FritzIam4IU said:

    Agreed. I think my top 3 growing up were Charlie Brown, This, then Rudolph. I remember as a kid I would get frustrated because we didn't have cable and there was a year or two when it wasn't on tv. My son is 6 now and I have videos of him dancing and singing to this for the past 2/3 years. He prefers snow  miser for what its worth ha. I own the dvd to his FYI.

    EDIT: Grinch was up there as well.

    I've always been significantly partial to Snow Miser myself. 

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