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Posts posted by 5fouls

  1. 5 minutes ago, Leathernecks said:

    I don't think anybody has an issue with people questioning some of the deaths. It is when people question a handful of deaths and try to use them to prove a larger point.

    I'm not going to speculate on what the State Senator's larger point was, or even if there was one.  But, if we're trying the assign blame on to why this discussion is even happening, that blame has to start and end with whoever reported the car accident and drowning victims as Covid deaths.  Without those intentional acts of deception, this discussion would not be happening.  That's who should be the source of our frustration, not the politician who called it out, regardless of what ulterior motive that politician may or may not have.  

  2. Look, my whole rant throughout the whole day in this thread is based on the interview I saw on GMA this morning.  The guest speaker was making a valid point that progress was being made in some parts of the country, and the GMA host wanted nothing to do with that.  He cut the guy off and said, let's talk about California.  Yes, things are awful in parts of California. But, I call BS when 6-7 weeks ago all the media wanted to talk about was how bad it was in the upper Midwest, but now they want nothing to do with it since it's trending away from the media's narrative.  


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  3. 23 minutes ago, Lostin76 said:

    I wouldn’t use something said by Bernie or AOC either if it’s any comfort. I agree with someone being ejected by a car not being counted as a COVID death, but I also agree with @Leathernecksabove about Florida underreporting. 

    In the end, it simply does not matter to me the degree that we screwed the pooch on this. We. Screwed. The. Pooch. It’s insane that we as a nation can’t get our shit together and slow this down. But sure, let’s let crazy politicians try to undermine the effects of a deadly pandemic just to prop up our horrible record. 

    I totally agree that we, as a country, screwed the pooch on this.  But, if I was a State Senator in Minnesota, I would be questioning some of those deaths as well, and it would not have anything to do with me trying to undermine the effects of the pandemic.  I would do it so that my state was being truthful, and so that the people I serve had ACCURATE information to base their personal decisions on.  

  4. 16 minutes ago, Leathernecks said:

    I don't necessarily disagree with you about the media, but that doesn't mean we have to jump off the deep end and find crazy articles on the other side of things. There's a middle ground that far too few people live in.

    I don't necessarily consider an article that questions why a drowning or auto accident victim is considered a Covid death as 'crazy'.  It's honestly no different than questioning Florida if they have been sweeping deaths under the rug.  

    I mean, if Weird Al Yankovic said the sky was blue and Albert Einstein said it was orange, should we all automatically accept it was orange based on the reputations of the two people that were saying it?

  5. 8 minutes ago, Lostin76 said:

    I popped back in here to say that I’m sorry if I came off harshly against you Fouls, that wasn’t my intent to attack the messenger. So, I’m sorry if I came off harshly against you, it was just the link you posted that was annoying.

    As far as media goes, maybe less media consumption is in order? I couldn’t watch CNN or MSNBC for more than a minute without throwing my TV or laptop out the window. They just want clicks and mindless eyeballs. Same with FOX and other networks. They are all desperate to keep you outraged and tuning in. Their livelihoods depend on it. 

    They are rolling in our misery and attention like pigs in mud. 

    It's all good.  I just find it interesting that 95% of the American people believe that a certain politician or a certain media source is only reliable if they say something that agrees with their own set of beliefs.  I can't help but laugh and shake my head at those people that are flooding social media with criticism of Fox News for 'selling out' because some of their personalities shifted a bit towards the middle after the election.  What we need is for the extremists on each side to make a similar shift towards the middle.  

    The American people need begin demanding the truth, or we will never be what we could be as a nation.   

  6. 6 minutes ago, Lostin76 said:

    And I looked up the MN politician leading that effort in MN. He’s a fan of Dr.  Zelenko apparently. Sure, that’s legit. 



    I think we need to avoid looking at WHO is saying it and look more at WHAT is being said.  Throughout all of this, I've never used what someone like AOC or Bernie Sanders said to prove a point.  Bottom line is that if a person drowned or was ejected from a car, they did not die of Covid.  It doesn't matter whether Scott Jansen or Hubert Humphrey said it.  If it's true those deaths were counted, that's open for ridicule.  

    • Like 1
  7. I'm going to keep up my little media rant for one more post.  And, I'm very interested in the thoughts of those of you that don't question the media have to say about this.

    When cases were surging in the Dakotas and the rest of the upper Midwest, we were inundated with headlines screaming about it.  I visit cnn.com daily and saw headline after headline stating things like 14 STATES SET NEW DAILY CASE RECORDS.  The headlines were intended to incite fear.  

    Now, today, the headlines are all about concerns over a holiday induced spike.  However, as I referenced above, in the same part of the country that was getting all the attention 2-3 months ago, cases have been going down since BEFORE the holiday season.  Yet, no mention of that anywhere,     

    I was watching Good Morning America this morning and a gentleman being interviewed mentioned the progress in the upper Midwest, and the GMA host said something like "I want to talk about what's going on in California'.  It was almost like the speaker wasn't allowed to talk about anything positive. or more likely, something that contradicted the narrative that the media has been spinning.  

    Here is the link where you can look up the numbers for individual states.  Simply click on the link for each state and look at the graphs for 7 day moving averages,  You'll see that the states I referenced above all peaked before Thanksgiving.

    United States Coronavirus: 19,723,608 Cases and 342,728 Deaths - Worldometer (worldometers.info)

  8. 8 minutes ago, Lostin76 said:

    I’m sorry Fouls, but I have to call foul on this one. You can’t really think WP and NYT lie or twist information as much as the source you linked in your post? Seriously? The NYT actually publishes corrections daily if they’ve messed something up. I have nothing to say about the source you posted beyond this screen capture below.

    The stories on the right hand side are hilarious - like MAD Magazine levels of idiocy, but they think it’s real. Terrifying. 



    You're not displaying the story that I was referencing.  It may be the same general content, but it is not the source I was referencing.  The story I am referencing does not have those other items on the side that you have pasted.

    Minnesota lawmakers say coronavirus deaths could be inflated by 40% after reviewing death certificates (washingtonexaminer.com)



  9. 22 minutes ago, Leathernecks said:

    Curious if you think the numbers in Florida are accurate?  They've been trying to cover up their deaths all along.  It goes both ways, and the overall numbers are generally in the ballpark.

    According to Worldometer (which is used by Johns Hopkins), Florida has the 21st highest death rate with 992 deaths per 1 million population  Here are some other states.

    Texas - 938 per million (27th highest)

    California - 618 per million (40th highest)

    Ohio - - 733 per million (36th highest)

    .United States Coronavirus: 19,723,608 Cases and 342,728 Deaths - Worldometer (worldometers.info)

    This may be another case of the media trying to conjure up a story that really isn't there.



  10. Not taking sides here, but in reading the link Reacher provided, this is not just idle politicking going on here.  Here are some specific excerpts from the article.  Yes.  People die of Covid.  But people who drown and people that are ejected from a car should NOT be counted as Covid deaths.

    And, before the source is questioned.  No, you won't see a story like this in the Washington Post or the New York Times.  But, that's part of the problem.  Those are mainstream media sources that lie to us, or twist information,  just as much as non main street media does in order to support their own agenda.  both sides just need to tell the truth, but that will never happen. 

    State Rep. Mary Franson and state Sen. Scott Jensen released a video last week revealing that after reviewing thousands of death certificates in the state, 40% did not have COVID-19 as the underlying cause of death.

    “I have other examples where COVID isn’t the underlying cause of death, where we have a fall. Another example is we have a freshwater drowning. We have dementia. We have a stroke and multiorgan failure,” Franson said in the video.

    She added that in one case, a person who was ejected from a car was “counted as a COVID death” because the virus was in his system.

    • Like 1
  11. A lot of discussion about the post-holiday surge.  I did some very unscientific research on the Post-Thanksgiving surge.  One thing I found very interesting is that many states actually peaked BEFORE Thanksgiving.  Obviously, the overall numbers for the U.S. surged in December, but it's not universal across all regions of the country.

    Illinois, Michigan, Wisconsin, Nebraska, Iowa, Minnesota, North Dakota, South Dakota, Montana, Idaho, and Wyoming all peaked before Thanksgiving, and have consistently declining numbers since..  There may be others, but I didn't look up every state.  

    So much attention is being given to holiday gatherings, but for many states, there were definitely other factors at work as well.  At first glance, since all these states are geographically connected, could weather be a factor?


  12. 3 minutes ago, dgambill said:

    A backup doesn’t want him??!! That’s hilarious...probably wouldn’t even be still on the team if the trade happened. Hard to tell how it would work. Celtics have young rising star in Tatum and all star caliber player in Brown...would Harden inhibit their growth?? I think Chris Paul would be a better fit.

    I suspect that a large percentage of NBA players have no desire to be teammates with Harden.  But, maybe I'm wrong.  Just does not seem to be someone that would fit into a new situation well, especially one that is already a winning situation. 

    • Like 1
  13. 5 minutes ago, 13th&Jackson said:

    As for Kentucky’s other injured standout, Keion Brooks Jr., he was wearing street clothes during warmups and appears to be out for this afternoon’s matchup. UK head coach John Calipari previously said the sophomore forward is dealing with a tricky calf injury, with Brooks’ timeline for return shifting on numerous occasions since early October when the injury first occurred.

    Injured standout?
    Averaged 4 and 3 last season.

    Without Brooks, UK does not have the firepower to ketchup to the other team when they get down.  

    • Haha 2
  14. 27 minutes ago, Seeking6 said:

    Sounds like the Colts are down almost their entire oline this week. Timing stinks given the importance of tomorrow. If Colts split last 2 are they in playoffs still? Or will they be in the help category?

    Indianapolis can clinch a playoff berth with:

    1. IND win + BAL loss or tie OR
    2. IND win + MIA loss or tie OR
    3. IND tie + BAL loss OR
    4. IND tie + MIA loss
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