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Posts posted by 5fouls

  1. 7 minutes ago, Seeking6 said:

    I guess this is Covid related. Because it's in my home often I'm always fascinated by the legal trends regarding Covid terminations, etc...

    Anyway guess we know what happened at UConn. 2nd case in link. Growing trend in employment law. What can employers do and not do....even in at will states. I'll take it a step further. Can employers fire employees for what's called risky behavior (social media posts, travel,etc...)



    I read a couple of the case summaries.  Interesting stuff.  Legit cases mixed in with some frivolous ones.  I cant believe the ignorance of some of these employers.  

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  2. 15 minutes ago, Hippopotamo said:

    Wouldn’t he basically just be a walk-on or a practice player? Can’t see why that would be a bad thing. 

    Why would he want to be a walk-on (Archie never plays them) or practice player?  He has MLB aspirations and should be giving his entire focus to baseball.  Baseball/Basketball seasons overlap so much that trying to play both really only works if your primary sport is basketball. 

  3. 24 minutes ago, btownqb said:

    Not sure I agree with the first sentence. 

    The first sentence ties into the rest of the post.  His #1 priority is baseball.  The last sentence in my post explains my position regarding the first.  

  4. 7 hours ago, FKIM01 said:

    Baseball AND basketball?!!

    If we have the type of basketball team we want, he would not contribute in a meaningful manner.  He's a good basketball player, just not a 'I'm good enough to play Power 5 in two sports' basketball player.  If basketball was his only sport, and getting 100% of his attention, then it might be different.   

  5. 27 minutes ago, Lostin76 said:

    Pfizer. First dose, no issues at all. Also my wife had no issues with either dose. Most of my faculty and staff have also received with no issues. One doc had a reaction like mine to second dose. 

    Most likely, she will have no issues. My grandma is 90 and just her first dose in Gibson Co. My Dad is worried about the second dose after my side effects. I think someone is going to stay with her the night she receives the dose. 

    I hope I didn’t scare you or anyone else - it was just like a rough flu, but passed quickly. 

    I wouldn't be worried it it was me.  It's just that my mom is quite frail.  Someone in the family is with her 24/7 like it is, so we have that piece covered. My concern is whether her immune system, which is already compromised, going to be able to handle it.  

  6. 5 minutes ago, Lostin76 said:

    Ah, I didn’t follow King that closely, thought he had recovered. Sure, it could totally be “spinning the narrative” or just normal inconsistency among writers/editors. I don’t expect much from CNN. 

    I saw a headline today mentioning a worry of Hank Aaron’s death causing people not to get the vaccine. That would be bad. 

    I got my second dose on Thursday and woke up shaking in bed at 2am. Could not warm up no matter what. My wife piled like 8 blankets on me to get me to stop shaking. Had some pretty bad body aches too. Was no joke for about 6-10 hours. My wife had no issues at all with the second dose.

    I would obviously still get a second dose even knowing that I would get some flu-like side effects, but I can see someone really frail or much older really struggling with those kind of side effects. 

    Did you get Moderna of Pfizer?  I'm getting ready to schedule my mom, for her first dose since Indiana opened up for those over 70.  She's not in good health, and I worry what even a minor reaction will do to her.  

  7. 1 minute ago, Lostin76 said:

    Didn’t Larry King have it back in December? I thought he had heart problems, so maybe the death wasn’t related to COVID?

    It was January.  And, he was still in the hospital.  The story itself mentions Covid and lung cancer.  I think this is a pretty obvious example of the media spinning the narrative.  I'm not diminishing the dangers of Covid at all.  They both had it when they died.

    The one that concerns me right now is Hank Aaron.  Would he have died if he had not received the vaccine.  The fact that they have not disclosed his cause of death is a red flag that it might be related to the vaccine.  Or, it could just be because he was 86.  

  8. 1 hour ago, NCHoosier32 said:

    So, I'm sitting here with some rare down time for both me and my 17 year old son.  He's a bball junkie, so I knew we'd put any game on as we sit here.  I looked at what the best ones would be at noon.  23 UConn vs 11 Creighton looked pretty good.  Kansas vs OK looked pretty good.  He insisted on unranked Auburn vs unranked SC.  When I try to argue, he explains it's because Auburn has some freshman stud.  Again, it helps put in perspective to me that this generation would rather watch a game because of one outstanding player in a meaningless game than two good teams playing for something.   

    My 16 year old son is very similar.  We obviously agree on IU, but other than that, we watch games for totally different reasons.  He watches players and not teams as well.  I used to watch everything, but the last several years, I've tended to stick to the Big Ten.  Villanova is a team I like to watch if they are playing someone decent.  And, I might watch 5-10 minutes of a Butler game if they are on.  Otherwise, if it's not Big Ten, I'm just not that interested until tournament time.   

  9. Covid-19 antibody treatments are plentiful, but still sitting on the shelf - CNN

    Giving someone these treatments is not as simple as swallowing a pill. Because they are infectious, patients undergoing this treatment need to be kept separate from others. A nurse in full protective gear needs to administer the treatment for about an hour and then monitor the patient for another.
    "It does prevent hospitalizations, but the logistics of it have been daunting and of course staffing with nurses in our current national health crisis has its own struggle as well," McAuley said.
    Piedmont's program now treats about 250 Covid-19 patients a week, but around the country, health officials have said the treatments haven't been used nearly enough in the months they've been available.
  10. State reporting numbers different than the county provided.

    Indiana reports new high for Evansville COVID-19 deaths, health officials following up | Eyewitness News (WEHT/WTVW) (tristatehomepage.com)

    INDIANAPOLIS (WEHT) – The State of Indiana reported a single-day record for coronavirus deaths in Vanderburgh County with 23. The previous one-day high was 14.

    According to the state, 236 people have now died from COVID-19 in the Evansville area. County health department officials said they are checking with the state to get detailed information on why the latest report is so high. A spokesman said the state databases are showing different numbers.

  11. 2 minutes ago, IU Scott said:

    60-32 at the half with 14 3's

    That is more points than some teams score in a game.  Could you imagine if Oats came in next year with our roster and how bad we would look.  This offense without shooters or guards who can take their man off the dribble would not be good.

    This Bama kids have confidence shooting.  I give credit for that to the coach.  Not out of the realm of possibility that he could mak a 5-7 percent difference in our percentage just from the coaching philosophy.  

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