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Posts posted by 5fouls

  1. 16 minutes ago, Hoosierhoopster said:

    posting in nba thread but Sekou Smith, once a writer for the Star on the Pacers and long-time NBA analyst, passed away at 48 from Covid.

    Saw that this morning.  Awful news.  

    • Like 1
  2. 9 minutes ago, tdhoosier said:

    - about 1/3 of the country has been infected. The recent slowdown that was referenced on the previous page may be attributed to that, and the fact that we didn't have another holiday in January. 

    I do think the percentage that has been infected is a significant contributor to the slowdown.  I think for much of the country, the holiday fears were overblown.  The upper Midwest peaked even before Thanksgiving.  And, if you really study the reporting of numbers, there wasn't really a holiday peak in most states.  The big blips in the curves were the result of inconsistent reporting on the holidays themselves as well as the day(s) immediately before and immediately after.  Otherwise, the numbers for most states in the country were fairly flat from mid-December to mid-January, albeit on a higher plateau than previously seen.  .   

    • Like 1
  3. 1 minute ago, Lostin76 said:

    I would bet it’s the system. So she’s scheduled?

    The Florida system was for healthcare workers and 65 or older. Can’t imagine hat it’s going to be like when they open it up to everyone. 

    This is definitely a huge undertaking for states and health systems and I know they are already strapped for cash. Although the one we signed my MIL up for was run by Publix. 

    She is scheduled, but not until February 17th.  

  4. Elie Lilly treatment reduces hospitalizations by 70% for those who already have contracted the disease.  Treatment was used on Trump, Guliani, and Chris Christie when they had Covid.

    Requires an infusion versus an injection, but the results are definitely worth the inconvenience.  Story indicates doses are not super-plentiful, but are sitting on the shelves unused. One drawback is that It must be given early in the progression of the disease.  Definitely sounds like something to ask about though.

     Eli Lilly says monoclonal antibody cocktail cuts hospitalizations by 70% for high-risk COVID-19 patients (msn.com)

  5. 30 minutes ago, Lostin76 said:

    Four of us just spent 45 minutes on 10 different screens refreshing every 60 seconds to get my mother-in-law a vaccination appointment in FL. What a busted system.

    One of us got in and entered everything and then it kicked to an error screen. Thankfully, she’s scheduled for this Sat. 


    When I went online this weekend to schedule my mom for a test (In Indiana), I was presented with location, date, and time options.  To be clear, I searched for, and received, a date, time, and location that were supposedly available.  I selected one.  I then entered all her information, and received an error that there were no vaccinations available at that location.  Not just at that date and time, but at that vaccination site.  

    I proceeded to choose another location offered to me, and was presented with 'available' date and times.  Same result.  Went through a third location, and got the same thing yet again.

    Finally, on the 4th location, I was able to get her registered.   So, when I finished, I'm asking myself why all of these locations offered to me for her were suddenly not available.  The only thing I could come up with is that some of the health questions I answered for her scared them off.  Possibly they were sites that did not accept someone with her health conditions.  That's fine and understandable.  But, clear that up at the beginning and stop offering me those locations if she ultimately can't get vaccinated there.     

    Edit:  Or, it could be that the system was just totally screwed up.

  6. 23 minutes ago, NotIThatLives said:

    Not benign but it sounds like things are good.  It must have been a confined tumor.  

    I found this on the internet, "After radical nephrectomy for stage I renal cell carcinoma, the 5-year survival rate is approximately 94%. Patients with stage II lesions have a survival rate of 79%. A tumor confined to the kidney is associated with a better prognosis"

    The story is not clear on whether they simply removed the mass (and possibly surrounding kidney tissue) or the complete kidney (which would qualify as the radical nephrectomy in the statistics you listed).

    I have little doubt that the trade, if not saving his life, at least saved Caris from a much more significant cancer fight.  It truly is a blessing that it happened. 

    And, I commend the Pacers for doing the right thing and standing behind the young man.  A lot of organizations would have immediately voided the trade.  The Pacers didn't, and that makes me proud to be a fan.  

    • Like 6
  7. Yesterday Indiana reported 12 Covid related deaths.  Today they reported 80.

    Yesterday Alabama reported 2 Covid related deaths.  Today they reported 234

    I know you have to look at the averages to get a true sense of improvement, but how hard is it to send in your daily reports instead of hoarding them?  Unnecessary big numbers do nothing more than cause confusion about how much progress (or lack of progress) is being made.. 

    • Like 1
  8. 34 minutes ago, Reacher said:

    Hand sanitizer for the nose. Kills the virus and prevents it. I would use this. Great for plane trips and restaurants.


    I actually thought this very thing yesterday.  I rubbed some sanitizer on my hands,  It was a new bottle, so I instinctively brought my hands to my face to catch the scent.  It was such a strong scent, it watered my eyes.  i thought, wow, shove that stuff up your nose and no virus would get past that.  Nasal spray makes too much sense not to at least give it a try.

    For the record, I did NOT shove the sanitizer up my nose.  But, yes.  Put it in a nasal spray, and I'm all over it.  

    • Like 1
  9. Percentage of ICU beds in use for Covid patients in Indiana is at its lowest since 10/22.

    It is interesting to note that Indiana did NOT experience a Christmas/New Years spike.  

    • 7 day average of new cases peaked on 12/6
    • 7 day average of deaths peaked on 12/14
    • Hospitalizations peaked on 11/30

    Little blips up immediately after Christmas and New Years can be attributed to the lack of consistent reporting in and around the holidays.  If you factor in that smaller numbers were reported on the holidays themselves, the trend was relatively flat during that time. 

    Since the first week of January, all numbers have been in a steep decline.

  10. 3 minutes ago, BGleas said:

    Brady is the unquestionable GOAT! He's gone to the Super Bowl 52.6% of his seasons as a start and 43% of his total seasons. In 21 seasons his chances of going to the Super Bowl are higher than Steph Curry's chances of hitting a 3-point shot. 

    Oh.  I agree he is on the field.  Just always found him a little smug off the field.  Give me a everyone's my pal guy like Peyton, a down to earth, no BS guy like Favre, or a someone with the manners of Mahomes.

    I will say that I always felt Belechik was the true genius behind it all in New England,  I may be wrong about that.  

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