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Posts posted by 5fouls

  1. One time, when my daughter was 5 years old, we were playing putt-putt.  I had to penalize her a stroke 3 different times for picking up her ball before she finished the hole.  I would have beaten her anyway, but it would have been a lot closer without those penalties.  

    • Like 1
  2. 5 hours ago, mrflynn03 said:

    I was in Bloomington yesterday.  So many shelves at Kroger and the freezer section still empty. I haven't seen a fully stocked shelf in over a year. Went to buy a printer last week. Only 1 on the shelf.

    Oddly enough, one thing I regularly see on the shelf now is hand sanitizer.


  3. 7 minutes ago, Reacher said:


    Public backlash has apparently beat some sense into those decision makers and their vaccines have been postponed 

    It shouldn't take public backlash.  This totally boggles my mind that it was considered to the point it was.  And, honestly, I have no doubt that that will 'secretly' receive the vaccine before I do.  

    • Like 2
  4. Let's add Guantanamo Bay prisoners to those that will likely get vaccinated before the average American.  Included is one of the principal architects of 9/11.  

    Seriously, who the f#*# in the U.S. government would even consider giving Gitmo prisoners the vaccine before every single American citizen that wanted one received it first.

    Whoever came up with that idea needs to be fired right now.  

    Plan to vaccinate Guantanamo Bay detainees against Covid-19 has been paused - CNNPolitics


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  5. 2 hours ago, Hoosierfan1901 said:


    Looks like he's a year older than most high school kids that would be entering the draft.  If he goes to IU. that makes him older when he is college draft eligible as well.  I think that works against him ever playing for IU.  

  6. 31 minutes ago, Lostin76 said:

    My mother-in-law had an appointment at a Florida Publix site today - my wife had snagged it for her online. They wouldn’t vaccinate her today, b/c they said the system showed her with a duplicate appointment tomorrow at another Publix site about an hour away. I’m not hopeful that tomorrow will be successful. 

    But at least piece of trash celebrity spin instructors can get an appointment on Staten Island:







    I am 55 years old, and have an underlying condition.  But, I have no doubt that many professional athletes, Hollywood Stars, and 22 year-old interns in the governor's office will be vaccinated before me.    

    • Sad 1
  7. 45 minutes ago, dgambill said:

    What’s the big deal. We have plenty of scholarships. He can transfer right back out if it doesn’t work out. I mean obviously he has to want to play basketball but it isn’t like he is going to eat a scholarship for 4 years.

    A player whose heart isn't in it can do a lot of damage in the locker room in a short period of time. 

    I'm surprised our fan base is so desperate for good news that we would be okay taking a chance like this (I hope Archie isn't).  It would have to be very special series of circumstances to justify 4 schools in 3.5 years (we keep saying 4, but he's bailing on this one halfway through).  


    • Like 2
  8. Absorb this information however you wish. 

    Indiana has 92 counties.

    State Positivity Rate for all tests is 8.7%

    Monroe County (Bloomington) has the lowest positivity rate in the State of Indiana (2.9%)

    Tippecanoe County (West Lafayette) has the 3rd lowest positivity rate in the State (4.1%)

    ISDH - Novel Coronavirus: Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) (in.gov)


    What does this info say about college campuses being a prime breeding ground for the virus?


    • Like 1
  9. Seriously though, we don't know what happened here, but 4 schools in 4 years is a red flag.  You can spin it however you want, but that's a great big, look at me, red flag. 

    What is the price of getting a 3 point shooter?  I personally don't want a repeat of character issues like Sampson brought into the team.  

    • Like 1
  10. 35 minutes ago, Reacher said:

    This is Merck's opinion of their own vaccine they were developing.  It does not mean that the vaccines developed by Pfizer, Moderna, etc. are not effective.  As it stands, they have no choice to move on in a different direction, because they are so far behind, it would not be cost effective for them to start over.

    • Like 2
  11. 8 minutes ago, psychobat said:

    Maybe he porked Larranaga's daughter or something.  Who knows?  

    Considering Larranaga is 71 years old, there is a good chance that any daughter he has is in her 40's.  In that scenario, I'm debating whether that improves my opinion of Cross or not.  :coffee:

    • Haha 5
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