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Posts posted by 5fouls

  1. 37 minutes ago, tdhoosier said:

    Both Bing and Google have machine based learning, they try to predict what you want to see and what you want to read, which is why I got certain results on Google and you are getting certain results on Bing. The only bias they are showing is the user’s bias, furthermore they both take into account youR search history and even your social media habits: what you share, what you click into, etc. This is the troubling thing for everybody....we are all getting sucked into our bubbles. It’s also the bigger explanation of why we don’t agree on much and why I get frustrated by the links you share. My perception (not accusation), based on the shear quantity of news outlets you link is that there’s no way you could possibly have vetted said outlets and you are getting sucked further into your algorithm worm hole. 


    When I use Google, if I type 'Law' I get a list of Divorce Attorneys.

    If I type 'Jobs', I get Divorce Attorneys

    If I type 'Financial Institutions, I get Divorce Attorneys

    If I type in 'Weather', I get Divorce Attorneys.

    And, so on.

    • Haha 5
  2. Calif. man tests positive for COVID-19 weeks after receiving 2nd vaccine dose (wave3.com)

    Hopefully, stories like this will not discourage people from getting the vaccine.  The reality is:

    • The Pfizer vaccine was only promoted as 95% effective.  So, 5 of every 100 people should expect this.
    • If nothing else, the vaccine likely minimized the severity of his case.

    My issue with the story is that it does not focus on the two bullets I listed above.  Instead it focuses on the new strains, and implies that is why the vaccine failed.  

    If the media does not start giving a more balanced reporting of what is going on, we may never get out of this, because a large portion of the population just isn't going to believe what they hear.  

    • Like 1
  3. Fully vaccinated people can skip Covid quarantines, CDC says

    From CNN Health’s Maggie Fox

    People who have been fully vaccinated against coronavirus -- meaning they have recieved two doses of either the Pfizer/BioNTech or Moderna vaccine-- can skip quarantine if they are exposed to someone infected with the virus, the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said Wednesday.

    “Fully vaccinated persons who meet criteria will no longer be required to quarantine following an exposure to someone with COVID-19,” the CDC said in updates to its webpage with guidance on vaccination.

    “Vaccinated persons with an exposure to someone with suspected or confirmed COVID-19 are not required to quarantine if they meet all of the following criteria,” the CDC added.

    The criteria: They must be fully vaccinated – having had both shots with at least two weeks having passed since the second shot. But the CDC says protection may wear off after three months, so people who had their last shot three months ago or more should quarantine if they are exposed. They also should quarantine if they show symptoms, the CDC said.

    “This recommendation to waive quarantine for people with vaccine-derived immunity aligns with quarantine recommendations for those with natural immunity, which eases implementation,” the CDC said.

    People who have been vaccinated should still watch for symptoms for 14 days after they have been exposed to someone who is infected, the CDC said.

    “At this time, vaccinated persons should continue to follow current guidance to protect themselves and others, including wearing a mask, staying at least 6 feet away from others, avoiding crowds, avoiding poorly ventilated spaces, covering coughs and sneezes, washing hands often, following CDC travel guidance, and following any applicable workplace or school guidance, including guidance related to personal protective equipment use or SARS-CoV-2 testing,” the agency said.

    • Thanks 1
  4. 2 minutes ago, dgambill said:

    Without you know who in the White House this will go unnoticed. He gave the nba/nfl viability on these issues to the masses. Most people don’t follow the nba.

    It's a practice that will start spreading.  Would not be surprised to start hearing of some high school doing it within a week.  It will become a story beyond the Mavericks.  

    • Like 1
  5. Just now, Lostin76 said:

    I don’t think this level of social distancing is doable for the future, but some form of social distancing could help in flu season. Maybe just being smart in/or avoiding crowds. I don’t want to go back to COVID measures ever again!

    That's my concern though.  'Avoiding Crowds'.  In the future, I want to go to an IU game, with a jam-packed Assembly Hall, not wear a mask, and be able to scream my brains out, without worrying about it being flu season.  Any type of social distancing measure will prevent that experience from happening.  

    Is there risk in catching the flu in that environment?  Yes, there absolutely is.  But, I'm willing to take that risk.  I'm not with Covid, as things stand now.  But, with the flu I am.  

    • Like 2
  6. 1 hour ago, Lostin76 said:

    They are totally different, so that would be weird. And the flu isn’t as contagious, so we may have found a new tool in fighting the flu - frequent handwashing, some form of social distancing, and masks. 

    But, are social distancing, and to a lesser extent, masks, a viable long term solution to combat the flu on an annual basis?  Restaurant, Movie Theaters, Sporting Events, etc. will wither away and die if we have to social distance and/or mask up every flu season.    

    One thing that will hopefully come of this is that symptomatic people stay home.  Regardless of whether what you have happens to be Covid, the flu, or simply a common cold, staying home when you have a fever, couch, etc. will slow the spread.

  7. 1 hour ago, ButlerHoosier said:

    Supposedly we are in the running for Jalen Washington! That would be a huge get from in state 22 class even though he is in the region. 

    I think Jalen Washington has a Stanford offer.  That's a clear indication he has his academics in order.  And, I think it gives IU a chance against some of the usual suspects that go after elite talent.  Let's just hope he's not interested in Engineering.

  8. The 'Fighting Sampsons' of Houston rose up and slayed the Saints of Our Lady of The Lake by a score of 112-46.  Though obviously undermanned, the Saints could do one thing well.  They went 13-14 from the line.  Wonder what IU's record would be with some 13-14 days from the line.

    And, kudos for Houston to go out and find such a challenging opponent.  What.....the 7th grade team at Franklin Middle School was booked? 

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