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Posts posted by 5fouls

  1. 4 minutes ago, Steubenhoosier said:

    I will have to record and watch the game later, as I will be at physical therapy during....

    Trading one kinda pain for another😀

    I am required to work in office 3 days each week.  Worked from home yesterday due to Dr. appointment.  Working from home tomorrow because, well, it's Friday (and we might be playing then as well).  

    So, I'm in office today.  Recording it, but will only watch if it's a win, and even then if its memorable to some degree.

    • Like 2
  2. 3 minutes ago, Hippopotamo said:

    We control our own destiny. Win and in. I’m nervous. 

    Strangely enough, I'm not nervous.  Unfortunately, I fully expect us to lose.  If we were playing anyone rather than Michigan or Illinois, I would be nervous.  But, my brain tells me we can't beat the Wolverines.    

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  3. 1 minute ago, go_iu_bb said:

    To remedy that you should email them every day. Every. Single. Day.

    I'm going to wait until after the BTT and send them a 'friendly' reminder.  And, then when the B1G fails miserably again in the NCAA tournament, I'll let them know 'I told you so'.  And, I could probably find time to send a few over the summer as well. 

    Should be fun.  

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  4. 6 minutes ago, Coach Shep said:

    “Right is right even if no one is doing it; wrong is wrong even if everyone is doing it.”

     Saint Augustine

    I'm RIGHT when I say you're WRONG.  

    You're WRONG when you say I'm not RIGHT

    I'm WRONG when my wife tells me I am

    You're RIGHT when......sorry, I'm drawing a blank.

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  5. 4 minutes ago, Coach Shep said:


    "As long as you are selfish people, you will never be good basketball players.” Coach Knight


    I will ask again something I asked you a while back.

    Why are you right and everybody else on the board wrong?  It's like 50-1 here with the opinion on XJ.  Usually, when there is that big of a discrepancy, the person with the '1' opinion is wrong.  

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  6. The big key to IU's offseason is what players leave and who comes back.  Very interesting comments from Race earlier this week.  Thought for sure he was going to leave after going through Senior Day ceremonies.  XJ coming back as well as 1 of Trayce or Race is critical for IU to be successful next year.

    Beyond that, development from Bates, Geronimo, and Galloway will also be important.  

    And, the coaching staff needs to retool the offensive scheme.


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