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Posts posted by 5fouls

  1. 8 minutes ago, Indy1987 said:

    We should be in but let's win one more and leave no doubt.   Every year the Ncaa screws some team.

    Still lots of bubble teams playing so we still need to cross our fingers they don't win their tournaments.

    Miami, Vtech, Oklahoma, Texas A&M, SMU, VCU and Wyoming all are alive.

    Go Hoosiers!!!

    Good news is that Miami and Va Tech are in same conference. 

    Not sure who A&M plays tomorrow, but they wont beat UK on Sunday.   

    Wyoming is already considered in, so that does not take a spot.

    VCU or SMU would take out Rutgers before us.

    Unless we lose by 25 to Iowa and all those teams get in,  I dont see us getting left out.


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  2. 1 minute ago, kyhoosier29 said:

    I don’t know why ESPN uses him. His record has always been one of the worst. 

    I say win again tomorrow and Sun to remove any doubt! I just hope we don’t play ourselves into a 9 seed! Anything but 8 or 9.

    Yeah.  I'm not going to turn down a BTT title, but if that makes us a 9 seed, that's a bad outcome.  

    • Like 1
  3. 2 minutes ago, MoyeCowbell said:

    I really hope Geronimo is OK. We are clearly a much better team when we have our full allotment of players.

    Hope so as well.  He's one of my favorites.  But, it did not look good.  And, if it is bad, it happened late enough in the season, he will likely miss the beginning of next season as well.

  4. 8 minutes ago, NotIThatLives said:

    XJ said, "we came here to win it, we came here to win it all, we packed for 4 days, we're here to stay."

    When asked about the turnaround in his play, he looked over his shoulder and said 'I'm not going to announce his name on camera, but it was one of the announcers on this show.  He told me (and I'm paraphrasing here), I was the engine that makes the team go, and I need to play with that in mind"

    Now, he said 'show', so it could of been Trey Demps, whose seat XJ was sitting in.  Or, was he saying show generically, and meant Bardo?  I know a lot of you guys dislike Bardo, but that is something I can see him doing.  If so, we owe the man our season.  If not, whoever it was that said it to XJ deserves props.

    The reason I think Bardo over Demps is that Bardo is actually at the games where Demps is usually in the studio.  

    • Like 8
  5. 5 minutes ago, KoB2011 said:

    Penn State isn’t going to win three more games. And we split with both teams so I don’t see how it materially impacts us either way. 

    They likely aren't.  But, as thing stands now, we could wake up Sunday morning praying that Peen State doesn't have another miracle in them.  And, it's not like OSU is evil empire #1 on the average IU fan's list.  The same people that root for PSU against OSU or going to root for PSU against the Toiletmakers, MSU, Illinois, Wisconsin, etc.  They might as well be wearing PSU gear at that point.

    Root for outcomes that benefit IU.  That's all I'm asking for.

    • Like 7
  6. I think a lot of fans have become overconfident about our position.  Lunardi has us as the last team in.  While, I would have us ranked ahead of Xavier, I think it's relatively easy to make an argument we should be behind everyone else currently ahead of us.  

    If we lose today, there are 4 additional teams primed to stake a claim to our spot should they win (SMU, Dayton, Virginia Tech, and Oklahoma).  After that, you still have to worry about a team currently further out of the picture in conferences like the SEC and A10 that could grab a spot by winning the conference tournament. 

    A win today should seal it unless all sorts of crazy stuff should happen.  But, a loss, especially if it is a big one, and I'm still concerned about where we are at.   

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  7. Well, let's hope PSU does not win the BTT.  That would/could be our spot in the NCAA.  Plus, it makes our victory over OSU look worse.

    I will never understand rooting for an outcome that could be detrimental to IU in the long run.  No school is worth hating so much that it means bad things for the Hoosiers.

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