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Everything posted by Hippopotamo

  1. IU is falling apart right now. Terrible execution on offense and not playing with confidence.
  2. What a disastrous stretch by IU.
  3. Stop forcing it in to Trayce please
  4. This is a hilarious question. You think people told Rob he wasn’t supposed to be good and then Coach Woodson gave him permission to be good?
  5. Just finished watching the game on DVR. Man, what a disappointing end to that game. It really was a perfect encapsulation of our entire season though. Good start, showed potential, took a lead into halftime, but this team crumbled at the end. It even had extra heartbreak with Parker’s 3 to tie with about 10 seconds left leading to Harper’s dagger. I really thought this team would be better, and frankly wasn’t far off from having 4 or 5 extra wins. BGleas is totally right; we don’t have any killers on this team. I think Tamar has that mentality, Rob has shown it at times, and Xavier has it sometimes, but we don’t have a guy who refuses to lose and has the skill to back that up. Who on our team can create a decent look for themselves? Frankly I don’t really think anyone can. We need to de-emphasize post play, have a true stretch 4 playing that position, and get some wings who can create their own shot and be a true closer at the end of close games. I think this program can get rolling quickly, but there needs to be some real changes this offseason.
  6. I’m kind of intrigued to see these speeches. I remember red flags from hearing zero mention of Coach Miller from the seniors. Hopefully it’s a little more positive.
  7. Unfortunately I think IU fans need to root for Wisconsin today.
  8. Completely agree here. I know I mentioned it before, but I’ve commented how the offense has looked better recently when Trayce isn’t in the game. I don’t mean that our offense is better when Trayce is sitting, but rather I think our offense would be much better if he wasn’t the focal point and first priority on offense when he’s in the game. He could be the nation’s best 3rd option if we let X, Race, and our 3 point shooters take control of this offense.
  9. @Coach ShepXJ having a pretty good stretch huh?
  10. I’m feeling strangely confident tonight. Ready to get hurt.
  11. I think you’d rather have notre dame win since they’re at home.
  12. I’m still feeling confident. We should be able to beat Maryland at home, and if we lose then I’ll feel confident that we aren’t going to the tournament.
  13. I think your first paragraph is an especially great point. I have a weird comparison but bear with me here. After I graduated from IU, I went to a music conservatory for my Master’s degree. This school has an incredible history and tradition as being one of the best music schools around, but it’s obvious to me that it isn’t the case anymore. What was telling however, was a lot of the students (especially undergrads) who went there acted like they had already “made it,” and that couldn’t have been further from the truth. Those students would then goof off and not work hard in an industry where making a full-time living is incredibly unlikely. Another funny observation during my time there was the administration acted like we were a top level school as well, which I’m sure didn’t help the students stay grounded and focused on their pursuit of becoming a professional musician.
  14. I’d rather just blow it up for the most part. Keep Geronimo, Leal, Galloway and Bates and just start over.
  15. Our offense being pound the ball in to TJD all the time has to end. We spend 20 seconds trying to get him the ball. If it gets there he forces up a tough shot, and if it never gets there the guards have to make something happen with little time left on the shot clock. It’s so frustrating to watch, and it’s incredibly predictable.
  16. Unbelievably bad down the stretch. What a wasted opportunity.
  17. That possession is exactly what I’m talking about. Trayce forces a bad shot while X is wide open at the top of the key.
  18. I can’t believe we have the lead right now
  19. Maybe Trayce should be more of a rim runner instead of the featured piece to our half court offense. Offense looking better when our guards are driving.
  20. Are these the first minutes with Durr and TJD?
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