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Sleeping With The Enemy
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Everything posted by Zlinedavid

  1. It depends on which portion of the batch you get. If the employees just scrape up all the little half circles that are fried to hell and back, they’re horrible. The long, spiral pieces, yes, delicious.
  2. Vincennes is more or less home for me. Lived just across the river, but spent as much time in Vincennes. When I lived there, Monicals hadn’t made it across the river yet. They had locations in Mt Carmel, IL and Robinson, IL.
  3. I’m not saying they’re in any way connected, or that their talent, potential and strengths/weaknesses are in any way similar, but Vic’s freshman season could be described as “flashes of potential” as well.
  4. Having friends in the right places is good. Edit: I was curious, since she said “…that will tell you how old I am.” I couldn’t believe she’s 48….and looks a good 10-12 years younger.
  5. Familiar with the name, as I’m originally from southeastern Illinois, but never actually eaten there.
  6. It’s not bad, but not great. It was the closest pizza place to my former house though. And agree with you on the gastrointestinal effects of Pizza Hut. A very Taco Bell type effect.
  7. Time will tell how it turns out, but those trades made me think of the ‘97 Mariners. Their bullpen was atrocious and they decide to go for broke. All prospects on the table. Did they go after White Sox all star closer Roberto Hernandez? Maybe serviceable reliever Steve Klein from Cleveland? No, of course not. They get Mike Timlin (a decent throw in), Paul Spoljarik and Heathcliff Slocumb. *sigh* And all they gave up were Jose Cruz, who wound up with a decent career but was probably the hottest OF prospect that deadline, and a couple of guys named Lowe and Varitek that did a couple things in Boston. Oops.
  8. I was in a Domino’s waiting behind one other customer to pick up my pizza order. A third customer comes in carrying two pizza boxes and slams them down on the counter. His only comments before storming back out the door was (verbatim): “I’m contacting your corporate office for a refund. I can’t eat this. It tastes like wet dog.” The obvious comment was made by the guy behind the counter “How does he know what wet dog tastes like.” My answer to that was (and read between the lines on this one…): “Good thing he didn’t order Chinese.”
  9. I’ve smoked a pork loin stuffed with cream cheese and red peppers, then wrapped in bacon and glazed with red Chile honey. It was deliciously satisfying as seeing the look on a Purdue coed’s face when the buffet is closed.
  10. The first time you make Alfredo sauce, you realize it’s quite possibly one of the most unhealthy things you can eat. Heavy cream, butter, cheese. But sweet baby Jesus is it good….lol.
  11. Strangely enough….you’re not the first person to tell me that. today.
  12. And that's why I loved covering kickoffs. I had a knack (or lack of sanity) for playing the human bowling ball/wedge buster. Just dive broadside into the wedge and see how many guys I could take out. Didn't wind up with many tackles that way, but did end up with more than a few from the returner tripping over me. 🤣
  13. Can't say I've ever gotten winded dropping a deuce. Now, I've had more than a few that would take your breath away.....
  14. And not quite OSU’s backyard, but on the same block.
  15. To quote Keith Olbermann back when SportsCenter was worth watching: “Can’t guard him…you can only hope to contain him…”
  16. I’m hesitant to even say this, but this Indiana football may surpass the dreams of even Bill Mallory and Terry Hoeppner (May they both Rest In Peace). Tom Allen and his staff are on some level that hasn’t existed here before.
  17. Got to throw the challenge flag on one aspect of this or another. If you meant the most recent #1 overall pick, then yes, Fischer is correct, since he was drafted after Newton. However, Newton had a receiving TD on January 3, 2021. https://www.patriots.com/news/game-notes-newton-is-the-first-patriots-qb-to-have-a-receiving-touchdown Fischer’s came in September 2020.
  18. Would his name happen to rhyme with “Spam Pewton”?
  19. Wasn’t there something the last time this came up where the Kansas legislature said that they wouldn’t back realignment if Kansas and KState didn’t stay in the same conference?
  20. Had to look up Kershaw, he’s only been active 13 seasons.
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