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Sleeping With The Enemy
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Posts posted by Zlinedavid

  1. 3 hours ago, JW75 said:

    Bored at lunch today, I went back and read about the first 10 pages when this 1st broke.  Crazy to think this is pushing 300 pages .

    Makes you wish it was about Moses Abraham or Ezekiel Nebuchadnezzar or whatever the hell his name was, doesn’t it? :coffee: 

    • Like 1
  2. 46 minutes ago, tdhoosier said:

    Did anybody see the WaPo piece that got a hold of of all the internal studies that FaceBook has done? The ones that say people are more depressed and suicidal because of social media? The ones that show their algorithms are highly addictive divide people? Again these are internal studies and they are doing absolutely nothing about it. 

    If you want to get angry, listen to any interview with Tristan Harris, a former employee of Facebook. The algorithms bring posts with the most comments and activity to the top of your feed. Naturally these tend to be highly divisive and extreme posts that get people to fight. Many of these posts are false, greatly spun, and/or have sensational headlines for the sole purpose of getting this type of engagement. Because high engagement equals clicks. Clicks equal advertising. Advertising equals money.

    FB makes its money off of our data so they can allow corporations to hyper target advertising to us. And even more messed up, we willingly give FB our data FOR FREE. 

    I’m sure they wind up with my data eventually, but they work for mine. 

    The only identifiable presence I have on any major social media platform is LinkedIn, and I’m rarely ever logged in there. I have YouTube and Reddit accounts, but they’re registered through burner email accounts that were never used again. My browsers block all advertising and tracking activity, including the infamous “pixel”.  My phone is rarely ever connected to WiFi, and location services are off unless I have the GPS directions actively running. I don’t use apps if I can help it. I log into mobile sites through a browser. 
    Even my home automation stuff gets registered to burner email accounts, and are connected to a separate WiFi network than regular home internet traffic. 

    Again, I’m under no illusion that they’re not getting my life information somehow, but I do get the satisfaction of at least making them jump through a couple of hoops to get it. 

    Best part…..I don’t have to deal with all their addictive algorithms. I can waste plenty of time without any assistance, dammit. :coffee: 

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  3. 50 minutes ago, Artesian_86 said:

    One thing I miss about Wilson’s play calling is the hurry up offense. Im not saying that should be the case the entire game, but we need a little of that to keep teams guessing. I know I’m not the only one on here wishing we had a little of that. I mean, good grief,…..our defense was gassed. 

    To be fair, WKU’s offense would gas 95% of D1 defenses. 

  4. 14 minutes ago, mrflynn03 said:

    I guess I would make a terrible cop. I'd rather take a nap or watch Netflix than bother with people like that. 

    But I would issue turn signal violations like no other. 

    My younger brother left law enforcement for that reason. Do you enforce the letter of the law? The spirit of same law? He no longer wanted to be in a position to where he was deciding the law, rather than enforcing it. 

    • Like 1
  5. 23 minutes ago, Lostin76 said:

    I always wonder the same thing. Would they say those things to someone in person? Probably not.

    I deleted my Facebook profile about five years ago, and drastically cut down on who/what I follow on Twitter. Political accounts were largely unfollowed or muted. I am still on Instagram, b/c it’s a steady stream of dogs, road bikes, and gardening - the things that make me happy.

    I’ll change that to I guarantee that they wouldn’t. The stronger the language on social media, generally, the weaker the ability to hold the same conversation in person. 

    • Like 1
  6. 1 hour ago, Lostin76 said:

     I’m super liberal, but I can’t stand the yappy, far left accounts on Twitter who are still cryassing about Trump. 

    Just for balance, I tend to be more moderate/conservative and feel the same about those delusional far right accounts still acting like Trump was still in office. 

    • Like 1
  7. 8 minutes ago, Andy06 said:

    Another example,  tonight in the Oregon game.  

    Arizona WR after the catch dives forward, Oregon DB launches, crown of the helmet to the side of the WR helmet. 

    Called targeting on the field, 100% the play that created the rule.  Booth says no targeting.   Absolutely no real justification for the call last week on McFadden if that isn't targeting tonight. 

    It's an embarrassing for NCAA officials.

    Micah should request an audience with the NCAA head of officiating this offseason. And hopefully, said meeting would occur in a boxing ring. 

    You wouldn’t even need a full mayonnaise jar to scrape up what would be left of that guy after about 10 minutes. 

    • Like 1
  8. 1 minute ago, mrflynn03 said:

    I'm weird about heights, and I for some reason like roofing, wtf right. 

    I can sit 20+ feet up in a tree stand. Jump from a 30 ft cliff into a river. 

    I can do roofing as long as it's a 10 pitch or below. 

    I don't do ladders. I can barely do a 2 step step stool. 


    I’m weird with ladders also. So long as it’s a standard (v shaped) ladder, it could be 30 feet and I’d be fine. Extension ladder….yeah, 5 feet, max. Hate those damn things. 

  9. 2 hours ago, Steubenhoosier said:

    On September 25, 1965, the Kansas City Athletics start ageless wonder Satchel Paige in a game against the Boston Red Sox. The 59-year-old Paige, a Negro League legend, proved his greatness once again by giving up only one hit in his three innings of play.



    Just to put age into perspective, that would be the equivalent of Roger Clemens taking the mound today. 

  10. 3 minutes ago, Hoosier82 said:

    Do they use different balls for field goals/kick offs? CTA got in the manager’s a** when he wasn’t around to get a ball in on a kickoff, screaming “that’s twice!!!”  I wonder if they didn’t have the correct ball on that FG attempt 

    Wouldn’t surprise me if something screwy like that happened. Campbell is at worst on par with the run of kickers we’ve had over the last decade or so. Might have a shot at kicking on Sundays. 

  11. 1 minute ago, mrflynn03 said:

    Looks good though. You are quite the handyman. 

    I do fine myself but am a much better repair man. Specifically mechanical work. 

    Danke.  I handle that as well, like the relocation of the power outlet that’s now contained inside that box…lol. 

    Only thing I don’t touch is roofing. Heights in general don’t bother me. I can look out an airplane window or my 12th floor office window no problem. Sheer heights, like climbing an extension ladder or looking over the edge of a roof….yeah, different story. 

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