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Sleeping With The Enemy
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Posts posted by Zlinedavid

  1. 2 minutes ago, Reacher said:

    I'd argue there isn't a flu vaccine but rather flu shots. Turns out the covid shots are about the same as the flu shots.

    @FKIM01 The Moderna CEO is on record as saying their vaccine is likely ineffective against Omnichron. As we see further variants, effectiveness is likely to decline further. 

    And none of this should be used as a criticism of the vaccines or as “proof” they don’t work. Flu shot formulations change every year due to this. I’m betting that in a few years, there will be an annual “COVID shot” that’s designed to target the latest mutations. Some years will be more effective than others. 

    • Like 3
  2. If these exist, I have no doubt that someone here knows about them. Has anyone ever come across any IU candystriped socks? Not tights or super long athletic socks, just regular old socks?

    Im having no problems finding candy cane striped socks, especially this time of year, but there’s an issue….those are all either horizontally striped or are in a swirl, and IU’s candy stripes are of course, vertical. And I’m striking out on those. 

    If you’re curious, this is for my carefully crafted Christmas attire for this year. My mother-in-law said that she wants everyone to do the “ugly Christmas sweater” thing for Christmas dinner this year. Well, I decided to go completely over the top on this for two reasons: a) I look like a f***ing goober in typical crew neck sweaters and b) I’m typically the straight laced one when it comes to stuff like this, so It’ll blow everyone out of the water. I’ll be wearing:


    And naturally, red and white striped socks would “match” perfectly, so I figure why not get a little Indiana involved? Plus, if you recall, my wife’s entire family are Kentucky natives and lifelong UK fans. That and my sister in law’s boyfriend has gone on record that he hates anything even colored red due to UL/IU. So…having something IU themed is not just seasonally appropriate, it’s also a well placed elbow to the ribs. 😈


    If anyone knows of any that have ever been made, I’d appreciate it!

    • Haha 2
  3. 4 minutes ago, btownqb said:

    I'm incredibly happy to hear that. 

    So one other point..(we agree on this, I'm just coming from a teachers perspective and yours a parent, and absolutely nothing wrong with either)

    You're a good parent, I'm sure, and I bet your wife is as well... use your son as an example with his ADHD.. 

    I'm sure you guys make sure he's fed well, sleeps enough, doesn't get to make excuses, and has a ritual for HW/studying for tests, etc school wise... 

    Take that same ADHD and throw it into a one parent household w/no dad present... mom has 4 other kids, mom works 45hours a week, the kid essentially raises himself... see how that environment coupled with ADHD could be incredibly problematic? 


    • Like 1
  4. On 12/3/2021 at 2:40 PM, Reacher said:

    That is how we got our last dog. Our previous GS died and within a month my wife was in contact with adoption agencies. Not long after, we brought him home. This time, I'm thinking we will wait a little longer. I can use a break. 

    And sometimes a break is healthy. It’s been a little over a year since we had to put our last dog down, and with buying a new house, knew it wasn’t the right time. 

    But, that year has given everyone time to heal, and now we can all talk about the happy memories that our dogs provided during their lives. Will always miss them, but the sadness of their loss has faded, replaced with the memories of the better times in their lives. 

    • Like 2
  5. On 12/3/2021 at 1:12 PM, Lostin76 said:

    Feeling like “my job is done here” today after rewiring my wife’s VERY old ceramic Christmas tree. I bought it on Ebay from a lady in Minnesota about 12 years ago and it’s worked every year since, despite the frighteningly small plug and ancient wiring. This year, we plugged her in and nothing. 

    Upgraded it to wiring that won’t burn our house down now, and we can move forward with the Christmas season as scheduled. 👷‍♂️

    Did a bunch of that about 3 years ago. We had a number of very nice outdoor decorations that were still running on incandescent bulbs. So before my wife was tempted to just re-buy them, I bought a case of outdoor micro-LED strings and restrung them all. Took a bunch of time and a lot of tiny zip ties, but was worth it. 

    • Like 1
  6. 6 hours ago, Reacher said:

    Some facts as we know them today-

    • The vaccines do not confer immunity or prevent transmission.
    • What beneficial effect they do have wears off, we don’t know when.
    • They probably don’t protect against new variants or mutations.
    • The vaccines have unknown longterm side effects.

    Every single one of those points also applies to flu vaccines, but it’s only the COVID vaccine that is in people’s crosshairs. 

  7. 2 minutes ago, btownqb said:

    Sure. I can appreciate that as a parent. 

    But things like individual testing, longer breaks between testing(state testing), preferential seating, etc. All of that can go a LONG way towards gaining some confidence in the classroom and life, I believe. 

    The other important part is you have multiple teachers with more eyes and ears on a student that's in special Ed. 


    So far, no issues. Both of them were/are above average students untreated, and since starting treatment earlier this year, my oldest is into well above average territory. Only real issue he has is being prone to the occasional careless arithmetic mistake, but his math grades are typically 90% or above now, so he’s still in solid shape. 


    • Like 1
  8. On 12/2/2021 at 2:00 PM, btownqb said:

    Everything you said here is great. Literally I mean that. I work with special education, which is ENTIRELY different from when you or I went to school. Your kids with ADHD could easily qualify for special ed... and 10000% agree there is essentially nothing wrong w/ADHD meds, other than some kids have trouble putting weight on/eating at all because they are on them. I only know this because of coaching football and speaking with some of our players about weight gain lol

    Now... where I am going with this is... you are right and the post you quoted is somewhat right, his point about recess is absolutely spot on. I taught 1st grade for a year... they were allowed one recess a day. 1st grade. Unreal. I couldn't believe it. I had 3 of them when I was in elementary school. 


    Well aware of that. And here’s a response that isn’t heard often enough: I don’t want them to have any type of accommodation or advantage that they don’t absolutely require. If they don’t require some kind of accommodation, I want them on a level playing field with everyone else. 

    I was unknowingly fighting uphill my entire academic life. No sense in that. But there are no true shortcuts in life, and I want them to have to learn, adapt and if possible, succeed with their condition without any unneeded accommodations. 

  9. On 12/1/2021 at 5:05 PM, 13th&Jackson said:

    Totally defer to you on this. Clearly ADHD is a thing and requires treatment. However, schools are eliminating recess and then punish kids who don’t sit still in class. There is pressure on parents to medicate kids 


    Just curious….where’s the “pressure to medicate” that you’re seeing? I’ve got two grade school aged kids, one diagnosed with ADHD and one that I’d bet a year’s worth of mortgage payments that does. It took until my oldest was in 4th grade for any teacher or administrator to make even the remotest comment regarding ADHD, and even then, medication has never been mentioned aside from conversations between us and our pediatrician. 

    Even then, the doctor was walking on eggshells about medication until I told her that yes, I have it also and am more than familiar with the entire menu of medications. 

    There was no pressure anywhere. 

    Also, that article doesn’t understand the ties between ADHD and energy outlets. While I agree that younger kids need a physical energy outlet, that isn’t going to stop someone that has untreated ADHD from fidgeting. You can take a kid with untreated ADHD, make them run 6 miles and while they might stay seated, they’re still going to fidget or squirm in their chair or play with their shoelaces or whatever else. Fidgeting isn’t tied to energy levels. It’s a psychological release. The untreated ADHD brain is moving at light speed, taking in every last stimuli. Fidgeting is how some kids deal with that, by doing something repetitive and stable to cope with the influx of things running through their mind. 

    Here’s the other interesting thing about ADHD and medications. Give a kid that is just high energy an ADHD stimulant and it’ll make the problem worse. Stimulants have the opposite effect on those with ADHD vs those that don’t have it. 

    Case in point, Adderall is commonly obtained illegally and abused by college students to stay awake and study. I can take a dose of Adderall and if I’m that tired, can take a two hour nap without a problem. If you don’t have ADHD, a stimulant will crank your energy levels through the roof. If you have ADHD, it calms you down. 

    This whole “pressure to medicate” makes no sense, because if you don’t have ADHD, a stimulant is going to result in worse academic performance in a young child, not better. And in those with ADHD, the medication isn’t adding anything, it’s making up for a deficiency. It doesn’t make you study more, but it enables you to if you choose to. 

  10. On 11/29/2021 at 2:55 PM, Reacher said:

    Thanks! There is a reason I hired someone for the ceiling!

    It is not color changing paint or anything, certain light conditions just bring out the different colors.

    Benjamin Moore Bleeker Beige is the same way. It’s fascinating how two walls look different colors, yet when they meet at a corner, it’s the same. 

  11. 5 hours ago, 13th&Jackson said:

    I think that's a big part. I also believe treating kids with meds at an early age is an issue. Used to be boys who were fidgety in class worked out their energy on the playground. Now they're diagnosed with ADHD and are put on meds.

    Going to throw the flag on this one, only because I come from the other side of the coin. I WISH I had been diagnosed with ADHD as a kid, but I wasn’t until the age of 30. But, my grades never suffered so why bother, right? 

    ADHD is a very common condition to misunderstand. It’s not simply “fidgeting”. It’s taxing on your brain to have to tell yourself to constantly focus. There’s also the common co-morbidities of anxiety and depression, which are both tied to the ADHD brain’s lack of/rapid processing of dopamine. Fortunately, mine only came with depression, but it’s not uncommon for both to be present. 

    Those co-morbidities can lead to a lack of socialization, inability to regulate emotions, isolation….any of these starting to sound like familiar traits associated with acts of violence? 

    ADHD medication isn’t the evil that it’s made out to be. It doesn’t turn you into a crack fiend. You don’t get “addicted”. I take the most evil of the evil: instant release Adderall. I’ve taken the exact same dose every day for over 3200 consecutive days, no changes. Find an “addict” with that much consistency. 

    And downing a couple of pills a day is all it takes to transform me from a depressed, overly sensitive space cadet into a normal human being. 

    Sorry for the sermon, but that’s obviously a hot button topic for me. Is ADHD misdiagnosed in some kids? Sure. But don’t just assume that ADHD is some kind of made up or overblown problem. I can assure you, it is absolutely a real condition in which there are just as many people that don’t get diagnosed when they should be, as there are misdiagnoses. 

    Edit: My wife was also diagnosed as an adult. We’ve known for awhile that our kids would likely have it. Our 10 year old was just diagnosed this year, and yes, we started him on medication, and it’s made a world of difference. We’re waiting before starting our 8 year old, but it’s only a matter of when.

    • Like 7
  12. 9 hours ago, btownqb said:

    I've noticed very little difference. But, hey, I have no clue on that. But there are quite a few flown through this area. You certainly may be right.  

    I grew up with an 812 area code. Currently live in Kentucky, and travelled extensively through the southeast, particularly Georgia and South Carolina. 

    Nooooo comparison, even with Kentucky. 

    Kentucky and southern Indiana, it’s not uncommon to see bumper stickers, etc with the CSA battle flag. Get in the Deep South outside of a major metropolitan area (Atlanta, etc) it’s uncommon if you can turn your head without seeing one. 


    • Like 2
  13. 3 hours ago, 5fouls said:

    Would Fickell leave Cincy before the playoff?

    I don’t know what he’d do if ND came calling, but Fickell is said to be very content at UC, and doesn’t want to leave until his two older kids finish high school, where they are both baseball players at Moeller (Griffey’s alma mater, baseball machine). 

    He’s a Columbus native, and since I don’t see OSU opening anytime soon, UC is the closest high major. 

  14. 17 hours ago, IU Scott said:

    I heard un the press conference Woodson said TJD had a great game but reminded him that he scored 48 at Illinois

    I know some of that was meant good naturedly, but that’s something I love about this staff that we haven’t had…practically ever. Both Woodson and Fife can look every player dead in the eye and say “I’ve already done practically everything you can do in that uniform….except one thing. Accomplish that, and we’ll all be happy.”

    • Like 4
  15. On 11/22/2021 at 7:37 PM, HoosierFaithful said:

    Wow, the mood here turned quickly.  Some folks are mighty reactionary.  Tom Allen has built up a LOOOOOOT of goodwill with this particular fan, and I imagine with the IU powers that be as well.

    Agree, and I hope he doesn't have to start burning that goodwill off. 

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